Letter to the Police Prefect

Paris, March 30, 1892

      Monsieur Lozé

I learn from the newspapers that you are sure of catching me. Well, let me tell you that you will not take me alive at least; dead, it is possible, I am throwing myself in the Seine in [   ] I have had enough of life.

Do not look for the guilty ones in the explosions of the Blvd. St. Germain and the rue de Clichy, for you will not find them. I am the guilty party. It is the magistrates I wanted [to strike]. But pardon me, for I am going to die.

If you want my body, go seek it in the water between the front of the Louvre and Samaritaine—

I have purchased a [postcard?] for a penny and a pen to write to you, and some ink.

I am putting this letter in the post at the Louvre, where I am writing to you.

I am at the telegraph office.

I am not rich enough to put a stamp on it, so I won’t—

So farewell my dear Monsieur Lozé—


Long live Anarchy!

down with Constans

Long live Louise Michel!

down with the magistrates

P.S. I have never left Paris.


It is with dynamite

Long live dynamite!

that we will have our revenge



About Shawn P. Wilbur 2719 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.