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- A Poem on Equitable Commerce
- Adolf Wolff, “Songs of Rebellion, Songs of Life, Songs of Love” (1914) (selections)
- Albert Millaud, “Ravachol” (March 30, 1892)
- Charles Keller, “Their Poor Reasons”
- Dyer D. Lum, “Four Epochs” (1889)
- E. Armand, “A Winter Song” and “April” (1927-1928)
- E. Armand, “Adventure Was There…” and “Like Lions…” (1925)
- E. Armand, Ainsi chantait un « en dehors » (1925 / 1933)
- E. Armand, “Amertume / Bitterness” (1923)
- E. Armand, “Aujourd’hui / Today” (1908) and “Hésitations / Hesitations” (1910)
- E. Armand, “Because I Consider You To Be Mine” (1913)
- E. Armand, “Calculs / Calculations” and “D’en haut / From on High”
- E. Armand, “Chants d’un emmuré / Songs of the Immured” (1923)
- E. Armand, “Demain / Tomorrow” (1908)
- E. Armand, “Egoîsmes / Selfish Thoughts” (1923)
- E. Armand, “En Route, Pionniers et Précurseurs ! / Onward, Pioneers and Precursors!” (1928)
- E. Armand, “Equisses / Sketches” (1923)
- E. Armand, “Estompe / Fading” (1924)
- E. Armand: The Exosthène cycle
- E. Armand, “La Passion Patibulaire / The Sinister Passion” (1923)
- E. Armand, “Le dernier nuage / The Last Cloud” (1929)
- E. Armand, “Le Travail / Work” (1908)
- E. Armand, “Le Vase / The Vase” (1927)
- E. Armand, “Le vrai camarade / The True Camarade” (1928)
- E. Armand, “Les Négateurs de Maîtres” / “We Deny All Masters” (1922)
- E. Armand, “Les papillons de nuit / Moths” (1916)
- E. Armand, “L’heure crépusculaire” / “The Twilight Hour” (1937)
- E. Armand, “Ma Muse / My Muse” (1922)
- E. Armand, “My Body Is My Own” (1927)
- E. Armand, “On me reproche de manquer d’idéal” (1928) (FR/EN)
- E. Armand, “Pensées d’automne / Autumn Thoughts” (1923)
- E. Armand, “Perspective” (1922), with a poetic response
- E. Armand, “Poème erotique / Erotic Poem” (1923)
- E. Armand, “Réfractaires! / Refractories!” and Bizeau, “My Desires!” (1907)
- E. Armand, “Regrets” (1922)
- E. Armand, “Rêve et réalité / Dream and Reality” (1938)
- E. Armand, “Rêve païen / Pagan Dream” (1913)
- E. Armand, “Sentimentality” (1939)
- E. Armand, “Souvenir / Memory” (1906)
- E. Armand, “The Man of the Solitudes” (1927)
- E. Armand, “Tout n’est pas encore perdu / All Is Not Yet Lost” (1937)
- E. Armand, “Un curieux songe / A Curious Dream” (1923)
- E. Armand, “Un mur pour horizon / A Wall for Horizon” (1907)
- E. Armand, “Un Portrait / A Portrait” (1906)
- E. Armand, “Variations on Poetry” (1929)
- Eugène Bizeau, “Anarchist Individualist Initiation” (1924)
- Eugène Pottier, “Already!” (dedicated to Paule Mink)
- Francis W. L. Adams, “Anarchism” (1894)
- George Barlow, “Sophia Perovskaia” (1895)
- Georgette Ryner
- Hubert Church, “Vera Figner” (1908)
- J. William Lloyd, “A Grandeur and a Dreaming” (1901)
- Jeanne Marie, “Revelation” (1849)
- Joaquin Miller, “Sophia Perovskaya” (1881)
- John Henry Mackay, “Anarchy” (1888)
- Joseph Verey, “Vera Sassulitch” (1880)
- “Josiah Warren” (poem) (1874)
- Lewis Masquerier, “Temperance” (1835/1877)
- Louise Michel, “Memories of Caledonia” (1887)
- Misc. Poems by Shawn P. Wilbur
- William B. Greene, “Song of Espousal” (1840)
- P. E. Tanner, “The Rules” (1914)
- P. R. Bennett, “The Anarchist” (1912)
- P. R. Bennett, “The Anarchist” (1912)
- Pan, “Chanson Anarchiste / Anarchist Song” (1892)
- Paul Paillette, “The New Voice”
- Poems about Anarchists
- Poems of J. William Lloyd
- Poetry in the Libertarian Labyrinth
- Responses to Anarchism: the Rhyme of Ravachol Needham
- Sébastien Faure, “La Révolte / The Revolt” (1886)
- Shawn P. Wilbur, “Futurist Synthesis (Energy and Fear)” (1995)
- Sir Henry Parkes, “The Beauteous Terrorist” (Sophie Perovskaya, 1885)
- The Poems of E. Armand (FR)
- Théodore Jean, “Anarchie / Anarchy” (1934)
- V. de C., “A Poetic Swing Around the Circle” (1888)
- Walt Whitman, “A Woman Waits for Me” (“Poem of Procreation”)
- Walter Everette Hawkins, “Credo” (1920)