Two scarce J. K. Ingalls pamphlets

Two of the hard-to-find pamphlets by Joshua King Ingalls have surfaced among the items digitized by the Labadie Collection staff. The Unrevealed Religion is listed in their index of titles, but the pamphlet scanned also includes Social Industry, the Sole Source of Increase, which was issued as an introduction to Ingalls’ columns in Fair Play. I had read The Unrevealed Religion, but had not attempted to transcribe the faint, brittle interlibrary loan copy I had access to. The faintness of the scans suggests the difficulties involved. But access to this electronic version means I can get that transcription done at my leisure, without jeopardizing the integrity of any rarities. Slowly, but surely, all of Ingalls’ work is surfacing.

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2722 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.