Bits of Liberty’s History

Labors of love are notoriously bad at paying the rent, and other work has been a little slow, so I’m digging into my personal archive a bit to keep a roof over my head while I work on the Josiah Warren book and Liberty archive. I was fortunate enough, some years ago, to pick up a lot of original issues of Liberty, along with a few related items: letterhead stationary from the Liberty offices and the portrait of Michael Bakunin which Tucker claimed was the first faithful likeness published in the United States.

I have put one each of the stationary and portrait up for auction on eBay, in the hopes of making up for the month’s shortfalls in other gainful employment. Have a look and place a bid, if owning a bit of authentic individualist anarchist history appeals to you.

Alternately, if the various new archives have been of some value to you, I’ll never turn down a little voluntary support. You can make a donation through PayPal.

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2714 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.

1 Comment

  1. I didn’t look at this blog for a week and I missed this! Would have loved to bid – and it looks like you could have used some more offers 🙁

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