The Honor of the Name, and the Confusion it Breeds

Walking back into the debates at has affected me in two primary ways. First, and foremost, it’s nice that a piece on mutualism was considered appropriate to the site. It’s a great site. If the other half of my reaction is heavy on annoyance, I’ll admit that I’ve had much less welcoming experiences over there. Nobody called me a “nazi” this time. And so many of the divisions are still largely semantic. I look forward to a day when we can all really argue over substantive stuff. That day might not be so far off, with all of the attention being given to the problems with labels and buzzwords. Sheldon Richman has a related piece, TGIF, “Individualism, Collectivism, and Other Murky Labels, at the FEE site this week. And the kehlkopfmikrofon blog reminds me of an earlier comment of my own.

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2719 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.