
- “Our Lost Continent” (April 4, 2015)
- “The ‘Benthamite’ anarchism and the origins of anarchist history” (April 5, 1015)
- “New Uncertainties and Opportunities” (April 6, 2015)
- “Looking Forward—Mapping Our Lost Continent” (April, 2018)
- “What Mutualism Was: Coming to Terms with Our Anarchist Past” (January 4, 2019)
- “Our Lost Continent” [tag stream]
- “Extrications” [tag stream] — notes on synthesis, anarchist development, etc.
MAPPINGS: Notes for an Introduction
- Extrications: History, Tradition, Theory
- Anarchism as a Fundamentally Unfinished Project
- Anarchist History: A Mutualist’s-Eye-View
- Anarchist History: The Metaphor of the Main Stream
- Anarchist History: Maps and Overland Guides
- Anarchist History: Streamside Reflections and Preparations for the Journey
- Anarchist History: No End of Beginnings
- The Uses of a Lost Continent
- Positive Anarchy, Profusion, Uncertainty and the Uses of History
GREAT DIVIDES: Lessons of the Outbound Journey
- Anarchy: Into the Maelstrom
- Positive Anarchy and Collective Force
- Anarchy: Lawless and Unprincipled
- Anarchy, Harmony and the Maelstrom of Desire
- Anarchy: Action in the Face of Uncertainty
SOURCES: The First Leg of the Journey
- Sources: Before the Beginning
- Sources: Seeking the Source
- Sources: Over the Roofs of the World
- Sources: The Era of Proudhon
- Sources: The End of an Era
- Sources: Note on Critics and Collaborators
- Distributaries: The Problem of Proudhon
- Distributaries: Proudhonism and the International
- Distributaries: Anti-Authoritarian Collectivism
- Distributaries: Atercracy
- Distributaries: The Reform Leagues and Anarchist Individualism
- Distributaries: “Modern Anarchism”
CONFLUENCES: The Final Leg of the Journey
For several months now, I’ve been exploring the possibility of combining a number of writing projects already in various stages of completion. My master plan has long been to approach my preoccupations with anarchist history and anarchist development from a number of different directions in different manuscripts, each with a narrowly defined subject matter and clearly defined methodology. So, for example, I have been working on a history of anarchist terminology—A Good Word—and have outlined several versions of a work demonstrating the possibility of a broad anarchist synthesis through a rereading of the tradition’s formative years. I am moving forward steadily with What Mutualism Was, an expansion of my chapter on the history of mutualism for The Palgrave Handbook of Anarchism, as well as a fairly extensive library of anthologies collecting the work various early anarchist figures, destined for publication by Corvus Editions. But my notebooks are also full of bit and pieces of various more creative projects: episodes of alternate libertarian history under the title of The Distributive Passions, The Old Compagnon (tales of a Proudhon given a thousand years to complete his work), the alternate-historiography experiments in The Great Atercratic Revolution, etc.
My work is fundamentally interdisciplinary and the specific problems that I have been trying to address seem to demand approaches that break to some degree with even the very loose norms of anarchist studies. I remain confident that combining a variety of approaches is the best way to explore the sort of general questions that have come to be the central focus of my work. But I have come to doubt that the sort of strategy of triangulation I’ve been pursuing will produce the effects that seem most important to me, as long as the various examinations are kept at arm’s length from one another. Indeed, I’ve come to doubt the extent to which any of the individual explorations have been really intelligible as parts of a larger project. The problem, of course, is that increasing intelligibility by diversifying the styles and methods of analysis and commentary requires some careful framing of the whole affair—and that is perhaps the very thing that the Libertarian Labyrinth project has lacked much of the time.
Of course, the great difficulty with the various projects associated with the Libertarian Labyrinth has been that they were all moving forward and all subject to the kinds of ongoing alteration that one should expect from ongoing investigations. An attempt at summarizing the work as a whole already has some comparative advantages, particularly as the last year or so has really provided me with some basic objectives to concentrate on and some general conclusions to defend. But I continue to think that the most useful thing I have to offer is less a particular reading of history than a demonstration of the complexities involved in reading history—and particularly an ideologically charged history like that of “the anarchist idea.”
