Josiah Warren: Boston Investigator notice 2/7/1849

[notice], Boston Investigator, 18, 40 (February 7, 1849), 3.

Mr. Warren will continue his lectures next Sunday before the People’s Meeting. Thus far, they have been well attended, and excited a good degree of interest; and whether he succeeds in convincing his hearers or not, he is listened to with much attention, and his ability and candor universally admired. We give no report of his lecture, because, conducted as they are mainly by means of question and answers, we find it very difficult to present a clear and correct statement of his theory; and beside, we expect, as we have said before, that he will yet furnish us with a detailed account of it for publication. In the meantime, we advise all who can, to go and hear him; for we are certain, that even if they dissent from some of his principles, they will hear others that will be sure to increase their stock of knowledge.

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Independent scholar, translator and archivist.