George Warren, “Songs sung at the celebration of Paine’s birth day, in New Harmony Jan. 19, 1839”


sung at the celebration of Paine’s birth day, in New Harmony Jan. 19, 1839.


‘Mid fables and fallacies, baubles of youth
Be it ever so simple there’s nothing like truth:
A charm from the scene seems to hallow the mind,
Which seeks through all nature its beauties to find.
Truth, truth, simple truth,
There’s nothing like truth—there’s nothing like truth

A stranger to truth, fancies puzzle the brain,
O give me contentment with nature again;
The sure life’s enjoyments, as days to me fall,
Give these with my peace of mind dearer than all.
Truth, truth, simple truth,
There’s nothing like truth—there’s nothing like truth.

Then a way with the dreams of delusion and guile,
With Nature sweet nature Nature contentedly smile,
Then age may enjoy all the charms of our youth,
Content with the gentle endearments of truth.
Truth, Truth, simple Truth,
There’s nothing like Truth—There’s nothing like truth.


Is there a man that never sigh’d
To set the prisoner free?
Is there a man that never prized
The sweets of liberty?
Then let him, let him breath unseen,
Or in a dungeon live;
Nor never, never know the sweets
That liberty can give.

Is there a heart so cold in man,
Can galling fetters crave?
Is there a wretch so truly low,
Can stoop to be a slave?
O, let him, then, in chains be bound,
In chains and bondage live,
Nor never, never know the sweets
That liberty can give.

Is there a breast so chilled in life,
Can nurse the coward’s sigh?
Is there a creature so debased,
Would not for freedom die?
O, let him, then, be doom’d to crawl
Where only reptiles live;
Nor never, never know the sweets
That liberty can give.


Printed by George Warren, ( aged 12 years,) with Josiah Warren’s Amateur Printing Apparatus.

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Independent scholar, translator and archivist.