Having attempted to outline a number of clever combinations of existing projects—and finding them all perhaps a bit too clever for my purposes—I turned to a sort of inventory of the stories—and the kinds of stories—that it seemed I should tell in a general summary of my work to date. And, in the end, the resulting, more-or-less chronological list of stories ended up looking more like the solution to my problem than any of the more artful arrangements I had attempted. There remained, however, the question of how best to associate the varied stories I had to tell to some familiar account of anarchist history—and my recent work, preparing a new edition of Max Nettlau’s Short History of Anarchism (La Anarquía a través de los tiempos), suggested that history as a kind of foil for my own work.
In the framing material for the new edition of Nettlau’s history, one of my tasks has been to connect his historical work to the theoretical work (on panarchy, mutual toleration, etc.) that has been so influential on my own sense of anarchist development. But there are obvious limits to how much of that contextualization can be done in a brief preface. It struck me that building my own episodic account around a reading of Nettlau’s Short History would be one way of taming my work a bit, as well as providing a more familiar reference, but also that much of my own work amounts to an exploration of the contexts for Nettlau’s own development as a theorist—including, of course, a good deal of study of his other works.
I’m now in the process of braiding together a variety of elements—including my favorite stories from anarchist history (supplementing by some bits of documentary history), remarks on Nettlau’s narrative, observations about Nettlau’s development, explorations of the conditions for writing anarchist history, a theory of anarchist synthesis and some bits of alternate history—into a kind of roughly chronological miscellany, covering the years between 1840 (when Proudhon declared je suis anarchiste) and 1934–35 (when both La Anarquía a través de los tiempos and the Encyclopédie Anarchiste were published.) [I have now slightly extended the project on either end.] The goal is to produce a book that is both a work of history and work quite self-consciously about history, but also one in which many of the ideas, analyses and metaphors I’ve piled up over the years on the Libertarian Labyrinth/Two-Gun Mutualism/Contrun blog can find some concerted practical application.
Such an obvious kitchen-sink affair seemed to demand one of those 19th-century style titles that threaten to run over onto the copyright page, but for now this will have to do:
Our Lost Continent and the Journey Back:
Episodes from an Alternate History of the Anarchist Idea,
as They Happened, as They are Recorded in the Margins of More Familiar Histories and as They Might Have Happened, if Observed through Other Lenses,
with Reflections on the Past and Future Development of Anarchism.
In terms of general structure, I am anticipating a fairly extensive opening section—”Beginnings”—covering 1837–1865 and focused to a large extent on Proudhon and Déjacque (although I don’t plan to skimp when it comes to demonstrating the real and fascinating diversity of that early period, nor to exclude a number of important figures whose career took place or began earlier.) But one of the things I am eager to highlight is what is at stake in the selection of beginnings and endings in our historical accounts, and what I tend to think of as Proudhon’s “barbaric yawp” in 1840 and his death in 1865 seem like particularly useful subjects for those sorts of reflections. [This first volume will attempt to give a general overview of Proudhon’s thought and highlight elements of his social science that might be of use in discussing later phases of anarchist development.]
A second section—tentatively “New Beginnings”—will cover the period from 1865 until 1886 or so. Bakunin will naturally be an important focus here, but one of the things that I really want to explore is the extent to which the period between Proudhon’s death and the full emergence of “modern anarchism” is perhaps even more “lost” to us as specifically anarchist history than the earlier period. This seems particularly true of the period prior to 1881, by which point that “modern anarchism” seems suddenly well launched among communists, collectivists and individualists alike. This is the section that I expect still holds the most surprises for me, particularly when it comes to weighing the influences of the various movements—obviously the international workers’ movement, but also currents like free thought and spiritualism—in the composition of the new anarchist beginning of the 1880s. But this is also the period during which Max Nettlau (who was born the same year that Proudhon died) grew up and came to embrace anarchism, so there will be a variety of questions to explore about the contexts of the anarchist history that we have inherited, as well as the possible alternatives. (I expect that Jack Deames, Tilly Thorne and the cast of The Great Atercratic Revolution will make some kind of appearance.) [Obviously, the great question here is how and in what form anarchism would emerge, along with what other forms the systematic pursuit of the anarchist idea might have taken.]
