Abner Kneeland, “The Reformed Alphabet and Orthography, applicable to all Languages. By Lewis Masquerier,” Boston Investigator 5 no. 10 (May 29, 1835): 3.
Lewis Masquerier, “Temperance,” Boston Investigator 5 no. 26 (September 18, 1835): 4. (poem)
Lewis Masquerier, “Tract No. 1—Christianity,” Boston Investigator 6 no. 26 (September 9, 1836): 1.
Abner Kneeland, “Letter from the Editor—No. III,” Boston Investigator 9 no. 7 (May 1, 1839): 2
“Periodical of Mental Freedom,” Boston Investigator 9 no. 25 (September 4, 1839): 3. (1414 words)
Lewis Masquerier, “The Universal Community Society of Rational Religionists,” Boston Investigator 9 no. 39 (December 4, 1839): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “The Universal Community Society of Rational Religionists,” New Moral World 7 no. 64 (January 4, 1840): 1006-1007. [same as above]
Lewis Masquerier, “Anniversary Hymn—To T. Paine,” Boston Investigator 9 no. 49 (February 19, 1840): 2. (poem)
Lewis Masquerier, “The Life and Character of Robespierre” [review], Boston Investigator 10 no. 38 (January 06, 1841): 1; 10 no. 39 (January 13, 1841): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “Progress of Social Reform,” New Moral World 2 no. 11, Third Enlarged Series (March 13, 1841): 167.
“Socialism in America,” New Moral World 2 no. 12, Third Enlarged Series (March 20, 1841): 179.
Lewis Masquerier, “Emigration, an Instrument of Civilization,” New Moral World 2 no. 13, Third Enlarged Series (March 27, 1841): 188-189.
Lewis Masquerier, “The Progress of Society,” New Moral World 2 no. 15, Third Enlarged Series (April 10, 1841): 220-221.
Lewis Masquerier, “Progress of Social Reform,” New Moral World 2 no. 16, Third Enlarged Series (April 17, 1841): 246.
Lewis Masquerier, “New Theory; suggesting the Rotary Motion of the Earth as the Cause of its Curvilinear Direction in its Orbit, and also of the Tides,” Boston Investigator 11 no. 6 (June 16, 1841): 1-2.
Lewis Masquerier, “Progress of Social Reform,” New Moral World 3 no. 4, Third Enlarged Series (July 24, 1841): 31.
Lewis Masquerier, “On the Simplicity of the Structure and Operations of the Mind,” New Moral World 3 no. 5, Third Enlarged Series (July 31, 1841): 33-34.
Lewis Masquerier, “Progress of the New Organization of Society,” Boston Investigator 11 no. 15 (August 18, 1841): 2.
Lewis Masquerier, “New Theory of Astronomy, suggesting the Rotary Motion of the Earth as the Cause of its Curvilinear Direction in its Orbit, and also of the Tides,” New Moral World 3 no. 10, Third Enlarged Series (Sept 4, 1841): 74-75.
Lewis Masquerier, “Progress of Social Reform,” New Moral World 3 no. 10, Third Enlarged Series (Sept 4, 1841): 78-79.
Lewis Masquerier, “Science of Government Founded on Natural Law” [review], Boston Investigator 11 no. 18 (September 08, 1841): 1-2.
Lewis Masquerier, “Discussion on Socialism,” Boston Investigator 11 no. 25 (October 27, 1841): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, [letter], Boston Investigator 14 no. 16 (August 21, 1844): 2.
Lewis Masquerier, “Declaration of Independence, of the Producing from the Non-Producing Class,” Working Man’s Advocate 1 no. 27 (September 28, 1844): 4.
L. Masquerier, “To Reformers, Tenants, Anti-Renters, Squatters, And Slaves,” Young America 2 no. 16, New Series (July 12, 1845): 1.
