All translations are working drafts and should be used or cited carefully. Posts marked “FR/EN” (etc.) are parallel, dual-language texts.

    1. 1992 Parisian squatters’ protest (FR/EN)
    2. A Brawl on the Boulevard Barbès” (1892) (FR/EN)
    3. Anarchist Decalogue” (1930) (FR/EN)
    4. Anarchist Entente—Short Statements (1928–1929) (FR/EN) [multiple articles]
    5. An Anti-Intellectualist Manifesto” (Ecuador, 1930)
    6. L’authentique embusqué / The Genuine Shirker” (1915) (FR/EN) [attributed to E. Armand]
    7. Before the Election / After the Election” [cartoon from l’en dehors] (1922)
    8. [Benjamin R. Tucker on French anarchists] (1904)
    9. Cheerfulness” (1810)
    10. Disagreement Regarding the Posthumous Publications of Unpublished Works by P.-J. Proudhon (1865)
    11. The Exploits of Ravachol (in progress)
    12. The Feuding Brothers
    13. An Individualist Program” (El Unico, 1912) (FR/EN)
    14. Liberty through Education” (signed by Elisée Reclus, Louise Michel. J. Grave, J. Ardouin, Ch. Malato, E. Janvion, L. Matha, J. Degalvès, Tolstoï, A. Girard, P. Kropotkine, J. Ferrière, L. Malquin) (1898)
    15. Manifesto of the Sixty Workers of the Seine (1864)
    16. On the Subject of the Anarchist Synthesis (1928) [multiple articles]
    17. Principal Tendencies of “l’Unique” (1956) (FR/EN)
    18. Protest of the Mutuellistes” (1834)
    19. Ravachol pas mort ! / Ravachol Not Dead!” (1975) (FR/EN)
    20. Reflections” (l’en dehors)
    21. Report of the French Delegates to the Geneva Congress (1866)
    22. Simplism” [three short texts] (FR/EN)
    23. Some Reasons Why Mr. Tout-le-monde Does Not Like “l’en dehors”” (1928) (FR/EN)
    24. Theory of Egoism” (1801)
    25. The Three Era” (Le Représentant du Peuple, May 22, 1848) (FR/EN)
    26. The Voice of the Penal Colony (1893)
    27. A Voyage from Pole to Pole by way of the Center of the Earth (1721)
    28. What is the Anarchist Entente?” (1928) (FR/EN)
    29. Paul Adam, “Eulogy for Ravachol” (1892)
    30. Alceste, “Louis Moreau, Engraver” (1923)(FR/EN)
    31. [Anarchist Encyclopedia] “News and Rumors” (1895) (FR/EN) [proposal for an anarchist encyclopedia]
    32. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Abdication (FR/EN)
    33. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Abnegation (FR/EN)
    34. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Absolutism (FR/EN)
    35. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Abstraction (FR/EN)
    36. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Abuse (FR/EN)
    37. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Acclimation (FR/EN)
    38. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Acheminement (Advance by stages) (FR/EN)
    39. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Adaptation (FR/EN)
    40. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Admiration (FR/EN)
    41. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Antinomy (FR/EN)
    42. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Art-Action (Action d’art) (FR/EN)
    43. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Avatar (FR/EN)
    44. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Babel (Tower of) (FR/EN)
    45. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Bacchanalia (FR/EN)
    46. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Bagne (Penal colony) (FR/EN)
    47. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Ballotage (Second ballot) (FR/EN)
    48. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Ban (FR/EN)
    49. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Banishment (FR/EN)
    50. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Cabal, Kabbalah (FR/EN)
    51. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Cacophony (FR/EN)
    52. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Debacle (FR/EN)
    53. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Desert (FR/N)
    54. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Enmity (Inimitié) (FR/EN)
    55. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Fogey (FR/EN)
    56. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Gag (Bâillon) (FR/EN)
    57. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Habituation (Accoutumance) (FR/EN)
    58. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Ham-acting (Cabotinage) (FR/EN)
    59. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Harlequin (Arlequin) (FR/EN)
    60. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Hierarchy (FR/EN)
    61. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Impulsive (FR/EN)
    62. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Impunity (FR/EN)
    63. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Imputation (FR/EN)
    64. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Inconsistency (FR/EN)
    65. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Indefinite (FR/EN)
    66. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Initiation (FR/EN)
    67. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Injustice (FR/EN)
    68. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Logomachy (FR/EN)
    69. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Monopolization (Accaparement) (FR/EN)
    70. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Ulterior Motive (Arrière pensée) (FR/EN)
    71. Anarchist Encyclopedia: Vegetarian (FR/EN)
    72. E. L. Armand, “Letter from Switzerland” (1896) (FR/EN)
    73. E. A., “Noël! / Noel!” (1901) (FR/EN) [verse]
    74. E. Armand, “Pages from the Gospel: Life” (1901)
    75. E. Armand, “Overproduction” (1901)
    76. E. Armand, “In the World, but Not of the World” (1901) (FR/EN)
    77. E. Armand, “Scènes de Noel / Christmas Scenes” (1901) (FR/EN)
    78. E. Armand, “Souvenir / Memory” (1906)(FR/EN)
    79. E. Armand, “Un Portrait / A Portrait” (1906) (FR/EN) [verse]
    80. E. Armand, “Life As Experience” (1906)(FR/EN)
    81. E. Armand, “Le choix / The Choice” (1906) (FR/EN)
    82. E. Armand, “Ouragan / Hurricane” (1906)
    83. E. Armand, “Un mur pour horizon / A Wall for Horizon” (1907) (FR/EN) [verse]
    84. E. Armand, “Réfractaires! / Refractories!” (1907) (FR/EN) [verse]
    85. E. Armand, “Demain / Tomorrow” (1908) (FR/EN) [verse]
    86. E. Armand, “Aujourd’hui / Today” (1908) (FR/EN) [verse]
    87. E. Armand, “Le Travail / Work” (1908) (FR/EN) [verse]
    88. E. Armand, “L’abîme / The Abyss” (1910) (FR/EN)
    89. E. Armand, “Hésitations / Hesitations” (1910) (FR/EN) [verse]
    90. E. Armand, A Little Manual for the Anarchist Individualist (1911) (FR/EN)
