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Texts in French:
- Abdullah Djevdet, “Un précurseur anarchiste: Ebou-Ala-el-Muarri”
- Benoît Malon, “Dom Deschamps” (1888)
- Bernard Lazare, “Michel Bakounine” (1895)
- Bilan de la politique impériale (1853)
- Charles Fourier in the “Phalange” (2nd series, 1836–1837)
- Charles Fourier, “Sur les charlataneries commerciales” (1807/1808)
- Charles Malato, “Souvenirs de Nouvelle-Calédonie” (1901)
- Dixième étude — Amour et mariage —
- Douzième étude — De la sanction morale — français parallèle
- E. Armand, “A vous, les humbles” (1917)
- E. Armand, “Fleurs de Solitude” (1923-1925)
- E. Armand in “Le Libertaire” (1902-1926)
- E. Armand in “Le Signal” (1891-1893)
- E. Armand, “La Liberté de l’Amour” (1928)
- E. Armand, “La propagande vraie” (1905)
- E. Armand, “La Synthèse anarchiste” (1928)
- E. Armand, “Le Clou qu’il faut qu’on enfonce” (1927)
- E. Armand, “Le manifeste de la droite anarchiste” (1927)
- E. Armand, “Les « besoins factices », les stimulants et les individualistes” (1916)
- E. Armand, “Les précurseurs de l’anarchisme” (1933)
- E. Armand, “Les tueries passionnelles et le tartufisme sexuel” (1934)
- E. Armand, “L’Eternel Problème” (et autres entretiens)
- E. Armand, “L’idéal libertaire et sa réalisation” (1904)
- E. Armand, “Notre ‘Amoralisme'” (1935)
- E. Armand, “Pas si naïfs, après tout” (1938)
- E. Armand, “Points de repère” (Le Libertaire, 1924)
- E. Armand, “Porter la guerre chez l’ennemi” (1927)
- E. Armand, “Pour faire réfléchir” (Le Libertaire, 1922-1925)
- E. Armand, Profils de Précurseurs et Figures de Rêve (1931)
- E. Armand, “Réflexions sur la situation de l’anarchisme actuel” (1931)
- Émile Buré, “Michel Bakounine” (1901)
- Ferdinand Monier, “Manifeste anarchiste” (1886)
- Fifth study—L’Education—Parallel French
- Fourth study—L’Etat—Parallel French
- French-language texts
- Ixigrec, “Absolu et compromis dans la lutte pour la vie” (1956)
- Ixigrec (Robert Collino) in l’Unique (1946-1947)
- Jacques-Antoine Vila, “Les Mémoires d’un Forçat” (1898)
- John Henry Mackey, “L’Œuvre de Max Stirner: L’Unique et sa propriété”
- Jules Leroux, “Economie politique” (1838)
- Léon Abensour, “Proudhon et la Pologne” (1920)
- Max Nettlau, La Lutte contre l’Etat (1908)
- Mikhail Bakunin, “Confession” (1851)
- Mikhail Bakunin, “Ma défense” (1850)
- Ms. 2605 — Essais d’une philosophie populaire. — No. 1.