L. Masquerier, “Monopoly Of Land The Great Evil,” Young America 2 no. 17, New Series (July 19, 1845): 2.
L. Masquerier, “Eras of Civilization,” Young America 2 no. 24, New Series (September 6, 1845): 1.
L. L. Masquerier, “Hired Labor Maintains All Society,” Young America 2 no. 27, New Series (September 27, 1845) 1.
L. Masquerier, “Domain—Earthsurpation. Improvements—Landlordry,” Young America 2 no. 36, New Series (November 29, 1845): 1–2.
L. Masquerier, “Working Men!,” Young America 2 no. 47, New Series (February 14, 1846): 4.
L. Masquerier, “Monopoly,” Young America 2 no. 50, New Series (March 7, 1846): 2.
Lewis Masquerier,” Eras of Civilization,” Boston Investigator 16 no. 5 (June 10, 1846): 4. [reprint from Northampton Democrat]
L. Lewis Masquerier, “Massive Memorial to Free the Public Lands,” Young America 3 no. 17, New Series (July 18, 1846): 2.
L. Masquerier, “Progress of Reform and Reformers,” Young America 3 no. 24, New Series (September 5, 1846): 1.
L. Masquerier, “The Thorough Principles of Political Science, or, Rights and Wrongs, Specified, Analysed, Classified, and Contrasted,” Young America 3 no. 44, New Series (January 23, 1847): 1.
“Proceedings of the Williamsburg National Reform Association,” Young America 4 no. 16, New Series (July 10, 1847): 3.
Lewis Masquerier, “Inalienable Homestead—Most Essential in the Restoration of Every Right,” Young America 4 no. 39, New Series (December 18, 1847): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “Inalienable Homestead—Most Essential in the Restoration of Every Right,” Young America 4 no. 41, New Series (January 1, 1848): 4.
Lewis Masquerier, “Inalienable Homestead—Most Essential in the Restoration of Every Right,” Young America 4 no. 43, New Series (January 15, 1848): 4.
Lewis Masquerier, “’The Workingman’s Political Economy’ and ‘Equitable Commerce’,” [reviews] Young America 5 no. 8, New Series (May 13, 1848): 1.
“The Free Homestead Association,” Boston Investigator 32 no. 13 (July 30, 1862) 102. [Masquerier, Ingalls, etc]
Lewis Masquerier, “Propagandists,” Boston Investigator 32 no. 35 (December 31, 1862): 275.
Lewis Masquerier, “Mental, Chattel, and Hireling Slavery,” Boston Investigator 32 no. 36 (January 7, 1863): 281.
Ann Masquerier, “Progression and Theology,” Boston Investigator 32 no. 42 (February 18, 1863): 329.
Lewis Masquerier, “Thomas Paine’s Monument,” Boston Investigator 33 no. 24 (October 21, 1863): 185-6. [includes lyrics to “Philanthropist, Thomas Paine,” to be sung to the tune of the “Star Spangled Banner.”]
Lewis Masquerier, “Death of Capt. Benjamin Price,” Boston Investigator 33 no. 245 (October 28, 1863): 195.
Lewis Masquerier, “Connection of Political and Religious Evil,” Boston Investigator 34 no. 40 (February 8, 1865): 313–314.
Lewis Masquerier, “Materialism, Transmutation, and Democracy, vs. Spiritualism, Creation, and Aristocracy,” [noted as received February 8, 1865—issues missing] [February 15, page 1 + mention on page 2]
[John Laurens, “Reforms,” Boston Investigator (February 29, 1865)]
Lewis Masquerier, “Materialism, Transmutation, and Democracy, vs. Spiritualism, Creation, and Aristocracy,—No. 2” [issues missing] [April 5, page 1]
G. W. Lewis, “Materialism against Spiritualism,” Boston Investigator 35 no. 4 (May 31, 1865): 26.
G. W. Lewis, “Materialism against Spiritualism—No. 2,” Boston Investigator 35 no. 5 (June 7, 1865): 34.
G. W. Lewis, “Materialism against Spiritualism (concluded),” Boston Investigator 35 no. 6 (Jun 14, 1865): 42.
Lewis Masquerier, “Philanthropists,” Boston Investigator 35 no. 23 (October 11, 1865): 178. [song, to the tune of Auld Lang Syne]
Lewis Masquerier, “Materialism, Development, Democracy, Vs. Spiritualism, Creation, and Aristocracy—No. 3,” Boston Investigator 35 no. 24 (October 18, 1865): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “Materialism, Development, Democracy, Vs. Spiritualism, Creation, and Aristocracy—No. 4,” Boston Investigator 35 no. 25 (October 25, 1865): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, Liberty-union songs (Brooklyn, L.I.: L. Masquerier, pr., 1866).
