Proudhon, “The Celebration of Sunday” (revised and expanded translation)

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I’m a few days behind schedule getting the first notes on Justice together. Among other things, I’ve been trying to make the most of a narrow fall window to get our yard a little bit better adapted to changing conditions. But work is progressing. I should have test prints of the “text” editions of the first two volumes within a week, at which point I’ll make ordering copies an option for others, and I’ve been trying to shoehorn in the time to put together a companion volume collecting some pre-1858 texts that provide useful context.

The first step in that last process was cleaning up my decade-old translation of The Celebration of Sunday, as well as adding the recent translations of two additional prefaces and an article with some otherwise unpublished manuscript material from the Rivière edition. As with the volumes of Justice, the new pdf is formatted in 8″ x 11.5″ format, with wide margins suitable for notes.

My hope is to add revised translations of The Philosophy of Progress, “Principles of the Philosophy of Progress,” “The Miserere” and a few other short texts in the near future, but we’ll see how things go. Updates will, of course, be posted here.

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2720 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.