Equitable Commerce: Boston Investigator, 3/7/1849

“Equitable Commerce,” Boston Investigator, 18, 44 (March 7, 1849), 3.

“Equitable Commerce: A new Development of Principles, for the harmonious adjustment and regulation of the pecuniary, intellectual, and moral intercourse of mankind, proposed as element of New Society, by Josiah Warren. Second Edition. Utopia, Ohio: Published by Amos E. Senter: 1849.”

We have not yet had an opportunity to examine this pamphlet carefully, but from a cursory glance at its pages, we are satisfied that it is written with much ability, and with a sincere desire to promote the happiness and improvement of mankind. Independent of Mr. Warren’s peculiar theory, it contains reflections upon the existing state of society, particularly as it regards the great question of Labor, which must be both interesting and useful to every friend of humanity, and more especially to those who are interested in the welfare of the working classes. When we have become better acquainted with the merits of the work, we shall speak of it more at length.

The book is for sale at this office. It contains 63 large octavo pages—Price, 25 cents.

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Independent scholar, translator and archivist.