    91. E. Armand, “Along the Way” (1911)
    92. E. Armand, “When I Separate Myself” (1911)
    93. E. Armand, “I Do Not Always Have Just One Opinion” (1912)
    94. E. Armand, “Solidary?” (1912) (FR/EN)
    95. E. Armand, “The Man of Blood” (1913) (FR/EN)
    96. E. Armand, “Because I Consider You To Be Mine” (1913) (FR/EN)
    97. E. Armand, “Rêve païen / Pagan Dream” (1913) (FR/EN)
    98. E. Armand, “La première impulsion / The First Impulse” (1916) (FR/EN)
    99. E. Armand, On Sexual Liberty (1916) (FR/EN)
    100. E. Armand, “Variations on Sensuality” (1916) (FR/EN)
    101. E. Armand, “Les papillons de nuit / Moths” (1916) (FR/EN)
    102. E. Armand, [“I have nothing against the label…”] (1917) (FR/EN)
    103. E. Armand, [“Live your life…“] (1917) (FR/EN)
    104. E. Armand, [“To restrain the passions!“] (1917)
    105. E. Armand, “My Kingdom is of this World” (1917)
    106. E. Armand, “Judas Iscariot” (1917)
    107. E. Armand, “Our Rule of Ideological Conduct” (1922)
    108. E. Armand, “Les Négateurs de Maîtres / We Deny All Masters” (1922) (FR/EN) [verse]
    109. E. Armand to Max Nettlau (mid-July, 1922) (FR/EN)
    110. E. Armand, “Perspective” (1922) (FR/EN) [verse]
    111. E. Armand, “Ma Muse / My Muse” (1922) (FR/EN) [verse]
    112. E. Armand, “Regrets” (1922) (FR/EN) [verse]
    113. E. Armand, “Fleurs de Solitude / Flowers of Solitude” (1923-1925) (FR/EN) [verse] [in progress]
    114. E. Armand, “Un curieux songe / A Curious Dream” (1923) (FR/EN) [verse]
    115. E. Armand, “Equisses… / Sketches…,” L’En dehors 2 no. 6 (début Février 1923): 2. (FR/EN) [verse]
    116. E. Armand, “La Passion Patibulaire / The Sinister Passion” (1923) (FR/EN) [verse]
    117. E. Armand, “Egoîsmes / Selfish Thoughts” (1923) (FR/EN) [verse]
    118. E. Armand, “Chants d’un emmuré / Songs of the Immured” (1923) (FR/EN) [verse]
    119. E. Armand, [“Nature alway aims at the complete use of the faculties…”] (1923) (FR/EN)
    120. E. Armand, “Plan for an Epitaph” (1923) (FR/EN)
    121. E. Armand, The Individualist Anarchist Initiation (1923) (in progress)
    122. E. Armand, “Liberty Will Triumph” (FR/EN) (1923)
    123. E. Armand, “Pensées d’automne / Autumn Thoughts” (1923)
    124. E. Armand, “Amertume / Bitterness” (1923) (FR/EN) [verse]
    125. E. Armand, “Poème erotique / Erotic Poem” (1923) (FR/EN)
    126. E. Armand, “Estompe / Fading” (1924) (FR/EN)
    127. E. Armand, “The Age of Dinosaurs” (1924) (FR/EN)
    128. E. Armand, “L’Individualisme de la Joie / The Individualism of Joy” (1924)
    129. E. Armand, “Calculs / Calculations” (pre-1925) (FR/EN) [verse]
    130. E. Armand, “D’en haut / From on High” (pre-1925) (FR/EN) [verse]
    131. E. Armand, “Adventure Was There…” (1925) (FR/EN) [verse]
    132. E. Armand, [“On a préconisé…“] (1925) (FR/EN)
    133. E. Armand, “Like Lions…” (1925) (FR/EN) [verse]
    134. E. Armand, “Liberty, Mother of Order” (1925) (FR/EN)
    135. E. Armand, “Etiquette ? / Label?” (1925) (FR/EN)
    136. E. Armand, “Without Amoralization, No Anarchization” (1926)
    137. E. Armand, “The Anarchist Revolution” (1926) (FR/EN)
    138. E. Armand, “Plan for an Anarchist Individualist International” (1927) (FR/EN)
    139. E. Armand, “The Man of the Solitudes” (1927) (FR/EN) [verse]
    140. E. Armand, “Le Vase / The Vase” (1927) (FR/EN) [verse]
    141. E. Armand, “A Winter Song”(1927) (FR/EN) [verse]
    142. E. Armand, [note on camaraderie] (1927) (FR/EN)
    143. E. Armand, “My Body Is My Own” (1927) (FR/EN)
    144. E. Armand, “A True Story” (1928) (FR/EN)
    145. E. Armand, “April” (1928) (FR/EN) [verse]
    146. E. Armand, “On Friendship” (1928) (FR/EN)
    147. E. Armand, “On me reproche de manquer d’idéal / I Am Reproached for Lacking an Ideal” (1928) (FR/EN) [verse]
    148. E. Armand, “Le vrai camarade / The True Camarade” (1928) [verse]
    149. E. Armand, “Anarchist Entente—A Concrete Proposal” (1928) (FR/EN)
    150. E. Armand, “En Route, Pionniers et Précurseurs ! / Onward, Pioneers and Precursors!” (1928) (FR/EN)
    151. E. Armand, “Variations on Poetry” (1929)(FR/EN)
    152. E. Armand, “Exosthène” (1929) (FR/EN)
    153. E. Armand, “Le dernier nuage / The Last Cloud” (1929) (FR/EN)
    154. E. Armand, “Eveil / Awakening” (1930) (FR/EN)
    155. E. Armand, “Is the Anarchist Ideal Achievable?” (1930) (FR/EN)
    156. E. Armand, “The Journey” (1931) (FR/EN) [verse]
    157. E. Armand, “Questions qu’on ne poserait pas ailleurs / Questions You Wouldn’t Ask Elsewhere” (1931) (FR/EN)
    158. E. Armand, “Et Pétrini ? / And Pétrini?” (1931)
    159. E. Armand, “L’Amitié / Friendship” (1932) (FR/EN)
    160. E. Armand, [short items in l’en dehors] (1933) (FR/EN)
    161. E. Armand, “Éloge de l’égoïsme / In Praise of Egoism” (1933)
    162. E. Armand, “Simple reminder” (1934) (FR/EN)
    163. E. Armand, “The Age of Machines” (1934) (FR/EN)
    164. E. Armand, “En-dehorism” (1936) (FR/EN)
    165. E. Armand, “All Is Not Yet Lost” (1937) (FR/EN) [verse]
    166. E. Armand, “L’heure crépusculaire / The Twilight Hour” (1937) (FR/EN)
    167. E. Armand, “Rêve et réalité / Dream and Reality” (1938) (FR/EN) [verse]
    168. E. Armand, “Sentimentality” (1939) (FR/EN) [verse]
    169. E. Armand, “Challenge” (1941) (FR/EN)
    170. E. Armand, “Some Necessary Clarifications” (1845) (FR/EN)
    171. E. Armand, “What We Can Do” (1946) (FR/EN)
    172. E. Armand, “The New Mentality” (1946) (FR/EN)
    173. E. Armand, “James L. Walker and the Philosophy of Egoism” (1946)
    174. E. Armand, “My Friend Pierrot” (1957) (FR/EN)
    175. [E. Armand] Manifestos of l’Ere Nouvelle (FR/EN)
    176. Peter Arshinov, “Democracy” (Anarchist Encyclopedia) (FR/EN)
    177. Philibert Audebrand, P.-J. Proudhon and the Horsewoman of the Hippodrome (1868) (pdf — last revised June 11, 2024)
    178. Aurora, “I Am an Individualist” (1925) (FR/EN)
    179. Axieros, “Apolis” (1925) (FR/EN)
    180. Mikhail Bakunin, Fragment of a letter (undated, c. 1835-1840)
    181. Mikhail Bakunin, Fragment on Pan-Slavism and anarchism (“Me, I am an anarchist…”; undated) [draft]
    182. Mikhail Bakunin, Plan for a Revolutionary Organization (undated; probably 1866) [draft]
    183. Mikhail Bakunin, Contributions to the biography of Mikhail Bakunin (by Max Nettlau; includes memoir by Bakunin) [draft]
    184. Mikhail Bakunin, Letter (“My Dear Grand Papa;” June 29, 1824) [draft]
    185. Mikhail Bakunin, Text addressed to Aleksandra, Liubov, Tatiana and Varvara Aleksandrovna Bakunina (November, 1835)
    186. Mikhail Bakunin, Hamlet (1837)[draft]
    187. Mikhail Bakunin, Fragment on life and spirit (September 4, 1837) [draft]