The organization of the remaining section(s), covering Nettlau’s activity through the publication of the Short History and, of course, much of the formative period for “modern anarchism,” still remains a bit unclear to me. [I am now planning for sections covering 1886-1914 and 1914-1937, with the second focusing a great deal on the efforts surrounding the Encyclopédie Anarchiste.] There is a great deal of Nettlau’s work still to digest, including some lengthy manuscripts from the period of the First World War. But no one who has followed my work will be surprised to find that anarquismo sin adjetivos, anarchist synthesis and similar projects (such as the calls for libertarian and anarchist entente by E. Armand) will occupy a prominent place. [Armand’s career, and particularly l’en dehors and the intellectual community surrounding it also seem destined to feature prominently in the later sections.] Nor, I suppose, will it be too great a surprise that Ricardo Mella’s particular sort of critique—and the notion of el anarquismo naciente—seem likely to play a particularly prominent role. For a variety of reasons, not least the fact that this braided account will end just prior to the Spanish Civil War, much of the focus in the finals section(s) is likely to be on the nascence of the emerging anarchism of the period. Once again, beginnings are really a key focus—and I expect to spend a good deal of time examining the surveys of the 1920s and the concerns that motivated them.
My goal overall is to produce a work that is at least potentially useful and shareable among anarchists of a variety of tendencies, as well as students of “the anarchist idea.” (The phrase is one of Nettlau’s that was obscured in translation.) But, to be honest, I am also very interested not to get too deeply involved in certain kinds of debate about how “representative” anarchist history ought to be. I expect that the best version of the work would hold little interest for those for whom anarchism does not appear still nascent in some important senses. For those willing to at least weigh the possibility of really sharing a historical tradition, I have some hope of presenting a relatively compelling case, but for others, honestly, I got nothin’…
As far as the length of the work is concerned, I am uncertain at present, but I won’t be surprised if the best version occupies several volumes.
And among the works-in-progress that will not be absorbed by this combination of projects will be What Mutualism Was and Proudhon: Between Science and Vengeance, both of which will undoubtedly benefit from fewer projects in the pile and the possibilities of overlapping research.
[What follows is a collection of notes and links that will eventually become the table of contents for Our Lost Continent. All present content may be subject to extreme revision, reorganization, deletion, etc.]
Our Lost Continent and the Journey Back
History never starts fresh or finishes entirely, but we do encounter moments that are quite clearly recognizable as beginnings and endings. We’ll need to keep both of these truths in mind.
I. — Sources (1837–1865)
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, L’Humanitaire, Sylvain Maréchal, Pierre Leroux, William B. Greene, Charles Fourier, Etienne de la Boetie, Anselme Bellegarrigue, Ernest Cœurderoy, Joseph Déjacque, Eliphalet Kimball, Henriette (artiste), Jenny P. d’Héricourt, Calvin Blanchard, Henry Edger, Le Proletaire, Stephen Pearl Andrews, Josiah Warren, Mikhail Bakunin, Adin Ballou, Félix Pignal, César de Paepe, Flora Tristan, Jeanne Deroin, Ganneau (The Mapah), Walt Whitman
Introduction: Talk of Beginnings and Ends
Prologue: A World without Anarchists
Setting aside some exploration of various contexts, the account of this first period begins with Proudhon’s 1840 anarchist declaration—“je suis anarchiste”—and ends with his death in 1865. While we might talk about various anarchistic or libertarian tendencies predating—or even propose a perennial libertarian current—that declaration seems to open or mark certain new possibilities with regard to political identities. The figure of “the Anarchist,” with its attendant roles and norms, received at least its formal introduction to the world stage. And that figure was too attractive not to draw other libertarian thinkers and activists to it, so that, while no explicit ideology of anarchism emerged for several decades, the number of would-be anarchists increased fairly quickly.