- Ms. 2832 — Pologne. Les Principes
- Ms. 2834 — Pologne. Les Principes
- Ms. 2846 — Théorie de la propriété
- Ms. 2847 — Théorie de la propriété
- Neuvième étude — Progrès et décadence — français parallèle
- Onzième étude — Amour et mariage (suite) —
- Pierre Leroux, “De la doctrine du progrès continu” (1834)
- Pierre Leroux, “De l’Union européenne” (1827)
- Proudhon’s “What is Property” reviewed in “La Phalange” (1840)
- Pseudonymous articles by E. Armand
- System of Economic Contraditions, Chapter 10: Seventh Epoch — Credit
- Tenth Study — Love and Marriage — parallel English
- The Poems of E. Armand (FR)
- Third study—Biens—Parallel French
Parallel French/English:
- Jenny P. d’Héricourt in the Messager Franco-Americain (1865-1869)
- A Handwritten Manuscript by Ravachol (1892)
- Albert Millaud, “Ravachol” (March 30, 1892)
- Albert Soubervielle, “Vivre / To Live” (1923)
- Alfred Fouillée, “Immoralism and the Absolute Individualism of Stirner” (1902)
- An Individualist Program (El Unico, 1912)
- “Analysis of the Doctrine of Babeuf” (1796)
- Anarchist Encyclopedia: Action
- Anarchist Encyclopedia: Archies (Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers)
- Anarchist Encyclopedia: Art (Han Ryner)
- Anarchist Encyclopedia: Harlequin
- Anarchist Encyclopedia: Ulterior Motive
- André Léo, “Woman and Mores” (1869)
- Another bit on “socialism,” from Proudhon’s “The Federative Principle”
- Anselme Mauzé in “l’en dehors” (1930-1938)
- Auguste Beauchery, “Solution of the Problem of Certainty”
- Aurèle Patorni, “L’Androgyne / The Androgyne” (1920)
- Aurora, “I Am an Individualist” (1925)
- Bakunin — Article for “Il popolo d’Italia” (1865)
- Bellegarrigue to the voters of the Department of Gers
- Benjamin R. Tucker, “Anarchism: Communist or Individualist?” (FR/EN)
- Cartoons from “l’en dehors”
- Catherine Campoursy, “Joie de vivre / Joy of Living” (1933)
- Celebration of Sunday: Appendix
- Charles-Auguste Bontemps, “Éloge de l’égoïsme / In Praise of Egoism” (1965)
- Charles-Auguste Bontemps, “Synthesis of an Evolving Anarchism” (1952)
- Charles-Auguste Bontemps, “The Sustainability of Anarchism” (1967)
- Charles Fourier in the the “Journal de Lyon, Nouvelles de la France et de l’étranger”
- Charles Fourier, “Neology”
- Charles Theivon, “Etre anarchist / To Be an Anarchist” (1924)
- Dictionary of Phalansterian Sociology — A
- Dictionary of Phalansterian Sociology — X-Z
- E. Armand, “A Winter Song” and “April” (1927-1928)
- E. Armand, “Adventure Was There…” and “Like Lions…” (1925)
- E. Armand, Ainsi chantait un « en dehors » (1925 / 1933)
- E. Armand, “Amertume / Bitterness” (1923)
- E. Armand, “Aujourd’hui / Today” (1908) and “Hésitations / Hesitations” (1910)
- E. Armand, “Because I Consider You To Be Mine” (1913)
- E. Armand, “Calculs / Calculations” and “D’en haut / From on High”
- E. Armand, “Chants d’un emmuré / Songs of the Immured” (1923)
- E. Armand, “Demain / Tomorrow” (1908)
- E. Armand, “En-dehorism” (1936)
- E. Armand, “En marge du vice et de la vertu” (1937)
- E. Armand, “En Route, Pionniers et Précurseurs ! / Onward, Pioneers and Precursors!” (1928)
- E. Armand, “Equisses / Sketches” (1923)
- E. Armand, “Estompe / Fading” (1924)
- E. Armand, “Etiquette ? / Label?” (1925)
- E. Armand: The Exosthène cycle
- E. Armand, “Faire quelque chose… mais quoi?” / “Do something… but what?” (1911)
- E. Armand, “In the World, but Not of the World” (1901)
- E. Armand, “La Passion Patibulaire / The Sinister Passion” (1923)
- E. Armand, “La première impulsion / The First Impulse” (1916)
- E. Armand, “La révolution anarchiste” (1926)
- E. Armand, “L’abîme / The Abyss” (1910)
