LE COLLECTIVISME ET LE COMMUNISME ANARCHISTES EN ESPAGNE Quelques amis me disent qu’il serait utile que ce travail soit suivi d’un court résumé expliquant la positon mutuelle des partis communiste et collectiviste anarchistes en Espagne, […]
Believe, fight and cling to the dead cult—all the believers do the same. It doesn’t matter whether the idol is made of clay, bronze or meat. It doesn’t matter whether it is dissolved in the mental haze or in the whirlwind of passion. For the ideal, first living and then dead, the inhuman law of sacrifice is fulfilled. … Do not strip away their illusion, their precious illusion. They will defend themselves like lions, tear at you like panthers, howl like hyenas. There is no animal more fierce than the believer. […]
Things have been a little quiet on this front, while I finish the introduction to “Anarchies and Anarchisms: 1840-1920.” But part of the work on that project has allowed me to make some more progress […]