At the same time, however, Proudhon was developing his social science—anarchistic in character, but more specifically organized around notions like justice and collective force. In his writings, the concept of anarchy was subject to a somewhat uneven and anarchic development, both because Proudhon understood it is somewhat different terms than subsequent anarchists would and because the future projects of an explicitly anarchist ideology or movement had not yet been introduced to the stage.
With the benefit of hindsight and a good deal of careful persistence, we can translate Proudhon’s ideas into terms that are more familiar to us and that tend to serve our anarchisms more directly. We can imagine a Proudhonian anarchism and then—addressing certain obvious weaknesses in the original work and bringing more of that hindsight to bear—perhaps a neo-Proudhonian anarchism. Then, having reached the period of Proudhon’s death—knowing that, historically speaking, we are on the verge of one of the most significant breaks in the development of anarchist thought—we might imagine the outcomes had anarchist thought had a more continuous development through the era of the First International. Applying Proudhon’s sociology to the problem of developing anarchism, conceived in terms of ideologies and movements, we might plot a potential path forward, addressing, among other things, the role that the theory of collective force might have played in the organizational efforts of the internationalists.
Related links:
- 1838: Property is theft (Jules Leroux)
- Adin Ballou, “Non-Resistance in Relation to Human Governments” (1839)
- Property? It’s just a phase… (Proudhon to the Academy of Besançon, 1840)
- Josiah Warren, “Manifesto” (1841)
- The Emancipation of Woman, or, The Testament of the Pariah (1846)
- Gabriel-Desire Laverdant, “Of Property” (1846)
- Bakunin, “I believe neither in constitutions, nor in laws” (1848)
- Bakunin, Letter to Proudhon (1848)
- Etienne Cabet, “Down with the Communists!” (by a communist) (1848/49)
- Jeanne Deroin to Proudhon, January 1849
- Henriette, artiste, “Letter to Proudhon” (1849)
- C.-F. Chevé, “Fundamental Principles of Socialism” (1849)
- Anselme Bellegarrigue, “Anarchy is Order” (1850)
- The Feuding Brothers (1850)
- Elisée Reclus, “The Development of Liberty in the World” (c. 1850)
- Pauline Roland, “Have Women the Right to Labor?” (1851)
- Jeanne Deroin, “Letter to the Associations on the Organization of Credit” (1851)
- The trial of Joseph Déjacque, October 23, 1851
- Notes on “Le Commanditaire” (Anselme Bellegarrigue, 1852)
- Coeurderoy and Vauthier, “The Barrier of the Combat” (1852)
- Félix Pignal, “The Philosophy of Defiance” (1854)
- Suzanne Voilquin, “Suicide of Claire Démar and Perret Desessarts” (1855)
- Carlo Pisacane, “Testamento politico” (1857)
- Joseph Déjacque, “The Humanisphere” (1858)
- Proudhon on “libertarians” (1858)
- Proudhon, Comment les affaires vont en France, et pourquoi nous aurons la guerre, si nous l’avons : à propos des nouveaux projets de traités entre les compagnies de chemin de fer et l’Etat (1859)
- Constitutions and Organic Bases of the Pantarchy and New Catholic Church (1860)
- Paul Emile De Puydt, Panarchy (1860)
- Hector Morel, “Nationalities Considered from the Point of View of Liberty” (1862)
- “The Working Man” of London greets Bakunin (1862)
- A Counsellor (Josiah Warren), “Modern Government and its True Mission” (1862)
- Eliphalet Kimball, “Law, Commerce and Religion” (1862)
- César de Paepe, “Anarchy” (1863)
- Manifesto of the Sixty Workers of the Seine (1864)
- Proudhon, “My Testament, or Society of Avengers“
II. — Distributaries (1865–1886)
Max Nettlau, Mikhail Bakunin, James Guillaume, Adhemar Schwitzguebel, Dr. Junqua, Hector Morel, Claude Pelletier, Benjamin R. Tucker, Ricardo Mella, Dyer D. Lum, André Léo, Louise Michel, Louis Masquerier,
Summary of previous volume:
Prologue: Anarchy without Proudhon
From the funeral of Proudhon to the Haymarket bombing.