- E. Armand, “Le choix / The Choice” (1906)
- E. Armand, “Le dernier nuage / The Last Cloud” (1929)
- E. Armand, “Le Travail / Work” (1908)
- E. Armand, “Le Vase / The Vase” (1927)
- E. Armand, “Le vrai camarade / The True Camarade” (1928)
- E. Armand, “Les Négateurs de Maîtres” / “We Deny All Masters” (1922)
- E. Armand, “Les papillons de nuit / Moths” (1916)
- E. Armand, “L’heure crépusculaire” / “The Twilight Hour” (1937)
- E. Armand, “Liberty Will Triumph” (1923)
- E. Armand, “Life As Experience” (1906)
- E. Armand, “L’Individualisme de la Joie / The Individualism of Joy” (1924)
- E. Armand, “Mon ami Pierrot” / “My Friend Pierrot” (1957)
- E. Armand, “My Body Is My Own” (1927)
- E. Armand, “On me reproche de manquer d’idéal” (1928) (FR/EN)
- E. Armand, “Ouragan / Hurricane” (1906)
- E. Armand, “Pensées d’automne / Autumn Thoughts” (1923)
- E. Armand, “Perspective” (1922), with a poetic response
- E. Armand, “Plan for an Anarchist Individualist International” (1927)
- E. Armand, “Poème erotique / Erotic Poem” (1923)
- E. Armand, “Questions You Wouldn’t Ask Elsewhere” (1931)
- E. Armand, “Réfractaires! / Refractories!” and Bizeau, “My Desires!” (1907)
- E. Armand, “Rêve et réalité / Dream and Reality” (1938)
- E. Armand, “Rêve païen / Pagan Dream” (1913)
- E. Armand, “Scènes de Noel / Christmas Scenes” (1901)
- E. Armand, “Sentimentality” (1939)
- E. Armand, “Solidary?” (1912)
- E. Armand, “Souvenir / Memory” (1906)
- E. Armand, The Anarchist Individualist Initiation (front matter) (FR/EN)
- E. Armand, The Anarchist Individualist Initiation — II
- E. Armand, The Anarchist Individualist Initiation — III
- E. Armand, The Anarchist Individualist Initiation — IV
- E. Armand, The Anarchist Individualist Initiation — V
- E. Armand, The Anarchist Individualist Initiation — V
- E. Armand, The Anarchist Individualist Initiation — VI
- E. Armand, The Anarchist Individualist Initiation — XVI
- E. Armand, The Anarchist Individualist Initiation — XVII
- E. Armand, “The Man of Blood,” “A True Story” and a note on camaraderie
- E. Armand, “The Man of the Solitudes” (1927)
- E. Armand to Max Nettlau, July 20, 1935
- E. Armand, “Tout n’est pas encore perdu / All Is Not Yet Lost” (1937)
- E. Armand, “Un curieux songe / A Curious Dream” (1923)
- E. Armand, “Un mur pour horizon / A Wall for Horizon” (1907)
- E. Armand, “Un Portrait / A Portrait” (1906)
- E. Armand, “Variations on Poetry” (1929)
- E.-L. Armand, “Letter from Switzerland” (1896)
- Eighth Study — Conscience and Liberty — parallel English
- Elisée Reclus, “Why Are We Anarchists?” (1899)
- E. Armand, “A Little Manual for the Anarchist Individualist” (1911/1934)
- E. Armand, “On Sexual Liberty” (1916) (FR/EN)
- E. Armand, The Anarchist Individualist Initiation — I
- Emile de Girardin, “Mutualisme / Mutualism” (1852)
- Emile Pouget, “Sabotage” (from the Almanach du Père Peinard, 1898)
- Enrique Nido, “The Crossroads” (1923)
- Entente Libertaire — Notes and texts
- Enzo Martucci, “Beyond All Morality” (1947)
- Ernest Lesigne, “Socialist Letters” (1887)
- Eugène de Mirecourt, “Proudhon” (1855)
- F. T. Marinetti, “What Separates Us from Nietzsche” (1910)
- Fernando Tarrida del Mármol, “Questions of Tactics” (1890)
- Flowers of Solitude… — Chapter I — Science and Philosophy
- Flowers of Solitude… — Chapter II — Education and Sentiment
- Flowers of Solitude… — Chapter IV — Social and Religious Critique
- Flowers of Solitude… — Chapter V — Art and Literature
- Flowers of Solitude… — Chapter VI — The Anarchist Individualist and Their Inner Life
- Flowers of Solitude… — Chapter VII — Free or Captive?