    188. Mikhail Bakunin, Letter to Arnold Ruge (May, 1843) [draft]
    189. Mikhail Bakunin, Letter to La Réforme (January, 1845) [draft]
    190. Mikhail Bakunin, Dedication to Sofija Karlovna Mel’gunova (April 24, 1845) [draft]
    191. Mikhail Bakunin, Letter to Le Constitutionnel (March 19, 1846) [draft]
    192. Mikhail Bakunin, Speech on the 17th Anniversary of the Polish Revolution (December 14, 1847) [draft]
    193. Mikhail Bakunin, Fragment (“The revolution will circle the earth!”; 1848) [draft]
    194. Mikhail Bakunin, Fundamental Principles of the New Slavic Politics (June, 1848) [draft]
    195. Mikhail Bakunin, Mikhail Bakunin, Letter to George Herwegh (“I believe neither in constitutions, nor in laws;” early August, 1848) [draft]
    196. Mikhail Bakunin, Chapter from an erotic tale (October-November, 1848) [draft]
    197. Mikhail Bakunin, Letter to Proudhon (December 12, 1848) [draft]
    198. Mikhail Bakunin, Letter to Nikolai Bakunin (February, 1861)
    199. Mikhail Bakunin, Speech at Malmö, Sweden, March 30 1863 [translation of translation]
    200. Mikhail Bakunin, Letter to Proudhon (November 11, 1864) [draft]
    201. Mikhail Bakunin, [Article for “Il popolo d’Italia”] (1865) (FR/EN)
    202. Mikhail Bakunin, Fragments concerning Freemasonry – A (Summer-Fall 1865) [draft]
    203. Mikhail Bakunin, Fragments concerning Freemasonry – B (Summer-Fall 1865) [draft]
    204. Mikhail Bakunin, Principles and Organization of the International Revolutionary Society. I. Object. II. Revolutionary Catechism (March, 1866) [draft]
    205. Mikhail Bakunin, The Program of “La Démocratie” (May 24, 1868) [draft]
    206. Mikhail Bakunin, Second Address to the Second Congress of Peace and Freedom (September 23, 1868) [draft]
    207. Mikhail Bakunin, Collective protest of the dissident members of the 2nd Congress of Peace and Freedom (September 25, 1868)
    208. Mikhail Bakunin, Program and Regulations of the International Association of the Socialist Democracy (1868)[draft]
    209. Mikhail Bakunin, Speech of the Citizen Bakunin to a Public Assembly of Foreign Socialists (November 23, 1868) [draft]
    210. Mikhail Bakunin, Letter to Karl Marx (December 22, 1868)
    211. Mikhail Bakunin, Program of the International Society of the Revolution (1868) [draft]
    212. Mikhail Bakunin, Program of the Russian Socialist Democracy [Narodnoe Delo] (1868) [draft]
    213. Mikhail Bakunin, Mikhail Bakunin, A Few Words to My Young Brothers in Russia (1969)[draft]
    214. Mikhail Bakunin, To the Compagnons of the International Workingmen’s Association of Locle and La Chaux de fond, Article 1 (February, 1969)
    215. Mikhail Bakunin, Madame Léo and l’Egalité (March 13-27, 1969) [draft]
    216. Mikhail Bakunin, The International Movement of the Workers (May 27, 1869)[draft]
    217. The Policy of the International (I-II, III-IV) (August 7-28, 1969) [draft]
    218. Mikhail Bakunin, Counter-Proposal on Resistance Funds (August 14, 1969) [draft]
    219. Mikhail Bakunin, Report of the Commission on the Question of Inheritance (August 27, 1969) [draft]
    220. Mikhail Bakunin, On Cooperation (September 4, 1969) [draft]
    221. Mikhail Bakunin, Two Speeches to the Congress of the IWA at Basle (September 18, October 1, 1969) [draft]
    222. Mikhail Bakunin, The Bears of Berne and the Bear of Saint-Petersburg (1870)[draft]
    223. Mikhail Bakunin, The Death Penalty in Russia (February 7, 1870) [draft]
    224. Mikhail Bakunin, Letter to Albert Richard (February 7, 1870) [draft]
    225. Mikhail Bakunin, The Swiss Police (February 19, 1870) [draft]
    226. Mikhail Bakunin, Letter to Albert Richard (March 12, 1870) [draft]
    227. Mikhail Bakunin, Letter to Albert Richard (April 1, 1870) [draft]
    228. Mikhail Bakunin, Pan-Slavism (April 9, 1870) [draft]
    229. Mikhail Bakunin, Letter to Nikolay Ivanovich Zhukovsky (May 5, 1870) [draft]
    230. Mikhail Bakunin, Letters to a Frenchman on the Present Crisis (September 1-16, 1870) [draft]
    231. Mikhail Bakunin, French Republic: Revolutionary Federation of the Communes (September 27, 1870) [draft]
    232. Mikhail Bakunin, Philosophical Considerations on the Divine Phantom, the Real World and Man (November-December, 1870) (partial translation) [draft]
    233. Mikhail Bakunin, The Reveille of the Peoples (1870, 1870) (fragment) [draft]
    234. Mikhail Bakunin, The Knouto-Germanic Empire and the Social Revolution (1870-71)
    235. Mikhail Bakunin, The Political Theology of Mazzini and the International (first part; 1871) [Sarah E. Holmes]
    236. Mikhail Bakunin, The Principle of the State (1871) [draft]
    237. Mikhail Bakunin, Letter to Ogarev and Ozerov (April 5, 1871) [draft]
    238. Mikhail Bakunin, Bourgeois Oligarchy (July, 1871) [draft]
    239. Mikhail Bakunin, To the Brothers of the Alliance in Spain (June 12-13, 1872) [draft]
    240. Bakunin, Letter to Celso Ceretti (March 13-27, 1872) [excerpts]
    241. Mikhail Bakunin, Nechayev: Is He a Political Criminal or Not? (1872) [draft]
    242. Mikhail Bakunin, Letter to Zamfir Arbore (September, 1873) [draft]
    243. Mikhail Bakunin, “Mémoire justificatif” (July 28-29, 1874) [draft]
    244. Mikhail Bakunin, Revolutionary Socialism in Russia [fragment] (1975) [ draft]
    245. Mikhail Bakunin, Letter to Elisée Reclus (February 15, 1875) [draft]
    246. Mikhail Bakunin, On Democracy in France (fragment, dated January-February, 1876, but date uncertain; translation in progress)
    247. Lucien Barbedette, “L’Inéluctable / The Inescapable” (1929)(FR/EN)
    248. Henri Barbusse, “Is the Anarchist Ideal Achievable?” (1930) (FR/EN)
    249. Auguste Beauchery, “Solution of the Problem of Certainty
    250. Bellegarrigue to the voters of the Department of Gers (1848)
    251. Anselme Bellegarrigue, The Electoral Law
    252. Anselme Bellegarrigue, To the Point! To Action!!
    253. Anselme Bellegarrigue, The Revolution (Anarchy, No. 2)
    254. Eugène Bizeau, “My Desires!” (1907) (FR/EN) [verse]
    255. Eugène Bizeau, “To the Superman” (1916) (FR/EN)
    256. Eugène Bizeau, “To Not Be Censored” (1916) (FR/EN)
    257. Eugène Bizeau, “Anarchist Individualist Initiation” (1924) (FR/EN) [review in poetic form]
    258. Charles-Auguste Bontemps, “The Libertarian Spirit” (1945) (FR/EN)
    259. Charles-Auguste Bontemps, “Synthesis of an Evolving Anarchism” (1952)
    260. Charles-Auguste Bontemps, “Éloge de l’égoïsme / In Praise of Egoism” (1965)
    261. Charles-Auguste Bontemps, “The Sustainability of Anarchism” (1967) (FR/EN)
    262. Maximilien Buffenoir, “Feminism in Lyon before 1848
    263. Étienne Cabet, Down with the Communists!