Lewis Masquerier, “Biographical Notice of the Late Gilbert Vale, John Windt and Wm. H. Bellamy,” Boston Investigator 36 no. 17 (August 29, 1866): 130. [announced August 22, date confirmed in Sociology.]
Lewis Masquerier, “Infidel Convention,” Boston Investigator 36 no. 18 (September 5, 1866): 137.
Lewis Masquerier, “Secret Instructions of the Jesuits” Boston Investigator 36 no. 21 (September 26, 1866): 161-162.
Lewis Masquerier, “Nothing Like Truth,” Boston Investigator 37 no. 21 (September 25, 1867): 2. [song]
Lewis Masquerier, “Orthographic Reform,” Boston Investigator 37 no. 22 (October 2, 1867): 170.
Lewis Masquerier, “Orthographic Reform,” Boston Investigator 37 no. 24 (October 14, 1867): 186.
Lewis Masquerier, “Plan for a Bridge across East River,” Annual report of the American Institute, of the City of New York, for the Year 1868-9 ():1002.
Lewis Masquerier, “Godology.—No. 1,” Boston Investigator 39 no. 27 (November 3, 1869): 209.
Lewis Masquerier, “Godology.—No. 2,” Boston Investigator 39 no. 28 (November 10, 1869): 217.
Lewis Masquerier, “The Activity of Sectarianism,” Boston Investigator 39 no. 28 (November 10, 1869): 221.
L. B. [missing response to masquerier], Boston Investigator 39 no. 30.
A. Von Adelung, “A Fair Proposal to Phonographers,” Boston Investigator 39 no. 31 (December 1, 1869): 2.
A. Von Adelung, “Incongruities in Phonotypy,” Boston Investigator 39 no. 33 (December 15, 1869): 2.
Lewis Masquerier, “The Atheist’s Religious Experience,” Boston Investigator 39 no. 38 (January 19, 1870): 2. [poem]
Lewis Masquerier, “To the Secular Associations of the United States,” Boston Investigator 39 no. 47 (March 23, 1870): 2.
Lewis Masquerier, “A Second Dose for L. B,” Boston Investigator 39 no.51 (April 20, 1870): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 1,” Boston Investigator 40 no. 25 (October 19, 1870.): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 2,” Boston Investigator 40 no. 29 (November 16, 1870): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 3,” Boston Investigator 40 no. 30 (November 23, 1870): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 4,” Boston Investigator 41 no. 9 (June 28, 1871): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 5,” Boston Investigator 41 no. 10 (July 5, 1871): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 6,” Boston Investigator 41 no. 11 (July 12, 1871): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 7,” Boston Investigator 41 no. 12 (July 19, 1871): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 8,” Boston Investigator 41 no. 13 (July 26, 1871): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 9,” Boston Investigator 41 no. 15 (August 9, 1871): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 10,” Boston Investigator 41 no. 16 (August 16, 1871): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “The Quadrature of the Circle Solved. The Boston Investigator 41 no. 18 (August 30, 1871): 1.
S. Robb. “Lewis Masquerier.” The Boston Investigator 41 no. 18 (August 30, 1871): 3.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 11,” Boston Investigator 41 no. 19 (September 6, 1871): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 12,” Boston Investigator 41 no. 26 (October 26, 1871): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 13,” Boston Investigator 41 no. 27 (November 1, 1871): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 14,” Boston Investigator 41 no. 31 (November 29, 1871): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 15,” The Boston Investigator. 41 no. 37 (2117). (January 10, 1872): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 16,” The Boston Investigator. 41 no. 38 (2118). (January 17, 1872): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 17,” The Boston Investigator. 41 no. 44 (2124). (February 28, 1872): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 18,” The Boston Investigator. 41 no. 49 (2129). (April 3, 1872): 2.
