Psychometrical Portrait of Joshua King Ingalls (1853)

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Given from impressions received while holding a sealed letter against her forehead.
J. K. Ingalls.
This writer possesses a noble heart and mind; the character is open and revealed. By every expression and action this man will indicate something of the nobleness of his nature. Those who have known him long and intimately have found him a true man and faithful friend. He is extremely conscientious, has a great veneration for truth and goodness, and is never so happy as when the words and deeds of men accord with the promptings of these attributes. He is cautious, but not timid. When conscious that he is established on a true foundation, he is firm—has much self-respect, and will rest on his own conclusions.
This person has a strong regard for friends, and affection for home; he is happy in the domestic and social relations. He esteems woman, but, in his mind, virtue and intelligence constitute her chief attractions. Contention disturbs his spirit; he loves peace and harmony, and would take great delight in any movement that would tend to harmonize society, and to bring about a greater equality in the conditions of men.
This person is original in his ideas, and many of his sentiments are beautifully expressed; but he often feels more than he has power to reveal. He is agreeable in his manners, and will be likely to attract many persons to him, especially those who know him best.
The heart is often filled with a feeling of devotion which language can not express. The spiritual nature greatly predominates, and it would be well for the world to follow his example.
A protracted and intimate personal acquaintance with Mr. affords us the most complete assurance of the entire accuracy of Mrs. Mettler’s impressions concerning his character. For his unwavering devotion to his deepest convictions, he lost his place as a minister of the Universalist denomination, having been disfellowshiped by an act of the New York Association, because he would not acknowledge the Bible as “the only and sufficient revelation” to man. Without complaining of the mistaken and uncharitable policy of his brethren, Mr. Ingallspeaceably retired from the ministry, and engaged in secular pursuits. It affords us great pleasure to say that he carried with him the spirit of meekness and forbearance which had characterized his whole life, and, in his retirement, he still preaches to men, eloquently and truly, by the force of a good example, and the Irving exemplification of the Christian virtues.
S. B. B.
Source: The Shekinah, vol. 2 (1853) 159-160.


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