Each leg of the journey becomes a little bit more complicated than the last. As we move on from 1865—the year of Proudhon’s death and Max Nettlau’s birth—we have to account for both the historical events that did occur and the anarchist development that might have occurred, but did not. And we will have to account for the ways in which the emergence of the IWA, in the midst of its complicated birth at the same time, contributed to and interrupted the development of anarchist ideas.
We will have to explore the period of more than a decade between the death of Proudhon, and the dispersion of a particular anarchist project, and the emergence of “modern anarchism” in the wake of the split in the International. And very little of the specifically anarchist or “Proudhonian” elements in that period found their place within the IWA. As a result, many of the episodes we’ll be looking at are likely to be quite marginal to the histories of the International, so ably told by historians like Robert Graham, Wolfgang Eckhardt and René Berthier.
I expect that this portion of the history will be among the most challenging, both for me and for my readers, but perhaps also among the most rewarding, in terms of providing useful contexts for more familiar episodes.
Bakunin will obviously feature among the most prominent characters in this chapter, as will Nettlau, in the final years, but, as the constant concern is to keep the narrative focused on the idea of anarchy and as that task will require accounting for various developments from Proudhon’s work, some genuinely obscure figures may seem, at least at times, to have “equal billing.” Expect a fair amount of coverage of movements like freethought and spiritualism, which would supply the anarchist movement with recruits in the next phase.
This section ends with the events at the Chicago Haymarket, just a few years after the real establishment of the movement and ideologies explicitly associated with anarchism. In the concluding section, we’ll be looking forward to a new influx of soon to be prominent anarchists, but also to various internal critiques.
Related links:
- “Disagreement on the Posthumous Works of Proudhon” (1865)
- Eliphalet Kimball, “Thoughts on Natural Principles” (1867)
- “Last Words of Calvin Blanchard” (1868)
- André Léo, “Communism and Property” (1868)
- [César de Paepe], “The Present Institutions of the International from the Point of View of the Future” (1869)
- Jenny P. d’Hericourt, “Morality According to the Sexes” (1869)
- Mikhail Bakunin, “What is Authority” (1870)
- William Batchelder Greene, “The Blazing Star” (1871)
- Benjamin R. Tucker, “I hope to do some work for the Labor Cause…” (1872)
- Claude Pelletier, “The Socialistic Soirées of New York” (1873)
- Angela T. Heywood in “The Word” (1873-1881)
- Speeches of Paschal Grousset and François Jourde on the Paris Commune (San Francisco, 1874)
- Josiah Warren’s Last Letter (1874)
- Bakunin to Elisée Reclus, February 15, 1875
- Mikhail Bakunin, “Le Gouvernementalisme et l’Anarchie” (1878)
- Peter Kropotkin, “On Order” (1881)
- Benjamin R. Tucker, “Anarchism or Anarchy” (1881)
- Sidney H. Morse, “Liberty and Wealth” (1882)
- “Statism: It’s not just for dentists anymore…” (Alwato, 1882)
- Emile Digeon, “Rights and Duties in Rational Anarchy” (1882)
- Clement M. Hammond, “Then and Now” (1884)
- Dyer D. Lum, “Evolution and Revolution” (1886)
- Frédéric Tuefferd, “Letter to Albert Parsons from an Anticrat” (1886)
III. — A Braided Stream (1886–1914)
Max Nettlau, E. Armand, Ricardo Mella, Sébastien Faure, Voline, Voltairine de Cleyre, Benjamin R. Tucker, Ravachol, Fernand Planche, Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, Louise Michel, Lizzie M. Holmes, Dyer D. Lum,
Summary of previous volumes:
From the aftermath of the Haymarket events to the beginning of WWI.
