Emma Goldman, Letter to “Freedom” (November-December, 1924)


Dear Comrades,—Ever since I have come to England I wanted to get in touch with you and tell you of my plans for activities in behalf of our ideas. But I have been very busy adjusting myself to the new conditions and meeting people who might be interested in the work 1 have in mind. I am glad to say that my efforts so far have met with greater success than I had expected. The dinner on November 12th brought out a huge gathering of men and women whose interest made me feel very hopeful for my chances in this country.

Desirous as I am to put life in our movement, to bring our social philosophy before the thinking people of this great land, I yet feel that the most dominant issue before the world is Russia. To clear the fog which hangs over this question, to make the world see the abyss between the Russian Revolution, the aims of the Russian people, and the present governing regime, seems to me of utmost importance. I mean, therefore, to concentrate on that first. I mean to have a series of lectures in London, and later in the provinces, to set forth the facts which I gathered during my two years in Russia.

The first meeting proposed is to be held in Queen’s Hall, London, shortly after the holidays. It is hoped by the friends who wish to help me that the meeting can be made self-supporting by a charge for admission to the stalls and orchestra, leaving the balcony free for the workers who cannot afford to pay. Unfortunately, there is going to be a very large initial expense for which money must be raised immediately, about £100.

I do not know how you feel about the question of Russia or the need of throwing light on it, but if the importance is as apparent to you as it is to me, 1 feel certain that you will not refuse to lend your help to make our first venture an overwhelming success. If you are able and willing to send a contribution, please send it to Freedom Office. And if you are in London, perhaps you will also help with the announcements and the sale of tickets.

I remain fraternally,

Emma Goldman.

Emma Goldman, “Letter from Emma Goldman,” Freedom (London) 28 no. 422 (November-December, 1924): 61.

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Independent scholar, translator and archivist.