Benjamin Colin (1818-1884)


There are a handful of very early anarchist or at least anarchistic writings identified by Max Nettlau that have remained elusive in my searches. One in particular — “Plus de gouvernement!” by Benjamin Colin — has nagged at me a bit, since I have known that the paper it was published in, L’Homme, journal de la démocratie universelle, was accessible in various forms and included some other anarchism-related content. But I have never got around the making the extra effort or financial outlay necessary to get my hands on it.

Fortunately, before I invested too much in the search, L’Homme appeared in the digital archives of the Société Jersaise. The archive is awkward to navigate, but seems to be complete. Having discovered the site, I didn’t waste any time transcribing and translating the article.

It will be worth coming back to explore the life of Colin, who was a radical republican, implicated in the Complot de Lyon, then exiled after the coup d’état of December 2, 1851. The biographical sketch linked in the sidebar will serve for now. His literary output seems to have largely taken the form of broadsides, a number of which have been digitized by the French national library. 

I have translated “No More Government!” and two other short articles, which you will also find linked in the sidebar. I look forward to stealing the time necessary to work through the handful of other short texts I have tracked down.

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2708 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.

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