Justice in the Revolution and in the Church: Revised Translation Sample


I have started to carefully revise my translation of Proudhon’s Justice in the Revolution and in the Church, polishing the completed text of the 1860 expanded edition and simultaneously completing a uniform draft of the 1858 first edition. A first sample, consisting of the Prologue and First Study from the 1858 edition, is available online.

At this stage of the project, I would be grateful for any general feedback on the readability of the draft translation, as I begin to make the most general and often most difficult choices about the approach, not just for the current text, but for the entire New Proudhon Library edition.

I am still settling into the new workflow, which will include some demanding work with the manuscripts, but, assuming nothing goes too terribly wrong, it seems reasonable to think that I might be pretty well done with the work on Justice — excluding perhaps some deep explorations of the manuscript material — by this time next year, without, in the process, entirely abandoning additional first-draft translation and preparation for subsequent volumes.

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2720 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.