Plucked from the fields of 1930
Vous avez à cœur la prospérité de L’EN DEHORS. Bravo ! Achetez-en donc deux numéros là où il est en vente, ou souscrivez à un abonnement de propagande, ou trouvez-nous d’ici six mois un nouvel […]
Vous avez à cœur la prospérité de L’EN DEHORS. Bravo ! Achetez-en donc deux numéros là où il est en vente, ou souscrivez à un abonnement de propagande, ou trouvez-nous d’ici six mois un nouvel […]
A ceux qui nous méconnaissent. On nous nuit par excès de zèle, on nous accuse parce qu’on nous méconnaît, et de tous parts ce ne sont que clameurs comme si nous voulions renverser le monde […]
REPONSES La force physique et l’autorité Si la force musculaire constituait réellement une supériorité, ayant pour conséquence logique et nécessaire la domination, l’homme ne serait évidemment pas le roi de la création. Tant d’animaux la […]
The Anarchist Individualist Initiation E. ARMAND [ENGLISH TEXT ONLY] ☜ 5. Christianity and the Individualistes. The pagan turn of mind. 6. Anarchist individualism and Communism. The idea of value. Individualist demands in the economic domain. […]
17. La réciprocité 179) Recherche d’une base individualiste anarchiste des rapports et accords entre les hommes. Sur quelle base asseoir les rapports entre les humains dès lors qu’en sont exclues l’obligation et la sanction ? […]
The Anarchist Individualist Initiation E. ARMAND [ENGLISH TEXT ONLY] ☜ 4. Les individualistes et les réformateurs du milieu social. La loi du progrès continu. 6. L’Autorité, la Domination, l’Exploitation : Origine, Evolution, Aspects et Définitions. […]
The theory of indefinites explains how this proposition is an absolute truth, and how nevertheless [property] is an organic and social necessity. […]
Nature has given to each man an equal right to the enjoyment of all goods. The aim of society is to defend that equality, often attacked by the strong and the mean in the state of nature, and to increase the common enjoyments through the cooperation of all. […]
At the beginning of a new work, we should explain our title and our intentions.
Ever since humanity entered the period of civilization, for as long as anyone can recall, the people, said Paul Louis Courier, have prayed and paid.
They pray for their princes, for their magistrates, for their exploiters and their parasites;
They pray, like Jesus Christ, for their executioners;
They pray for the very ones who should, by rights, pray for them. […]
To be an anarchist is to be individualist, first of all. It is oneself that one is most keen to liberate, but as one’s total emancipation is intimately linked to that of one’s neighbors, one is communist by force of circumstance. No offense to the most affirmative anti-societarists: I also believe that man is an animal that instinct drives to live in society. A kind of human feeling is thus created that goes from the individual to the species, a feeling that the rabble of the rulers strives to channel to its own profit within the limits of a fatherland, but which has manifested even during the last butchery between “enemies” a feeling that knows no borders. […]
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