Poem-a-day translation progress


  1. We Deny All Masters
  2. Exosthène—one section
  3. My Muse
  4. Regrets
  5. A Curious Dream
  6. Sketches
  7. The Sinister Passion
  8. Selfish Thoughts
  9. Songs of the Immured
  10. Perspective
  11. (Response to “Perspective”)
  12. Refractories!
  13. (Bizeau) My Desires!
  14. Work
  15. Tomorrow
  16. A Wall for Horizon
  17. A Portrait
  18. Today
  19. Hesitations
  20. Autumn Thoughts
  21. Calculations
  22. From on High
  23. Erotic Poem
  24. MAY: Dream and Reality
  25. The Vase
  26. Adventure Was There…
  27. Like Lions
  28. A Winter Song
  29. April
  30. My Body Is My Own
  31. Estompe / Fading
  32. Pagan Dream
  33. Because I Consider You To Be Mine
  34. Past or Future?
  35. Reconciliation
  36. Memory
  37. Liberty Will Triumph (essay/prose poem)

FIRST SERIES (including some short prose works):

  1. Sentimentality
  2. In the World, But Not of the World
  3. All Is Not Yet Lost
  4. I am reproached for lacking an ideal
  5. The True Camarade
  6. Flowers of Solitude [in progress]
  7. Bitterness
  8. The Man of the Solitudes
  9. On Friendship
  10. Challenge
  11. What We Can Do
  12. The New Mentality
  13. Plan for an Epitaph


About Shawn P. Wilbur 2715 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.