    264. Catherine Campoursy, “Joie de vivre / Joy of Living” (1933)(FR/EN)
    265. Candide, “Let Him Go to Italy” (1930) (FR/EN)
    266. Vicente Carreras, “Acraciápolis” (1902)
    267. Lev Chernyi, “The Three Types of Human Relations” (1923) (FR/EN)
    268. Charles-François Chevé, “Fundamental Principles of Socialism” (in progress)
    269. Charles-François Chevé, Socialist Catechism
    270. Jules Clère, “Jules Allix
    271. Ernest Coeurderoy, “Demolish Authority!” (1850) [from Days of Exile]
    272. Ernest Coeurderoy & Octave Vauthier, The Barrier of the Combat (1852)
    273. Ernest Coeurderoy, [Letter on the amnesty of August 1859]
    274. Ernest Coeurderoy, Three Letters to the Journal l’Homme (1854) (in progress)
    275. Ernest Coeurderoy, “The Revolution in Man and in Society” (pages 1-8) (FR/EN)
    276. Ernest Coeurderoy, Four “Visions” from Hurrah!!!
    277. Benjamin Colin, “To France” (1852) (FR/EN)
    278. André Colomer, “Reflections on Nietzsche and Anarchy” (1922) (FR/EN)
    279. Cosec, “Why I Am an Anarchist” (1951) (FR/EN)
    280. Andrea Costa, [From a letter to “l’Egalité” of Paris] (1878)
    281. Emilio Covelli, [From Anarchia No. 4] (1877)
    282. Gustave d’Eichthal and Ismayl Urbain, “Letters on the Black Race and the White Race” (1839) (FR/EN)
    283. Jenny P. d’Hericourt, A Letter from America
    284. Jenny P. d’Hericourt, “The Valain Family” (1847)
    285. Jenny P. d’Héricourt, Woman Emancipated [draft complete (Vol. 1, Vol. 2); revision pending]
    286. Jenny P. d’Héricourt, “Woman Emancipated” — Volume II (1860) (FR/EN) [i progress]
    287. Jenny P. d’Héricourt, “Philosophical Letters on Tolerance and the Critique of Hypotheses” (1863-64)(FR/EN)
    288. Jenny P. d’Héricourt, “André Léo” (1865) (FR/EN)
    289. Jenny P. d’Héricourt, “Illinois” (1866) (FR/EN)
    290. Jenny P. d’Héricourt, “Women and Peace” (1869) (FR/EN)
    291. Gigi Damiani, “Jesus and Bonnot: A Christmas Tale” (1927) (FR/EN)
    292. Alfred Darimon, Notice on the Journals of Proudhon
    293. Benjamin de Casseres, “Solitude” (1912)
    294. Emile de Girardin, “Mutualisme / Mutualism” (1852)
    295. Eugène de Mirecourt, “Proudhon” (1855)
    296. César de Paepe, “Anarchy” — 1863
    297. [César de Paepe], “The Present Institutions of the International from the Point of View of the Future” (1869)
    298. César de Paepe, To the Anti-Collectivists (1868)
    299. Agathon de Potter, Summary of Social Economy (in progress)
    300. [Trial of Joseph Déjacque for possession of munitions] (1849) (FR/EN)
    301. Joseph Déjacque, The Universal Circulus
    302. Joseph Déjacque, AuthorityDictatorship (aka “Down with the Bosses!”)
    303. Joseph Déjacque, “Discourse Pronounced July 26, 1853 on the tomb of Louise Julien, exile
    304. Joseph Déjacque, Exchange
    305. Joseph Déjacque,  The Humanisphere (draft)
    306. Joseph Déjacque, The Revolutionary Question
    307. Joseph Déjacque, “A New Book by P.-J. Proudhon” (1858)
    308. Joseph Déjacque, “The 4th of July” (1858)
    309. Joseph Déjacque, Scandal (1858)
    310. Joseph Déjacque, The Servile War
    311. Joseph Déjacque, The Theory of Infinitesimal Humanities (1859)
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    313. Joseph Déjacque, [trial transcript]
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    316. Joseph Déjacque, “The White Orgy” (1860)
    317. Joseph Déjacque, “Essay on Religion” (1861)
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    321. Jeanne Deroin, Letter to the Associations on the Organization of Credit (1851)
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    323. Jeanne Deroin, “Prospectus” of l’Opinion des Femmes (1848)
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    325. The Archangel St. Michael (Jeanne Deroin), Response to Satan
    326. Luc Desage and Auguste Desmoulins, The Doctrine of Humanity: Aphorisms
    327. Lucien Descaves, A Friend of Varlin
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    335. Ovide Ducauroy, “Puisque / Since” (1916) (FR/EN)
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    339. Ovide Ducauroy, “Enigme / Enigma” (1925) (FR/EN)
    340. Ovide Ducauroy, “Je suis… / I am…” (1925) (FR/EN)
    341. Georges Duchêne, “Government” (1849-50)(FR/EN)
    342. Ovide Ducauroy, “Le triomphe de l’humain / The Triumph of the Human” (1945) (FR/EN)
    343. Robert Dulud, “Etre Anarchiste / To Be an Anarchist” (1924) (FR/EN)
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    346. [l’en dehors], [note on personal polemics] (1925) (FR/EN)
    347. Prosper Enfantin, “The Priest—Male and Female” (1831)
    348. Louis Estève, “Opinion” (1937) (FR/EN) (FR/EN)
    349. George Etiévant, “A Letter from Etiévant” (1898) (FR/EN)
    350. George Etiévant, “The Hare and the Hunter” (1897) (FR/EN)
    351. Sébastien Faure, “The Revolt” (FR/EN)
    352. Sebastien Faure, “Twelve Proofs of the Non-Existence of God
    353. Sébastien Faure, “A Work of Immense Utility” (1925)
    354. Sébastien Faure, “The Revolutionary Song” (1927) (FR/EN)
    355. Sébastien Faure, “The Anarchist Synthesis” (1928)
    356. Sébastien Faure, “Opinion” (1929)
    357. Sébastien Faure, “Is the Anarchist Ideal Achievable?” (1930) (FR/EN)
    358. Sébastien Faure, “Anarchy” (1934) (excerpt)
    359. Ferdinand Fortin, “Anarchist Unity or Linkage?” (1934)
    360. Ferdinand Fortin, “My Point of View” (1935)
    361. Alfred Fouillée, “Immoralism and the Absolute Individualism of Stirner” (1902) (FR/EN)
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    363. Charles Fourier, “Course of the Social Movement” (1827)
    364. Charles Fourier, “Free Will” (in progress)
    365. Charles Fourier, “Intermeshing of the Series by Cabalistic Gastronomy
    366. Charles Fourier, “Invitation to the Echoes” (FR/EN)
