Debs Pamphlet Collection online

Indiana State University’s Cunningham Memorial Library has among its holding the Debs Collection of radical pamphlets. This collection, heavy on left and labor publications, is indexed online and many of the pamphlets have been scanned to pdf format. Anarchist titles are few and far between, but there are lots of items from organizations like the ACLU and the IWW, and from publishers such as Charles H. Kerr. I’ve been collecting Kerr pamphlets for years now, and have been able to scoop up pdfs of items I have never seen for sale. I’ll write up some of the more specifically interesting items as I get a chance to work through the listings, but here are a few random gems:

DeCleyre, Voltairine. Direct Action. New York: Mother Earth Publishing Company, 1912. 19 pp. Pamphlet D295.5 .D5 1912p. PDF

American Civil Liberties Union. The Truth About the I.W.W.: Facts in Relation to the Trial at Chicago. New York: National Civil Liberties Bureau, 1918. 55 pp. Pamphlet A505 .T78 1918p. PDF

Angulo, Jaime de. The “Trial” of Ferrer: A Clerical-Judicial Murder. New York: New York Labor News Co., 1920 <1911>. Pamphlet A594 .T7 1920p. PDF

Berkman, Alexander. Deportation, Its Meaning and Menace: Last Message to the People of America. New York: M.E. Fitzgerald, <1919>. Pamphlet B513 .D4 1919p. PDF
Economic Equality Club. An economic war to a finish. Bellingham, Wash. : Economic Equality Club. Pamphlet E20 .E2. PDF

Socialist Songs with Music. 4th ed., rev. and enlarged. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & co., 1902. <45> pp. Pamphlet K41 .S63 1902p. Copy 2. PDF [includes several from Edward Carpenter’s Chants of Labor.]

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2720 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.