The Radical Review (1877-1878)



[Links are to text in the archive]

May, 1877.

  • William J. Potter, “The Two Traditions, Ecclesiastical and Scientific,” 1.
  • B. W. Ball, “To Benedict Spinosa,” [poem]. 24.
  • C. W. Ernst. Practical Socialism in Germany. 25.
  • D. A. Wasson. Theodore Parker as Religious Reformer. 46.
  • Edmund C. Stedman. The Discoverer. [poem] 74.
  • P. J. Proudhon. System of Economical Contradictions, Introduction. 76,
  • Joel A. Allen. The Influence of Physical Conditions in the Genesis of Species. 108.
  • Lysander Spooner. Our Financiers: Their Ignorance, Usurpations, and Frauds. 141.
  • Current Literature.
    1. Alfred Tennyson. Harold: A Drama. Notice by John Weiss, 158.
    2. J. N. Larned. Talks about Labor. Notice by Stephen Pearl Andrews, 165.
    3. George E. Ellis. Memoir of Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford. Notice by Joseph H. Allen, 170.
    4. James Russell Lowell. Three Memorial Poems. Notice by J. Vita Blake, 174.
    5. R. W. Thompson. Papacy and the Civil Power. Notice by Charles Almy, Jr., 176.
    6. J. B. Gross. Teachings of Providence. Notice by J. Vila Blake, 179.
    7. John Hibberton. Jericho Road. Notice by Charles Almy, Jr., 181.
  • Sidney H. Morse. Chips from my Studio, I. 184.

August, 1877.

  • Elie Reclus, “Female Kinship and Maternal Filiation,” 205. [text]
  • Joseph B. Marvin. Walt Whitman. 224.
  • Dyer D. Lum. Nirvana. [poem] 260.
  • P. J. Proudhon. System of Economical Contradictions, Chapter I. 263,
  • Stephen Pearl Andrews, “The Labor Dollar,” 287.
  • Sidney H. Morse, “The All-Loving,” [poem] 307.
  • John Weiss. The Orthodox Basis of Revivalism. 308.
  • B. W. Ball. Paul at Athens. [poem] 324.
  • Lysander Spooner. The Law of Prices. 326.
  • Current Literature.
    1. Martineau, Harriet, her Autobiography, Notice by John W. Chadwick, 338.
    2. Landor, Walter Savage. Imaginary Conversations, Notice by Abram W. Stevens, 347.
    3. Spencer, Herbert. Principles of Sociology, Notice by Joseph H. Allen, 352.
    4. Viscount Amberley. Analysis of Religious Belief. Notice by Dyer D. Lum, 357.
    5. Foerster, Wilhelm. Collection of Philosophical Discourses, Notice by C. W. Ernst, 361.
    6. Brinton, D. G. Religious Sentiment, Notice by J. Stahl Patterson, 364.
  • Sidney H. Morse. Chips from my Studio, II. 367.

November, 1877.

  • Prostitution and the International Woman’s League,” Henry Edger, 397.
  • Spencer’s Unknowable as the Basis of Religion. J. Stahl Patterson, 419.
  • Preacher’s Love-Vacation. [poem] John Weiss, 443
  • Transcendentalism (Johnson). Samuel Johnson, 447.
  • P. J. Proudhon. System of Economical Contradictions, Chapter 2. 479.
  • I. G. Blanchard, “The Warfare,” [poem] 522.
  • “So the Railway Kings Itch for an Empire, Do they?,” “A Red-Hot Striker,” 523.
  • John Weiss. The Spirit that was in Jesus. 535.
  • Ezra H. Heywood. The Great Strike: Its Relations to Labor, Property, and Government. 553.
  • Edward Stanwood, “Mr. Spooner’s Island Community,” 578.
  • Current Literature.
    1. Johnson, Samuel. Oriental Religions, II., Notice by John Weiss, 582.
    2. Harvey, James. Paper Money, Notice by Julius Ferrette, 587.
    3. Van Laun, Henri. History of French Literature, I., II., Notice by T. F. Brownell, 592.
    4. George M. Beard. Scientific Basis of Delusions. Notice by Elizabeth M. F. Denton, 598.
  • Sidney H. Morse. Chips from my Studio, III. 603.

February, 1878.

  • J. Vita Blake. The Decline of Churches. 625.
  • Christopher P. Cranch. Musings upon Deity. [poem] 647.
  • J. K. Ingalls, “Work and Wealth,” 650.
  • John L. Stoddard. The Ethics of Jesus. 661.
  • Emily F. Ford. To a Man about Town. [poem] 688.
  • John Fiske. Wright, Chauncey. 690.
  • T. F. Browrell. Some Considerations in Ethics. 707.
  • B. W. Ball, “The Revolution,” [poem] 720.
  • P. J. Proudhon. System of Economical Contradictions, Chapter 3. 721
  • Lysander Spooner. Gold and Silver as Standards of Value. 751.
  • John L. Stoddard. The Martyr’s Vision. [poem] 778.
  • Current Literature.
    1. Simcox. Edith. Natural Law. Notice by J. N. Larned, 781.
    2. Albert S Bolles. Conflict between Labor and Capital. Notice by Dyer D. Lum, 786.
    3. Gill, William F. Life of Edgar Allan Poe. Notice by J. Vila Blake, 790.
    4. Wakeman, T. B. Epitome of the Positive Philosophy and Religion. Notice by Stephen Pearl Andrews, 793.
    5. Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. Cradle of the Christ. Notice by Charles W. Buck, 797.
    6. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Story of Avis. Notice by John Weiss, 802.
  • Sidney H. Morse. Chips from my Studio, IV. 804.


