Milo Hastings, housing reformer


In 1920, a book appeared with the title The Joke About Housing. It was a work of housing reform, including some fairly radical elements. Appended to it were a number of appendixes, including “A Solution of the Housing Problem in the United States,” a prize-winning essay by Milo Milton Hastings. Hastings was a prolific writer of science fiction, works on poultry farming, nutrition, and urban reform. He was a promoter of Edgar Chambless’ linear city, Roadtown.

Hastings and Chambless are important figures from the “grand domestic revolution” of the early 20th century. I’ve done a little work to update the Milo Hastings page at Wikipedia, where you can find links to a number of his works. I’ll try to get more material on Chambless available soon.

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About Shawn P. Wilbur 2719 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.