You have sent me The Anarchist Synthesis, by Sébastien Faure, dated February 20, 1928, and I am sure that you will republish this remarkable document or at least that you will make its contents known to your readers. On that conditions, allow me to put forward some remarks on this subject, which is certainly of a capital interest for the anarchist movement in all nations. […]
The anarchist, in my view, must not limit themselves to going to war against bourgeois society — to making anti-statist proclamations. —
That would be useless verbiage. What is important is that in their acts, in their everyday life, they remain accord with their theories, conform to them. […]
As a passionate lover of truth, beauty and liberty, the anarchist struggles for the establishment of an environment within which individuals would be free from all constraint and all authority outside of themselves, an environment in which each individual could rid themselves of all the metaphysical ideas to which, even today, they feel bound to sacrifice themselves. […]