Lewis Masquerier, “An Oecumenical Convention of the World’s Political and Religious Reformers. No. 19,” The Boston Investigator. 41 no. 50 (2130). (April 10, 1872): 2.
S. J. W. T., “To the Memory of a Good Woman,” The Boston Investigator 43 no. 28 (November 5, 1873): 3.
Lewis Masquerier, “Obituary (Ann Tabor Masquerier),” The Boston Investigator 43 no. 30 (November 19, 1873): 2.
Lewis Masquerier, “History and Principles of a Real Homestead and Government,” The Truth Seeker 1 no. 8 (April, 1874): 6.
Lewis Masquerier, “The Thorough Principles of Rights, Wrongs, and their Remedy,” The Truth Seeker 1 no. 9 (May, 1874): 3.
Lewis Masquerier, “Evans and Land Reform,” The Truth Seeker 2 no. 3 (October 1, 1874): 8-9.
Lewis Masquerier, “Excursion by Land Reformer,” The Truth Seeker 2 no. 5 (November 1, 1874): 11.
Mary M. DeFord, M.D., “Land Reform,” The Truth Seeker 2 no. 9 (January 1, 1875): 11.
Lewis Masquerier, “Reply,” The Truth Seeker 2 no. 9 (January 1, 1875): 11.
Lewis Masquerier, “Evans and Land Reform,” Boston Investigator 44 no. 39 (January 20, 1875): 4.
Lewis Masquerier, “The Reform of Intemperance,” Boston Investigator 44 no. 45 (March 3, 1875): 2. [includes 2 songs]
L. M., “Anniversary,” The Truth Seeker 2 no. 16 (April 15, 1875): 7.
Lewis Masquerier, “Hymn on Modern Philanthropists,” The Truth Seeker 2 no. 28 (October 15, 1875): 7. [song]
[notice of Paine/Evans circular], Boston Investigator 45 no. 34 (December 15, 1875): 6.
Lewis Masquerier, “The Persecution of Mr. John A. Lant,” Boston Investigator 45 no. 42 (February 9, 1876): 5.
Lewis Masquerier, “Memorial,” Boston Investigator 46 no. 12 (July 12, 1876): 2.
Lewis Masquerier, “Secular and Religious Wrongs and Remedy—No. 1,” Boston Investigator 49 no. 30 (September 12, 1879): 2.
Lewis Masquerier, “Secular and Religious Wrongs and Remedy—No. 2,” Boston Investigator 49 no. 31 (September 19, 1879): 1.
Lewis Masquerier, “The Effect of Paine’s Writings and Other Reformers’,” Boston Investigator 49 no. 45 (September 19, 1880): 2.
Lewis Masquerier, “Modern Philanthropists,” Boston Investigator 50 no. 31 (November 17, 1880): 2. [song]
Lewis Masquerier, “Obituary—James A. Pyne,” Boston Investigator 51 no. 30 (November 9, 1881): 3.
—. A new phonotyphic pronouncing, and defining dictionary of the English language.Being the second of a series of works adapted for the use of seminaries … exhibiting the English language written in a perfect as well as the present imperfect orthography … To which is prefixed phonology, or the elements of language and music. New York, the author, 1877
—. Premium remedy for hireling slavery: classified principles and elements of rights and wrongs : diagram of township and village, and revolutionary hymns. New York : Printed by John A. Lant, 1877
—. Sociology, or, The reconstruction of society, government, and property upon the principles of the equality, the perpetuity, and the individuality of the private ownership of life, person, government, homestead, and the whole product of labor, by organizing all nations into townships of self-governed homestead democracies–self-employed in farming and mechanism, giving all the liberty and happiness to be found on earth. New York: The author, 1877
—. Appendix to Sociology, or, The scientific reconstruction of society, government and property. Brooklyn, New York : L. Masquerier, 1884
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