The difficulties associated with using Google Books haven’t changed much, but the depth of the “full view” library certainly has. I had posted a few titles to the mutualists list recently, but when I looked again, several of Andrews’ phonographic texts had been added. Here’s a partial list of titles that might be of interest to mutualists and students of the radical traditions:
Andrews, Stephen Pearl:
- Basic Outline of Universology (1872)
- Complete Phonographic Class-Book (1845)
- Complete Phonographic Class-Book (1846)
- Complete Phonographic Class-Book (1851)
- Phonographic Reader (1846)
- Phonographic Word Book Number One (1849)
- Phonographic Word Book Number Two (1849)
- Primary Phonotypic Reader (1847)
- Primary Synopsis of Universology and Alwato (1871)
Ballou, Adin:
- Autobiography of Adin Ballou, 1803-1890 (1896)
- Christian Non-resistance (1846)
Bellamy, Edward:
- Blind Man’s World and Other Stories (1898)
- Dr. Heidenhoff’s Process (1880)
- Equality (1913)
Brownson, Orestes: New Views of Christianity, Society, and the Church (1836)
De Cleyre, Voltairine: Selected Works of Voltairine de Cleyre (1914)
D’Olivet, Fabre: Hebraic Tongue Restored (1921 edition)
Etlzer, John A.: The Paradise Within the Reach of All Men
Goldman, Emma:
- Marriage and Love (1911)
- Social Significance of the Modern Drama (1914)
- Anarchism and Other Essays (1910)
Hall, Bolton:
- Equitable Taxation (1892)
- Things as they Are (1909)
- Even as You and I (1900)
- Life, and Love and Peace (1909)
Hodgskin, Thomas: Popular Political Economy (1827)
Kraitsir, Charles:
- Glossology (1854)
- Significance of the Alphabet (1846)
Leroux, Pierre:
- De la ploutocratie: ou, Du gouvernement des riches (1848)
- Réfutation de l’éclectisme (1839)
- Réfutation de l’éclectisme (1841)
Masquerier, Lewis: Sociology
Proudhon, P.-J.:
- Amour et Marriage (1876)
- La Revolution Sociale Demonstree par le Coup D’Etat/Droit au Travail et le Droit
de Propriete/L’impot sur le Revenu (Oeuvres Complete, 1867) - La révolution sociale démontrée par le coup d’état du 2 décembre (1852, 4th)
- De la capacité politique des classes ouvrières (1865)
- Les confessions d’un révolutionnaire (1851, 3rd)
- La pornocratie, ou Les femmes dans les temps modernes (1875)
- Des réformes à opérer dans l’exploitation des chemins de fer (1855)
- Système des contradictions économiques (1846)
- De la capacité politique des classes ouvrières (1865)
- De la justice dans la révolution et dans l’église (1858)
- La guerre et la paix (1861, apparently in-process)
Saint-Simon, Henri: Nouveau christianisme (1832)
Spooner, Lysander: An Essay on Trial by Jury
Swift, Morrison: Imperialism and Liberty (1899)
Warren, Josiah:
- True Civilization: A Subject of Vital and Serious Interest to All People (1869)
- Equitable Commerce (1849)
I’ve been having a great time looking through the Google books project as well. There are a LOT of freethought and classical liberal works there, and Georgist writings as well as the anarchist writings that you refer to.
Just Ken