French language resources on “Rational Socialism”

Sometimes it really seems there is a website for everything. The Société des Études Colinsiennes, dedicated to the work and legacy of Jean-Guillaume-César-Alexandre-Hippolyte de COLINS de Ham, the originator of the doctrine of “rational socialism” and possible coiner of the term “collectivism,” is something of a gem. Colins was something of a rival of Proudhon’s, although the anarchist apparently never responded to his work as seriously as he would have liked. The debate was finally staged posthumously by Adolphe Hugentobler, a Swiss disciple of the Belgian Colins, in Dialogue Des Morts Entre Proudhon Et Colins (1867). I’m working my way through Hugentobler’s Dialogue right now, and will post some translations as they’re completed.

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2720 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.