    367. Charles Fourier, “Major or Gastrosophic War
    368. Charles Fourier, “Melons that Never Deceive
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    370. Charles Fourier, from “Note A” [The Pear-Growers’ Series]
    371. Charles Fourier, “On Analogy
    372. Charles Fourier, “On Commerical Charlataneries” (FR/EN)
    373. Charles Fourier, “On Empires that Have the Vapors Like Pretty Ladies” (FR/EN)
    374. Charles Fourier, “On the Irreligious Spirit of the Moderns
    375. Charles Fourier, “On Transitions” (1826)
    376. Charles Fourier, “Remedy for Various Slaveries” (1836)
    377. Charles Fourier, “To Monsieur Delyror” (FR/EN)
    378. Fraternal Association of the Socialist Democrats of Both Sexes (1849)
    379. Félix Frenay, “The Law” (1864) (FR/EN)
    380. René Furth, “The Anarchist Question” (1972) (FR/EN)
    381. Gabriel, “Pour faire réfléchir / To Inspire Reflection” [column] (FR/EN)
    382. Gabriel, “Pointes sèches / Sharp Points” [column] (FR/EN)
    383. Simon Ganneau, Baptism, Marriage (undated)
    384. Simon Ganneau, Festival of Attic Rooms and Thatched Cottages (1848)
    385. Simon Ganneau, Manifesto in Favor of an Association among Men (1840)
    386. Emile Gautier, “Social Darwinism” (1877)
    387. Emile Gautier, “Social Darwinism” (1880)
    388. Désirée Gay, “The Malthusians
    389. Désirée Gay, “Socialism
    390. Gazette Anecdotique, [“Ravachol is the hero of the day”] (1892) (FR/EN)
    391. Alexandre Ghé, “Open Letter to P. Kropotkin” (1916)
    392. Emma Goldman, [Letter to “l’en dehors”] (1922)
    393. Jean Grave, The Adventures of Nono (1901)
    394. Jean Grave, Free-Land (The Pioneers) (1908) [in progress]
    395. Paschal Grousset, “The Dream of an Irreconcilable” (1869)
    396. Paschal Grousset, Speech Pronounced at the Grave of Verdure (1873)
    397. Paschal Grousset & François Jourde, Speeches on the Paris Commune (1874)
    398. James Guillaume, Federalism
    399. James Guillaume, [On “God and the State”] (1908-1909)
    400. James Guillame, Proudhon: Communist (1911)
    401. Hauteclaire [Madeleine Colomer], “To Women” (1923)
    402. Henriette, artist, “A New Crime Against Liberty” (1848) (FR/EN)
    403. Henriette, artiste, “Letter to Proudhon” (1849)
    404. Emile Henry, Comrades of l’Endehors
    405. V. Henri, “Why We Are Anarchists” (1901)
    406. Tomás Ibáñez, “Pourquoi j’ai choisi l’anarchie / Why I Have Chosen Anarchy” (1962) (FR/EN)
    407. Maurice Imbard, “Comment vivre? / How to Live?” (1924)(FR/EN)
    408. Maurice Imbard, “The Anarchists” (1926) (FR/EN)
    409. Maurice Imbard, “Activité / Activity” (1923)
    410. Maurice Imbard, “Thought and Action” (1925) (FR/EN)
    411. Maurice Imbard, “O Anarchy!!!” (1928)
    412. Maurice Imbard, “Reflections on Anarchism” (1931) (FR/EN)
    413. Maurice Imbard, “People of War” (1933)
    414. Ixigrec, “Panurge in the Country of the Machines” (1940)
    415. Maurice Jamain, “Solitude” (1933) (FR/EN)
    416. Emile Janvion, “Our Free Education” (1899)
    417. Marius Jean, “To Fulfill Oneself” (1927) (FR/EN)
    418. Marius Jean, “A Dream of the Future” (1927) (FR/EN)
    419. Marius Jean, “We Must Not Abdicate” (1927) (FR/EN)
    420. Marius Jean, “Etre Anarchiste / To Be Anarchist” (1927) (FR/EN)
    421. Marius Jean, “The Anarchists’ Ideal” (1929)
    422. Marius Jean, “Egoism and Altruism” (1930) (FR/EN)
    423. Marius Jean, “Honesty with Oneself” (1931)
    424. Marius Jean, “My Idea of Happiness” (1933)
    425. Marius Jean, “To Those Who Claim to be of ‘Our World’” (1938) (FR/EN)
    426. Théodore Jean, “Anarchie / Anarchy” (1934) (FR/EN) [verse]
    427. Jeanne Marie, “What the Socialists Want” (1848) (FR/EN)
    428. Jeanne Marie, “Revelation” (1849)
    429. Jeanne Marie, “On Woman” (1849)
    430. Prof. H. Jezierski, “Quelques mots sur la propagande de l’individualisme / Some Words on the Propaganda of Individualism,” (1930) (FR/EN).
    431. Claude Journet, “Anarchy and the Anarchists” (1924) (FR/EN)
    432. Junius [E. Armand], “Indifférents” / “Indifferent” (1898) (FR/EN)
    433. Junius [E. Armand], “Réflexions / Reflections” (1898) (FR/EN)
    434. Denise Rougeault Juin to Sidney E. Parker, April 15th, 1962
    435. Charles Keller, A Memory of the Marmite
    436. Charles Keller, “Their Poor Reasons” (poem)
    437. Peter Kropotkin, et al., The Manifesto of the Sixteen
    438. Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers on labels (1923)
    439. Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers, “En Médiocratie / In Mediocracy” (1923) (FR/EN)
    440. Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers, “Realities, Truths” (1923—) (FR/EN)
    441. Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers, [“The essential thing is to keep your personality intact…”] (1923) (FR/EN)
    442. Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers, [“Scientific authoritarianism is as harmful as every form of authoritarianism…”] (1925 (FR/EN)
    443. Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers, [“The purpose of human existence is not to follow tradition…”] (1925) (FR/EN)
    444. Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers, “Individualist Art : Louis Moreau” (1929) (FR/EN)
    445. Gérard de Lacaze-Duthier, [“The bourgeoisie has only succeeded in reigning…”] (1932)
    446. Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers, “Action” (Anarchist Encyclopedia) (FR/EN)
    447. Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers, “Archies” (Anarchist Encyclopedia) (FR/EN)
    448. Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers, “Direct Action” (Anarchist Encyclopedia) (FR/EN)
    449. Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers, “The True Revolutionaries” (1935) (FR/EN)