[Links are to pdf page-scans.]

  • All-Loving, The, poem on, by Sidney H. Morse, 307. [text]
  • Amberley, Viscount, his Analysis of Religious Belief, notice of, by Dyer D. Lum, 357.
  • Beard, George M., his Scientific Basis of Delusions, notice of, by Elizabeth M. F. Denton, 598.
  • Bolles, Albert S., his Conflict between Labor and Capital, notice of, by Dyer D. Lum, 786.
  • Brinton, D. G., his Religions Sentiment, notice of, by J. Stahl Patterson, 364.
  • Chips from my Studio, by Sidney H. Morse, 184, 367, 603, 804.
  • Churches, The Decline of, article on, by J. Vita Blake, 625.
  • Deity, Musings upon, poem on, by Christopher P. Cranch, 647.
  • Discoverer, The, poem on, by Edmund C. Stedman, 74.
  • Economical Contradictions, System of, by P. J. Proudhon, translation of, by the Editor, 76, 263, 479, 721.
  • Ellis, George E., his Memoir of Benjamin Thompqon, notice of, by Joseph H. Allen, 170.
  • Ethics, Some Considerations in, article on, by T. F. Browrell, 707.
  • Female Kinship and Maternal Filiation, article on, by Elie Reclus, 205. [text]
  • Financiers, Our: Their Ignorance, Usurpations, and Frauds, article on, by Lysander Spooner, 141.
  • Foerster, Wilhelm, his Collection of Philosophical Discourses, notice of, be C. W. Ernst, 361.
  • Frothingham, Octavius Brooks, his Cradle of the Christ, notice of, by Charles W. Buck, 797.
  • Germany, Practical Socialism in, article so, by C. W. Ernst, 25.
  • Gill, William F., his Life of Edgar Allan Poe, notice of, by J. Vila Blake, 790.
  • Gold and Silver as Standards of Value, article on, by Lysander Spooner, 751. [at]
  • Gross, J. B., his Teachings of Providence, notice of, by J. Vila Blake, 179.
  • Hibberton, John, his Jericho Road, notice of, by Charles Almy, Jr., 181.
  • Harvey, James, his Paper Money, notice of, by Julius Ferrette, 587.
  • Jesus The Ethics of, article on, by John L. Stoddard, 661.
  • Jesus, The Spirit that was in, article on, by John Weiss, 535.
  • Johnson, Samuel, his Oriental Religions, II., notice of, by John Weiss, 582.
  • Labor Dollar, The, article on, by Stephen Pearl Andrews, 287.
  • Landor, Walter Savage, his Imaginary Conversations, notice of, by Abram W. Stevens, 347.
  • Larned, J. N., his Talks about Labor, notice of, by Stephen Pearl Andrews, 165.
  • Lowell, James Russell, his Three Memorial Poems, notice of, by J. Vita Blake, 174.
  • Man about Town, To a, poem on, by Emily F. Ford, 688.
  • Martineau, Harriet, her Autobiography, notice of, by John W. Chadwick, 338.
  • Martyr’s Vision, The, poem on, by John L. Stoddard, 778.
  • Nirvana, poem on, by Dyer D. Lum, 260.
  • Parker as Religious Reformer, Theodore, article on, D. A. Wasson, 46.
  • Paul at Athens, poem on, by B. W. Ball, 324.
  • Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, her Story of Avis, notice of, by John Weiss, 802.
  • Physical Conditions in the Genesis of Species, The Influence of, article on, be Joel A. Allen, 108.
  • Preacher’s Love-Vacation, poem on, by John Weiss, 443
  • Prices, The Law of, article on, by Lysander Spooner, 326. [at]
  • Prostitution and the International Woman’s League, article on, by Henry Edger, 397.
  • Railway Kings Itch for an Empire, Do they?, So the, article on, by “A Red-Hot Striker,” 523. [pamphlet at Google Books]
  • Revivalism, The Orthodox Basis of, article on, by John Weiss, 308.
  • Revolution, The, poem on, by B. W. Ball, 720. [text]
  • Simcox. Edith, her Natural Law, notice of, by J. N. Larned, 781.
  • Spencer, Herbert, his Principles of Sociology, notice of, by Joseph H. Allen, 352.
  • Spencer’s Unknowable as the Basis of Religion, article on, by J. Stahl Patterson, 419.
  • Spinosa, To Benedict, poem on, by B. W. Ball. 24.
  • Spooner’s Island Community, Mr., article on, by Edward Stanwood, 578. [text]
  • Strike, The Great: Its Relations to Labor, Property, and Government, article on, by E. H. Heywood, 553.
  • Tennyson, Alfred, his Harold, notice of, by John Weiss, 158.
  • Thompson, R. W., his Papacy and the Civil Power, notice of, by Charles Almy, Jr., 176.
  • Traditions, Ecclesiastical and Scientific, The Two, article on, by William J. Potter, 1. [text]
  • Transcendentalism, article on, by Samuel Johnson, 447.
  • Van Laun, Henri, his History of French Literature, I., II., notice of, by T. F. Brownell, 592.
  • Wakeman, T. B., his Epitome of the Positive Philosophy and Religion, notice of, by Stephen Pearl Andrews, 793.
  • Warfare, The, poem on, by I. G. Blanchard, 522. [text]
  • Whitman, Walt, article on, by Joseph B. Marvin, 224.
  • Work and Wealth, article on, by J. K. Ingalls, 650. [text]
  • Wright, Chauncey, article on, by John Fiske, 690.

Additional pages include texts from each issue.

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2719 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.