Lose this skin…

As of this afternoon, I’ve struck the ALL flag, seceded and moved my yurt to more open left-libertarian territory. It won’t make a lick of difference to my friends and those with whom I am engaged in actual projects, but it feels necessary to me. My “document for discussion” on hospitality and the ALLiance can be taken as my thoughts on how small-a alliance might be conducted. I’ve actually been contemplating the change for some time, as a means of avoiding any sort of mis/representation issues, as my own theoretical work is likely to be increasingly controversial in some ALLiance circles. The second issue of “LeftLiberty” will contain a statement on the sense in which the work there is “left-libertarian,” a term which for me is increasingly simply a tribute to SEK3, whose hospitality was such an important part of drawing together the friends who will always for me be the most important part of any left-libertarian alliance. I’ll be happy to pursue further alliances on a strictly individual and mutual basis.

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2719 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.