    450. Juliette Lambert, Anti-Proudhonian Ideas (2nd Edition) [draft — last revised March 2024]
    451. Robert Lanoff, “Révoltons-nous / Let’s Rise Up!” (1909)
    452. Gabriel-Désiré Laverdant, “Of the Mission of Art and the Role of Artists” (1845)
    453. Henry La Bonne, “Le dédaigné Pissenlit / The Despised Dandelion” (1928) (FR/EN)
    454. Henry Le Bonne, “To the Cat” (1936)
    455. Joseph Leguépin, “Une sourdine / A Muzzle” (1916)(FR/EN)
    456. André Léo, Communism and Property (1868)
    457. André Léo, The Young Girl and the Bird
    458. André Léo, “Woman and Mores” (1869)
    459. Joseph Leroux, Your Nationalities (1892)
    460. Jules Leroux, What is the Republic?
    461. Pierre Leroux, Equality (1848, New Edition)(drafts: Part One, Part Three; last revised July 2, 2024)
    462. Pierre Leroux, [on Joseph Déjacque]
    463. Pierre Leroux, What If the Gospel was Right?
    464. Pierre Leroux, Individualism and Socialism
    465. Maxime Leroy, Stirner vs. Proudhon
    466. Ernest Lesigne, “Socialistic Letters, No. 8” (1887)
    467. Ernest Lesigne, “Socialistic Letters, No. 9” (1887)
    468. Gaston Leval, “The Path of Anarchism” (1924) (FR/EN)
    469. Gaston Leval, “Libertarian Socialist! Why?
    470. Gaston Leval, “The Permanent Crisis of Anarchism” (FR/EN) [in progress]
    471. Albert Libertad,“The Legend of Christmas” (1899)
    472. Liberto, [citations] (1925) (FR/EN)
    473. Liberto, “Libres propos / Free Remarks” (1925) (FR/EN)
    474. Liberto, “Réalisons ! / Let’s Do It!” (1925) (FR/EN)
    475. Errico Malatesta, “A Little Theory” (1892)
    476. Charles Malato, New Caledonian Tales (1897)
    477. Charles Malato, [excerpt on New Caledonia]
    478. [Attributed to Sylvain Maréchal], “Analysis of the Doctrine of Babeuf” (1796) (FR/EN)
    479. Sylvain Maréchal, “The Golden Age” (1782) [in progress]
    480. Sylvain Maréchal, “A Book Escaped from the Deluge” (1784) (FR/EN) [in progress]
    481. Sylvain Maréchal, “Modern Apologues for the Use of the Dauphin” (1788) (FR/EN) [in progress]héric
    482. Sylvain Maréchal, “Mother Nature before the National Assembly” (1791) (FR/EN)
    483. Sylvain Maréchal, “Corrective to the Revolution” (1793) (FR/EN) [in progress]
    484. Sylvain Maréchal, “The Last Judgment of Kings” (1793)
    485. Sylvain Maréchal, “Manifesto of the Equals” (1796) (FR/EN)
    486. Robert Mariette, “Solitude and Imagination” (1917) (FR/EN)
    487. F. T. Marinetti, “What Separates Us from Nietzsche” (1910)
    488. Martenot, “La Dynamite” (song) (1893)
    489. Enzo Martucci, “Au delà de tout morale / Beyond All Morality” (1947)  (FR/EN)
    490. Anselme Mauzé, [Selected Works] (1930-1938) (FR/EN)
    491. Ricardo Mella, “Collectivism” (1890)
    492. Ricardo Mella, “Spain” (1897)
    493. Ricardo Mella, Collectivism and Communism: Anarchists in Spain (1900) (FR/EN)
    494. Ricardo Mella, “Concerning an Antinomy” (1912) (ES/EN)
    495. Ricardo Mella, Free Cooperation and Communities
    496. Ricardo Mella, “The Bankruptcy of Beliefs” (1902) (ES/EN)
    497. Ricardo Mella, “Hopes” (1906) (ES/EN)
    498. Ricardo Mella, “Concerning an Antinomy” (1912) (ES/EN)
    499. Ricardo Mella, “Those Who Reign” (1912) (ES/EN)
    500. Ricardo Mella, “Beyond the Ideal” (1913)
    501. Ricardo Mella, “The Private Preserves” (1911) (ES/EN)
    502. Ricardo Mella, “The Rising Anarchy” (1903)
    503. Ricardo Mella, “Summary Proceedings” (1912) (ES/EN)
    504. Ricardo Mella, “Those Who Reign” (1912) (ES/EN)
    505. Ricardo Mella, “The Uselessness of the Laws” (1910) (ES/EN)
    506. Brutus Mercereau, “The Crows” (1925) (FR/EN)
    507. Brutus Mercereau, “The Donkey” (1925) (FR/EN)
    508. Brutus Mercereau, “The Little Cat” (1925) (FR/EN)
    509. Brutus Mercereau, “The Rat” (1926) (FR/EN)
    510. Louise Michel, The Claque-Dents (in progress)
    511. Louise Michel, “The Clavier of My Over-Dream“(1867) (FR/EN)
    512. Louise Michel, “The Crows
    513. Louise Michel, The Imperial Bastard (excerpts)
    514. Louise Michel, “Nadine
    515. Louise Michel, The New Era (1887)
    516. Louise Michel, “Old Abraël” (1888) (FR/EN)
    517. Louise Michel, “Old Chéchette” (1884) (FR/EN)
    518. Louise Michel, “Today or Tomorrow” (1892) (FR/EN)
    519. Louise Michel, “Why I Am an Anarchist” (1895) (FR/EN)
    520. Albert Millaud, “Ravachol” (poem) (FR/EN)
    521. Paule Mink, “Broken Arm” (1895)
    522. Paule Mink, “Poor Old Man” (1894)
    523. Paule Mink, “The Right of Abortion” (1891)
    524. Paule Mink, “Worker Mortality” (1895)
    525. Octave Mirbeau, Preface to Moribund Society and Anarchy
    526. Gustave de Molinari, [fragment on mutualism]
    527. J. F. Moncaleano, “The Story of the First Anarchist” (1913) (ES/EN)
    528. Edgar Monteil, The Execution of Gustave Chaudey and Three Gendarmes
    529. René Morley, “Solitude” (1915) (FR/EN) [verse]
    530. Pierre Mualdes, “Etre anarchiste / To Be an Anarchist” (1924)
    531. Multatuli, The Prayer of an Ignoramus
    532. A. Neblind, “Réflexions” (1925)
    533. Max Nettlau, “Bibliography of Anarchy” (1897) (in progress)
    534. Max Nettlau, Biographical Notice of Ernest Coeurderoy (in progress)
    535. Max Nettlau, “Does Socialism Truly Want to Be International?” (1920s)
    536. Max Nettlau, “On Centralization” (1909)
    537. Max Nettlau, The Struggle against the State (1908)
    538. Max Nettlau, [Letter to “l’en dehors”] (1922)
    539. Max Nettlau, “On the Subject of the Anarchist Synthesis” (1929) (FR/EN)
    540. Max Nettlau, “Individualism (or Communism?)” (Anarchist Encyclopedia) (FR/EN)
    541. Max Nettlau, Fragment (from IISH 1777: “All my arguments are based on the fact that men are different from one another…”)
