Archiving Progress and Prospects

I’m happy to say that I’m on track to posting considerably more than the 3000 original pages that has been my goal for 2006’s scanning and archiving initiative. Looking ahead to 2007, I’m hoping to make it the Year of Liberty, with my major research push being to develop an understanding of the development of individualist anarchist thought in the pages of Benjamin R. Tucker’s journal, and my main archiving efforts going towards a hypertext archive of the major banking and currency debates in Liberty and many of the papers with which it was in dialogue as I can get my hands on. XHTML versions of Instead of a Book, Greene’s mutual banking words and Westrup’s New Philosophy of Money would provide convenient entry points into the debate. The individualist debates on topics such as the “standard of value” were not always pursued in the most useful manner. At times, personalities and personal definitions of key terms seem to have muddied the waters significantly. But the participants addressed important issues, and it ought to be useful for us to put the debates in a form where we can get down to the business of clarifying what was really at issue.

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2715 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.