- Flowers of Solitude… — Chapter III — Love and Sexualism
- Four by Marius Jean (1927-1928)
- Four Tales by Brutus Mercereau (1925-1926)
- Francis Vergas, “My Anarchism” (1913)
- Gabriel-Désiré Laverdant, “Of the Mission of Art and the Role of Artists” (1845)
- Gabriel in “l’en dehors” (1922-1925)
- Gaston Leval, “La crise permanente de l’anarchisme”
- Georges Duchêne, “Government” (1849-50)
- Georges Etiévant, “The Hare and the Hunter” (1897)
- Georgette Ryner
- Georgette Ryner, “If I returned to your country” (1924/1926)
- Georgette Ryner, “The Combat of Love and Death” (1925)
- Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers, “En Médiocratie” (1923)
- Gigi Damiani, “Jesus and Bonnot: A Christmas Tale” (FR/EN) (1927)
- Han Ryner, Deo Optimo Maximo (1919)
- Han Ryner, “Duel upon Duel” (“The Penny-Pincher”) (1899)
- Han Ryner, “A Transition” (“The Secret of Don Juan”) (1897)
- Han Ryner, “What is the Individual?” (1919)
- Henri Zisly in “La Vie Naturelle” (1910)
- Henri Zisly, “What the Naturians Are, Precisely” (1910)
- Henriette, artist, “A New Crime Against Liberty” (1848)
- Henry La Bonne, “To the Cat” and “The Despised Dandelion”
- Henri Zisly, “A Question of Temperaments” (1910)
- Hermann Sterne, “Tant pis poux eux! / Too Bad for Them!” (1912)
- Ixigrec, “Panurge au Pays des Machines” (1940)
- J. Roca, “The Problem of Anarchism” (1928)
- Jean Marius, “Etre anarchiste” / “To Be Anarchiste” (1927)
- Jeanne Deroin, “A ceux qui nous méconnaissent / To Those Who Misunderstand Us” (1848)
- Jeanne Marie, “What the Socialists Want” (1848)
- Jenny d’Héricourt, “Illinois” (FR) (1866)
- Jenny P. d’Héricourt, “La Femme affrancie / Woman Emancipated” — Volume I
- Jenny P. d’Héricourt, “La Femme affrancie / Woman Emancipated” — Volume II
- Jenny P. d’Héricourt, “Philosophical Letters on Tolerance and the Critique of Hypotheses” (1863-64)
- Joannès Tobas, “Arrestation de Ravachol / Arrest of Ravachol”
- Joseph Déjacque before the court, 1849
- Joseph Déjacque, “Essay on Religion” (1861)
- Joseph Déjacque, “Scandal” (1858)
- Joseph Déjacque, “The Revolutionary Question”
- Joseph Leguépin, “Une sourdine / A Muzzle” (1916)
- “L’authentique embusqué / The Genuine Shirker” (1915)
- Le Rétif (Victor Serge), “To Be and to Appear” (1909)
- l’en dehors: unsigned articles
- Léon Neveu, “je suis ce subversif / I am that subversive” (1936)
- L’Ère Nouvelle: misc. documents
- Lev Chernyi, “The Three Types of Human Relations” (1923)
- Louis Estève, “Opinion” (1937)
- Louis Prat, “Harmonisme / Harmonism” (1927)
- Louise Michel, “A Final Thought” (1887)
- Louise Michel, “Memories of Caledonia” (1887)
- Louise Michel, “Old Chéchette” (1884)
- Louise Michel, “The Clavier of My Over-Dream” (1867)
- Lucien Barbedette, “L’Inéluctable / The Inescapable” (1929)
- Marius Jean, “Honesty with Oneself” (1931)
- Marius Jean, “To Those Who Claim to be of ‘Our World'” (1938)
- Maurice Imbard, “Activité / Activity” (1923)
- Maurice Imbard, “Comment vivre? / How to Live?” (1924)
- Maurice Imbard, “Reflections on Anarchism” (1931)
- Maurice Imbard, “The Anarchists” (1926)
- Nelly Roussel, “La force physique et l’autorité / Physical Force and Authority” (1901)
- Nelly Roussel, “Quelques lances rompues pour nos libertés” (1910) (FR/EN)
- Notes on “The Anarchist Individualist Initiation”
- L’Œuvre Internationale des Editions anarchistes in “La Revue Anarchiste” (1924-1925)
- Of Justice in the Revolution and in the Church: Popular Philosophy—Program (1860)
