Jenny P. d’Hericourt to “The Agitator” (June 12, 1869)


Madame d’Hericourt, having returned from New York, writes full of interest and enthusiasm concerning her plan for a “Universal League of Women.” She will have something to say of this in future numbers of the Agitator. In concluding her letter, she says:
I hope my next journey to New York will not be like the last one. In going I was left on the way, losing part of my hand baggage, and in coming back I was pickpocketedat Crestline. Happily, I had only five dollars, a little key, and my ticket in the portmonaie which was in my pocket. The kind conductor, full of confidence in my honest and horrified face, believed me and passed me from Crestline to Chicago, where I was greeted by such a pouring of rain that it can be compared only to the anathemas of bishops and prelates.[1]I was obliged to remain in the railway sitting-room three hours because the car in which my trunk was, had been broken on the way, so that I could have my luggage no sooner. All my misfortunes being over, I am gay and healthy and ready to begin again for our cause.
Believe me, dear Madame, truly your friend,
Jenny P. d’Hericourt.
Chicago, Ill.

[1] Madame d’Hericourt, being a Huguenot, suffered in her youth from the anathemas of the French Catholic clergy.
Source: The Agitator, (June 12, 1869) 8.