What is the Anarchist Entente? (1928)

Qu’est-ce que l’entente anarchiste ?

Chaque tendance faisant sa propagande à elle, chaque association fonctionnant comme elle l’entend, chaque journal exposant ses revendications spéciales. Pas de polémique personnelle ni tendancieuse. Ni concurrence de boutique ni concurrence-accaparement. Ni absorption, ni fusion, ni confusion. A chacun sa place au soleil, sa tactique, sa marche et son allure, ses réalisations et ses expériences, pourvu qu’elles n’impliquent pas recours à l’Etat ou aux sanctions gouvernementales. Paix entre nous, guerre aux archistes.

Voilà l’entente anarchiste.

What is the Anarchist Entente?

Each tendency makes its own propaganda, each association functioning as it sees fit, each paper expounding its specific claims. No polemics between persons or tendencies. Neither shop competition nor struggles to monopolize. Neither absorption, nor fusion, nor confusion. To each its place its place in the sun, its tactics, its path and its pace, its achievements and its experiences, provided that it does not entail recourse to the State or to governmental sanctions. Peace among us and war to the archists.

That is the anarchist entente.

“Qu’est-ce que l’entente anarchiste ?,” L’en dehors 7 no. 144-145 (mi-Octobre 1928): 4.

Working translation by Shawn P. Wilbur

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2720 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.