    542. Max Nettlau, Fragment (IISH 2019: “We all live in these three worlds…”/”Tous nous vivons dans ces trois mondes…”)(undated)
    543. Léon Neveu, “Je suis ce subversif / I am that subversive” (1936)
    544. Eugenie Niboyet, The War (poem)
    545. Enrique Nido, “The Crossroads” (1923) (FR/EN)
    546. Joseph Noulens, [on Anselme Bellegarrigue]
    547. Renzo Novatore, “Je… / I…”(1925) (FR/EN)
    548. Œuvre Internationale des Editions anarchistes, “To the Anarchists of all Nations” (1924)
    549. Felix P….., The Philosophy of Defiance, or, A Pardon for Cain (1854)
    550. Paul Paillette, “The New Voice” (FR/EN)
    551. Pan, “Chanson Anarchiste” (1892) (FR/EN)
    552. Paraf-Javal, “The Rights of Man and the Law” (1902)
    553. Paraf-Javal, “Authority” (1907)
    554. Aurèle Patorni, “L’Androgyne / The Androgyne” (1920)
    555. Claude Pelletier, The Revolutionary Socialist Heretics of the 15th Century (preface)
    556. Claude Pelletier, Socialist Dictionary (in progress)
    557. Claude Pelletier, “Atercracy” (Socialist Dictionary) (FR/EN) (1874)
    558. Claude Pelletier, The Socialist Soirées of New York [in progress]
    559. Claude Pelletier, Solution of the Problem of Poverty
    560. Lucien Pemjean, “Why I Am an Anarchist” (1885) (FR/EN)
    561. Joseph Perrot, Transformation of the Republican Government and the Parliamentary Power by the Federative Principle: Coming of the People to Property (1886) [draft — last revised May 2024]
    562. Pervenche, “Jusqu’au bout / Until the End” (1922) (FR/EN) [verse; response to E. Armand’s “Perspective”]
    563. Pervenche, “L’Inexprimable est en moi / The Inexpressible Is Within Me” (1925) (FR/EN)
    564. Georges Pioche, “Is the Anarchist Ideal Achievable?” (1930) (FR/EN)
    565. Fernand Planche, “To Be Anarchist” (1934) (FR/EN)
    566. Fernand Planche, “To Be Anarchist” (1934) [manuscript]
    567. Eugène Pottier, “Already!” (poem; 1887)
    568. Louis Prat, “Harmonisme / Harmonism” (1927) (FR/EN)
    569. Emile de Girardin, “Mutualisme / Mutualism” (1852)
    570. Emile Pouget, “Sabotage” (from the Almanach du Père Peinard, 1898) (FR/EN)
    571. “A Proletarian” [Hector Morel], Nationalities Considered from the Point of View of Liberty (1862)
    572. P.-J. Proudhon, [selections from the Carnets]
    573. P.-J. Proudhon, Application for the Suard Pension (1837)
    574. P.-J. Proudhon, “Psychology” (1838)
    575. P.-J. Proudhon, “Review: Essay on the Physical Analysis of Languages, or Methodical Alphabet” (1839) (pdf — last revised March 27, 2024)
    576. P.-J. Proudhon, The Celebration of Sunday (1839)
    577. P.-J. Proudhon, Letter to the Members of the Academy of Besançon (August 3, 1840)
    578. P.-J. Proudhon, Warning to the Proprietors (1841) [text — last revised March, 2023]
    579. P.-J. Proudhon, Explanations Presented to the Public Prosecutor on the Right of Property (1842)
    580. P.-J. Proudhon, Letter to Bergmann, February 8, 1842
    581. P.-J. Proudhon, The Creation of Order in Humanity (1843)
    582. P.-J. Proudhon, “The Miserere” (1845) (text — last revised March 25, 2023)
    583. P.-J. Proudhon, System of Economical Contradictions (1846)
    584. P.-J. Proudhon, “Association.—PENALTY, death penalty” (Carnet No. 4, 1847)
    585. P.-J. Proudhon, Letter to Jeanne Deroin (August 4 [1848?])
    586. P.-J. Proudhon, Revolutionary Ideas (1848) (expanded edition, pdf)
    587. P.-J. Proudhon, The Right to Work and the Right of Property (1848) (text — last revised April 2023)
    588. p.-J. Proudhon, Solution of the Social Problem (1848 pamphlet) (text — last revised March, 2023)
    589. P.-J. Proudhon, “What is Property?” (text, from Bank of Exchange — last revised March, 2023)
    590. P.-J. Proudhon, What is Government? What is God? (November 5, 1849)
    591. P.-J. Proudhon, “The President is Responsible” and other writings (January 26-31, 1849) — (pdf — last revised July 5, 2024)
    592. P.-J. Proudhon, “Demonstration of Socialism, Theoretical and Practical, or Revolution by Credit” (last revised July 2023)
    593. P.-J. Proudhon, “Proudhon before the Court of Assizes” (last revised June 2023)
    594. P.-J. Proudhon, The Confessions of a Revolutionary (1849) (pdf — draft, last revised March 10, 2024)
    595. P.-J. Proudhon, The Present Utility and Future Possibility of the State (Sixth article) (January 11, 1850)
    596. P.-J. Proudhon, Carnet 9, 19 (1851)
    597. P.-J. Proudhon, Letter to Langlois, December 1851
    598. P.-J. Proudhon, Letter to A. M. Boutteville, December 17, 1851
    599. P.-J. Proudhon, The Extremes
    600. P.-J. Proudhon, Unanimity.—Universal Consent (c. 1852)
    601. P.-J. Proudhon, The Social Revolution Demonstrated by the Coup d’Etat of December 2, 1851 (1852)

    602. P.-J. Proudhon, Economy (1850-55)
    603. P.-J. Proudhon, The Philosophy of Progress (1853) (pdf — last revised December 10, 2023)
    604. P.-J. Proudhon, Society of the Perpetual Exhibition: Proposal (1855) (pdf — last revised April 18, 2024)
    605. P.-J. Proudhon, “Proudhon Explained by Himself” (Letter to Villaumé, composed 1856; published 1866) (text — last revised July 24, 2023)
    606. P.-J. Proudhon, [letter to Villiaumé] (July 13, 1857) (FR/EN)
    607. P.-J. Proudhon, The Justice Pursued by the Church (1858) (pdf — first draft, last revised March 26, 2024)
    608. P.-J. Proudhon, “What, Finally, is the Republic” (manuscript, c. 1858) (text — last revised May 2, 2023)
    609. P.-. Proudhon, How Business is Going in France and Why Will Have War, If We Have It (1859) (pdf— draft; last revised April 11,2024)
    610. P.-J. Proudhon, Correspondence related to the Studies in Popular Philosophy (1859-1860)
    611. P.-J. Proudhon, Justice in the Revolution and in the Church (1858/1860)