- On the Subject of the Anarchist Synthesis (1928)
- On the Subject of the Anarchist Synthesis (1929)
- Ovide Ducauroy (1887-1953)
- Ovide Ducauroy, “Je suis… / I am…” (1925)
- Ovide Ducauroy, “Le triomphe de l’humain” / “The Triumph of the Human” (1945)
- P.-J. Proudhon, “Warning to the Proprietors” (Third Memoir on Property, 1841)
- P.-J. Proudhon, “Bank of Exchange”
- P.-J. Proudhon, Correspondence related to the Studies in Popular Philosophy
- P.-J. Proudhon, “Demonstration of Socialism, Theoretical and Practical”
- P.-J. Proudhon, “The Right to Work and the Right of Property” (1848)
- P.-J. Proudhon, “The Miserere” (1845)
- P.-J. Proudhon, “Property is Theft” (manuscript)
- P.-J. Proudhon, “Revolutionary Ideas” (1849)
- P.-J. Proudhon, “The Creation of Order in Humanity” — Chapter II
- P.-J. Proudhon, “The Creation of Order in Humanity” — Chapter III
- P.-J. Proudhon, “The Creation of Order in Humanity” — Chapter IV
- P.-J. Proudhon, “The Creation of Order in Humanity” — Chapter V
- P.-J. Proudhon, “The Creation of Order in Humanity” — Chapter VI
- P.-J. Proudhon, “The Creation of Order in Humanity” — Definitions and Chapter I
- P.-J. Proudhon, “The Political Capacity of the Working Classes” (1865)
- P.-J. Proudhon, Three Prefaces for “The Celebration of Sunday”
- P.-J. Proudhon, “What, Finally, is the Republic?”
- Pan, “Chanson Anarchiste / Anarchist Song” (1892)
- Paraf-Javal, “Authority” (1907)
- Paraf-Javal, “The Rights of Man and the Law” (1902)
- Pierre Madel, “L’en dehors” (1930-1931)
- Pierre Mualdes, “Etre anarchiste / To Be an Anarchist” (1924)
- Pierre Ramus, “Why I Am an Anarchist” (1928)
- Plucked from the fields of 1925
- Plucked from the fields of 1930
- Principal Tendencies of “l’Unique” (1956)
- Prosper Enfantin, “The Priest—Male and Female” (1831)
- “Protest of the Mutuellistes” (1834)
- Proudhon before the Court of Assizes (1849)
- Proudhon Explained by Himself (Letter to Villaumé, 1856)
- Proudhon’s “Toast to the Revolution” (revised translation)
- “Ravachol pas mort ! / Ravachol Not Dead!” (1975)
- René Furth, “La Question anarchiste / The Anarchist Question” (1972)
- Ricardo Mella, “Collectivism and Communism: Anarchists in Spain” (1900)
- Robert Dulud, “Etre Anarchiste / To Be an Anarchist” (1924)
- Robert Lanoff, “Révoltons-nous / Let’s Rise Up!” (1909)
- Sacher-Masoch, “Bakunin” (1888)
- Sébastien Faure, “La Révolte / The Revolt” (1886)
- Sébastien Faure, “Propos Subversifs: Les Forces de Révolution” (1921)
- Short Statements on the Anarchist Entente (1928–1929)
- Simplism
- Some Reasons Why Mr. Tout-le-monde Does Not Like “l’en dehors” (1928)
- Sylvain Marechal, “A Book Escaped from the Deluge” (1784)
- Sylvain Maréchal anticipates the “general strike”?
- Sylvain Maréchal, “Corrective to the Revolution” (1793)
- Sylvain Maréchal, “Cult and Laws of a Society of Men without God” (1797)
- Sylvain Maréchal, “Mother Nature before the National Assembly” (1791)
- Sylvain Maréchal, “Manifesto of the Equals” (1796)
- Sylvain Maréchal, ” Prometheus” (1788)
- Sylvain Maréchal, “The Desert Island” (1788)
- Sylvain Maréchal, “The Dwarf King” and “A Lesson in Architecture” (1788)
- Sylvain Maréchal, “The Ordeal” (1788)
- Sylvain Maréchal, “The Pig-Keeper King” (1788)
- Sylvain Maréchal, “The Tocsin” (1788)
- The Three Eras (May 22, 1848)
- Théodore Jean, “Anarchie / Anarchy” (1934)
- Tomás Ibáñez, “Pourquoi j’ai choisi l’anarchie / Why I Have Chosen Anarchy” (1962)
- What is the Anarchist Entente? (1928)