Josiah Warren Project

Crispin Sartwell has launched the Josiah Warren Project, an archive and collection of resources by and about Warren. There are some very rare items already in the archive, including material from the Peaceful Revolutionist and The Quarterly Letter. Crispin is apparently working on a book about Warren. Many of you will be familiar with The Exquisite Rebel, the Voltairine de Cleyre collection he edited with Sharon Presley.

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2715 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.


  1. Crispin Sartwell? Oh, please not him. His rantings against communist anarchists in the Voltairine reader were disgraceful nonsense. Shame, though, as the articles by Voltairine are essential reading for all anarchists. Reading the nasty and ignorant introductions really spoiled the book.

    Hopefully an actual anarchist will do a book on Warren some time. I hate to think what an “anarcho”-capitalist will produce.

  2. Heh. Look on the bright side. The archiving that Crispin is doing brings that other Warren bio one step closer. For anarchists of any stripe, it’s pretty hard to avoid our share of nonsense anyway.

  3. geez. i don’t remember my anti-communist rantings in the voltairine volume, though my collaborator, sharon presley, is kind of an ayn rand type. anyway, i describe warren as an anti-capitalist, and love him for it. i would not describe myself as an anarchocapitalist but as an “anarchist without adjectives.”

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