    612. P.-J. Proudhon, War and Peace (1860)
    613. P.-J. Proudhon, The Theory of Taxation (1861)
    614. P.-J. Proudhon, The Literary Majorats (1862) (pdf — last revised June 10, 2024)
    615. P.-J. Proudhon, Federation and Unity in Italy (1862) — [draft complete; last revised June 18, 2024]
    616. P.-J. Proudhon, The Sworn Democrats and the Refractories (1863) (pdf — last revised May 4, 2023)
    617. P.-J. Proudhon, The Federative Principle (1863) (pdf — last revised May 19, 2024)
    618. P.-J. Proudhon, If the Treaties of 1815 Have Ceased to Exist [draft complete; revision in process]
    619. P.-J. Proudhon, Letter to Grandclément (February 28, 1863)(partial translation)
    620. P.-J. Proudhon, Death Penalty (1863?)
    621. P.-J. Proudhon, Letter to the editor of the Dictionnaire Larousse (1864)
    622. P.-J. Proudhon, New Observations on Italian Unity (1865) (pdf — last revised March 5, 2024)
    623. Gustave Chaudey, [excerpts from The Political Capacity of the Working Classes]
    624. P.-J. Proudhon, Poland, Part I: Principles
    625. P.-J. Proudhon, The Theory of Property
    626. P.-J. Proudhon, The Political Capacity of the Working Classes [translation in progress]
    627. P.-J. Proudhon, A passage missing from “The Theory of Property”
    628. P.-J. Proudhon, Note on “The Theory of Property” (Ms. 2882, 31-32)
    629. Proudhon on Socialism (“Theory of Property” manuscripts)
    630. Notice to the Reader,” from Proudhon’s “The Principle of Art”
    631. P.-J. Proudhon, Political Contradictions (1864) (pdf — last revised June 26, 2024)
    632. P.-J. Proudhon, Napoleon III
    633. P.-J. Proudhon, My Testament, or Society of Avengers (undated)
    634. P.-J. Proudhon, Moral Education (undated)
    635. P.-J. Proudhon, Spontaneous Generation (undated)
    636. Felix Pyat, Ernest Coeurderoy, etc., To the Socialist Democrats of the Department of the Seine
    637. Pierre Quillard, “Conversations on the Life and Death of Ravachol” (1892)
    638. Pierre Ramus, “Why I Am an Anarchist” (1928)
    639. Arthur Ranc, Anarchy (1869)
    640. Adrien Ranvier, A Feminist of 1848: Jeanne Deroin (in progress)
    641. Ravachol, “A Handwritten Manuscript by Ravachol” (1892) (FR/EN)
    642. Ravachol, The Memoirs of Ravachol
    643. Ravachol, My Ideas on the Army
    644. [Ravachol], An Unexpected Interview
    645. Ravachol, [Letter to the Police Prefect] (March 30, 1892)
    646. Ravachol, [A Jailhouse Fragment] (April 13, 1892)
    647. Elisée Reclus, “The Development of Liberty in the World” (1850)
    648. Elisée Reclus, John Brown
    649. Elisée Reclus, “Why Are We Anarchists?” (1899) (FR/EN)
    650. Elisée Reclus, “The Anarchist” (1902) (FR/EN)
    651. Emile Rinaldain, “Why I Am an Anarchist” (1897) (FR/EN)
    652. J. Roca, “The Problem of Anarchism” (1928) (FR/EN)
    653. Henri Rochefort, [letter on Louise Michel]
    654. Pauline Roland, Have Women the Right to Labor?
    655. Romain Rolland, “Is the Anarchist Ideal Achievable?” (1930) (FR/EN)
    656. Nelly Roussel, “La force physique et l’autorité / Physical Force and Authority” (1901)(FR/EN)
    657. Nelly Roussel, “By Rebellion!” (1904)
    658. Nelly Roussel, “What is ‘Feminism’?” (1906)
    659. Nelly Roussel, “Some Lances Broken for Our Liberties” (1910) (FR/EN) [ in progress]
    660. Georgette Ryner, “If I returned to your country” (1924/1926) (FR/EN) [two versions]
    661. Georgette Ryner, “The Combat of Love and Death” (1925) (FR/EN)
    662. Georgette Ryner, In the Eternal Ronde… (1926) (FR/EN) (English pdf)
    663. Han Ryner, “The Cheapskate” (1913)
    664. Han Ryner, “Deo Optimo Maximo” (1919)
    665. Han Ryner, “What is the Individual?” (1919)
    666. Han Ryner, “Is the Anarchist Ideal Achievable?” (1930) (FR/EN)
    667. Han Ryner, “The Little Exile” (1920)
    668. Han Ryner, from “The Congress of Poets
    669. Han Ryner, “Love Victorious” (1917)
    670. Han Ryner, “The Paradox” (1915)
    671. Han Ryner, “The Revolt of the Machines
    672. Han Ryner, “The Secret of Don Juan” (1915)
    673. Han Ryner, “Subjective, Subjectivism, Subjectivity” (Anarchist Encyclopedia) (FR/EN)
    674. Han Ryner, “Art” (Anarchist Encyclopedia) (FR/EN)
    675. S, “Solitude” (1938) (FR/EN)
    676. Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, “Bakunin” (1888) (FR/EN)
    677. A. Samain, “The Lonely Alley” (1916) (FR/EN)
    678. Satan, “The History of Mr. Proudhon and his Doctrines
    679. Adhémar Schwitzguébel, Collectivism (first article) (1872)
    680. Le Rétif (Victor Serge), “To Be and to Appear” (1909)
    681. Séverine, “The Anarchists of Chicago
    682. Séverine, “Liberty—Equality—Fraternity
    683. Edouard Silberling, Dictionary Of Phalansterian Sociology (1911) (in progress)
    684. Albert Soubervielle, “To Live” (1923) (FR/EN)
    685. Albert Soubervielle, “Hope” (1924)
    686. Hermann Sterne [E. Armand], “Tant pis poux eux! / Too Bad for Them!” (1912) (FR/EN)
    687. Hermann Sterne [E. Armand], “My Cause” (1912) (FR/EN)
    688. Eugène Stourm, “God, Women and Proudhon” (1849)
    689. Elie Soubeyran, “Mutuality” (Anarchist Encyclopedia) (FR/EN)
    690. W. Curtis Swabey, “Stirnerian Ethics” (1912) (translation of a translation)
    691. Fernando Tarrida del Mármol, “Questions of Tactics” (1890)
    692. Fernando Tarrida del Mármol, “Revolutionary Theory” (1889) (ES/EN)
    693. Charles Theivon, “Etre anarchist / To Be an Anarchist” (1924) (FR/EN)
    694. Joannès Tobas, “Arrestation de Ravachol / Arrest of Ravachol” (1892) (FR/EN)
    695. Flora Tristan, The Emancipation of Woman (1846)
    696. Benjamin R. Tucker, “Anarchism: Communist or Individualist?” (FR/EN)
    697. Frédéric Tufferd, “Unity in Socialism” (1887)
    698. Jean Verdier, “In Order to Progress” (1926) (FR/EN)
    699. Francis Vergas, “My Anarchism” (1913) (FR/EN)
    700. Francis Vergas, “Alone, superbly alone…” (1916) (FR/EN)
    701. Georges Vidal, “Apostasy” (Anarchist Encyclopedia) (FR/EN)
    702. Georges Vidal, “Apostle” (Anarchist Encyclopedia) (FR/EN)
    703. Suzanne Voilquin, “Suicide of Claire Démar and Perret Desessarts” (1855)
    704. Voline, “Nihilism” (Anarchist Encyclopedia) (FR/EN)
    705. Voline, letter to Max Nettlau (1923)
    706. Voline, “On Synthesis” (1924)
    707. Voline, “Synthesis (Anarchist)
    708. Lucien Weil, “Propaganda by Deed” (1890)
    709. George Withoutname, “A Definition of Naturism” (1930) (FR/EN)
    710. X. X. X., “Egoïsme / Egoism” (1935) (FR/EN)
    711. Henry Zisly, “A Question of Temperaments” (1910) (FR.EN)
    712. Henri Zisly, “What are the Naturians, Precisely?” (1910) (FR/EN)
    713. Henri Zisly [short items from La Vie Naturelle] (1910) (FR/EN)