Max Nettlau described the period between 1886 and 1894 as the first “heyday of anarchy.” Certainly, the events of Haymarket provded an energy and visibility to the anarchist movement that is hard to deny. But if the anarchist movement blossomed in these years in terms of activity, it also experienced an enormous amout of internal conflict and questioning. The movement, in any larger sense, remained remarkably pluralistic and protean.
Related links:
- Ferdinand Monier, “Manifeste anarchiste” (1886)
- Frédéric Tufferd, “Unity in Socialism” (1887)
- Dyer D. Lum, “On Anarchy” (1887)
- Joseph Lane, “An Anti-Statist Communist Manifesto” (1887)
- “A Whisky Anarchist” (Cleveland, OH, 1887)
- Ernest Lesigne, “Socialist Letters” (1887)
- Gustave Lefrançais, “Where Are the Anarchists Going?” (1887/8)
- Ricardo Mella, “La reacción en la Revolución” (1887-8)
- Ricardo Mella, “Tolerancia e intransigencia” (1889)
- The Why I Ams (1890)
- Voltairine de Cleyre, “The Gilded Edge of Hell” (1890)
- Benjamin R. Tucker in the Boston Globe
- William J. Gorsuch, “Tags” (1891)
- Rosa Slobodinsky and Voltairine de Cleyre, “The Individualist and the Communist” (1891)
- A Brawl on the Boulevard Barbès (1892)
- Ravachol, “My Principles” (1892)
- Sidney H. Morse, “Ethics of the Homestead Strike” (1892)
- William Henry Van Ornum, “Why Government at All?” (1892)
- “Socialism and the Lexicographers” (1892)
- William Bailie, “A Mighty Consultation and a Multitude of Diagnoses” (1892)
- C. L. James & Henry Cohen, “Anarchy’s Apostles” (1891–92)
- Max Nettlau on the Ravachol Meetings (July 20, 1892)
- Errico Malatesta, “A Little Theory” (August 17, 1892)
- Voltairine de Cleyre, “Some Nihilists I Have Met” (1893)
- The Voice of the Penal Colony (1893)
- Hartmann the Anarchist (1893)
- Henry Seymour, “The Two Anarchisms” (1894)
- The Why I Ams (1894)
- J. William Lloyd, et al., “White-Flag Anarchism”—A Debate (1894)
- James Thierry, “Another New Name” (1894)
- Charles Malato, “Some Anarchist Portraits” (September 1, 1894)
- “Why Vaillant Threw the Bomb!” (1894)
- Proposal for an Anarchist Encyclopedia (1895)
- Charles Clark Rodolf, “The Unrighteousness of Government” (1895)
- Elisée Reclus, “Projet de Construction d’un Globe Terrestre a l’échelle du Cent millième” (1895) [related items]
- Emile Pouget, “Sabotage” (from the Almanach du Père Peinard, 1898)
- The Anti-Anarchist Bomb-proof Clockwork Substitute Ruler (1898)
- Henry Glasse, “Libertarian or Anarchist?” (1899)
- Max Nettlau, “Responsibility and Solidarity in the Labor Struggle” (1899)
- Max Nettlau, Some criticism of some current anarchist beliefs (1901)
- Newspaper Clippings: Beer for Baptism (1901)
- Herman Kuehn, “The Problem of Worry” (1901)
- Jean Grave, “The Adventures of Nono” (1901)
- J. William Lloyd, “Forced or Free—The Two Socialisms” (1902)
- Ricardo Mella, “The Bankruptcy of Beliefs” and “The Rising Anarchism” (1902-03)
- Steven T. Byington, “Anarchist Labels” (1903)
- Emma Goldman, “The Tragedy of Woman’s Emancipation” (1906)
- Max Baginski, “Without Government” (1906)
- Nelly Roussel, “What is ‘Feminism’?” (1906)
