Tragedy In San Francisco.—A shocking accident is reported from San Francisco during the performance of a charade representing a Nihilist plot, which was being given at the residence of Mrs. M’Coy, whose son, Mr. Albert M’Coy, appeared in the role of a Russian officer. Miss Grace King, who took the part of a Nihilist girl, and had to assassinate the officer, had been suffering from a sprained ankle. She had used a crutch, which, however, she laid aside previous to the charade. At the moment she was making a dagger-thrust her ankle failed, and she fell against M’Coy, the weapon piercing his heart. The unfortunate young man died in a few moments. Miss King, who was completely prostrated by the tragic accident, was arrested, but released on bail tendered by M’Coy’s brothers. At the inquest the jury entirely exonerated Miss King, and returned a verdict of accidental death.
Australian Journal (June, 1893): 580.