E. Armand, “La première impulsion / The First Impulse” (1916)
You reproach me for yielding too often to my first impulse — for treating as an adventure what is in reality only a banal event in my life; […]
You reproach me for yielding too often to my first impulse — for treating as an adventure what is in reality only a banal event in my life; […]
To restrain the passions! To narrow the horizon of the enjoyment of living? Christianity has attempted it and failed. Socialism will try to reduce humanity to a similar denominator of necessities and it will fail. Fourier saw clearly when he coined this masterful expression: “the use of passions.” […]
This is the earliest explicitly anarchist writing I have found that clearly seems to be by Lucien-Ernest Juin, who was in Switzerland with the Salvation Army at the time. It seems to have been predated only by contributions to Christian publications. […]
Hermann Sterne, “Tant pis pour eux!,” L’Anarchie 7 no. 356 (1 février 1912): 1. [Hermann Sterne was among the pseudonyms used by E. Armand.] [Working translation by Shawn P. Wilbur]
We took up our staffs, girded our loins and off we went. A few of us, alone, by the first side road. […]
A painful misadventure had just befallen me, to which I owe the addition of some new wrinkles. It was not the first time in my life that I have, as the saying goes, “left some flesh among the brambles.” But this time, I felt that I risked leaving more than my fleece or my blood: I risked leaving my love for the joy of living. And that is serious. It is the worst that can happen to us, to you or to me, to no longer feel love for the joy of living. It matters little if we lose our reputation or our money, or the esteem of those around us, or, in the worst case, our liberty (and that is still a terrible thing.) But there is no loss that can compare to those of the love of the joy of living. […]
« L’en dehorisme » Qu’est en résumé, ce qu’on appelle « l’endehorisme » — mot barbare s’il en fut — et que condense la ligne de conduite idéologique qu’on trouve sur la couverture de chacun […]
Collaborators featured in the Libertarian Labyrinth: Eugène Bizeau [main page] Charles-Auguste Bontemps [tag feed] Ovide Ducauroy [tag feed] Louis Estève [tag feed] Maurice Imbard [tag feed] Ixigrec (Robert Collino) [tag feed] Marius Jean [main page] […]
Bibilography: Enzo di Villafiore, “Réalisme et idéalisme anarchiste,” L’En dehors 3 no. 29/30 (20 Février 1924): 1. Enzo di Villafiore, “L’Individualisme et l’anarchie,” L’En dehors 3 no. 35 (15 Mai 1924): 4. Enzo di Villafiori […]
E. Armand [main page] Bibliography: E. Armand, “Réflexions sur la situation de l’anarchisme actuel,” La Voix libertaire 4 no. 118 (30 Mai 1931): 2. E. Armand, “Réflexions sur la situation de l’anarchisme actuel,” La Voix […]
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