- Max Nettlau, “Are there New Fields for Anarchist Activity?” (1907)
- Arturo M. Giovannitti, “The Constructive Side of Syndicalism” (1907)
- Fernando Tarrida del Mármol, Revolutionary Theory in 1889 and 1908 (ES)
- Emma Goldman, “A Beautiful Ideal” (1908)
- Edward Carpenter, “Non-Governmental Society” (1911)
- E. Armand, “A Little Manual for the Anarchist Individualist” (1911/1934)
- Voltairine de Cleyre, “C. L. James” (1911)
- James Guillaume, “Proudhon: Communist” (1911)
- Anselmo Lorenzo, “La Anarquía Triunfante” (1911)
- Leonard D. Abbott, “A Priestess of Pity and of Vengeance” (1912)
- Arturo M. Giovannitti, “Syndicalism—The Creed of Force” (1913)
- Max Nettlau, “Anarchism: Communist or Individualist? Both” (1914)
IV. — Confluences (1914–1936)
Summary of previous volumes:
EPISODES: From the beginning of WWI through the publications of the Short History, the dictionary from the Encyclopédie anarchiste project and Fernand Fortin’s proposal for a liaison anarchiste. A final episode will probably extend the narrative to June, 1936 and end with a treatment of the article “La Liaison Anarchiste et son enterrement” (La Revue anarchiste).
Conclusion: Talk of Ends and Beginnings
Related links:
- Marjorie Peacock, “The Day after Tomorrow” (1915)
- Sara Bard Field, “My Debt to Anarchism” (1915)
- The Manifesto of the Sixteen (1916)
- Alexandre Ghé, “Open Letter to P. Kropotkin” (1916)
- Guy A. Aldred, “Michel Bakunin: Communist” (1920)
- Max Nettlau, “Mutual Toleration versus Dictatorship” (1921)
- E. Armand, The Anarchist Individualist Initiation (1923)
- Robert Harding, “What is Anarchism and Why are we Anarchists?” (1923)
- Gaston Leval, “The Path of Anarchism” (1924)
- Voline, “On Synthesis” (1924)
- L’Œuvre Internationale des Editions anarchistes in “La Revue Anarchiste” (1924-1925)
- Encuesta Del Grupo “Los Iconoclastas” De Steubenville, Ohio (1926)
- E. Armand, “Without Amoralization, No Anarchization” (1926)
- Alexander Berkman, “To Our Comrades Everywhere” and “Suggestions for Discussion” (1928)
- Sébastien Faure, “The Anarchist Synthesis” (1928)
- Revue Anarchiste, “Is the Anarchist Ideal Achievable?” (1930)
- Federica Montseny, “Definición del anarquismo” (1931)
- Emma Goldman, “Has My Life Been Worth While?” (1933)
- Fernand Fortin, “Anarchist Unity or Liaison?” (1934)
- Fernand Planche, “To Be Anarchist” (1934)
- E. Armand, “A Little Manual for the Anarchist Individualist” (1911/1934)
- Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers, “The True Revolutionaries” (1935)
- J. A. Maryson, “The Principles of Anarchism” (1935)
V. — Alluvium (1936-present)
[At present, I have no plans to actually write a fifth volume, but I will probably be documenting some later episodes that help illuminate the earlier history.]
Related links:
- Charles-Auguste Bontemps, “Synthèse d’un anarchisme évolutif” (1952)
- Gaston Leval, “Libertarian Socialist! Why?” (1956)
- What Mutualism Was: Coming to Terms with Our Anarchist Past (Janury 4, 2019)
- What Mutualism Was: An Incomplete History of Mutualist Tendencies(August 29, 2015)
- “Gray Light”—Paul Brown in the New Harmony Gazette (1825–1827)