No. 1
Black and Red Feminism from 19th Century France
Texts by Jeanne Deroin and André Léo
No. 2
Black and Red Feminism #2
Featuring works by and about Flora Tristan, Eugénie Niboyet, Désirée Gay, Paule Mink, Joseph Déjacque, Eugène Stourm, & Charles Keller
No. 3
La Frondeuse: Unruly Writings by Radical Women #3
Featuring works by and about Louise Michel, Paule Mink & Séverine
No. 4
La Frondeuse: Unruly Writings by Radical Women #4
Featuring works by and about Jenny P. d’Héricourt, aka Felix Lamb & Jeanne-Marie
No. 5
La Frondeuse: Unruly Writings by Radical Women #5
Featuring works by Emma Goldman. [This is the collection that became the PM Press anthology Anarchy and the Sex Question.]
No. 6
La Frondeuse: Unruly Writings by Radical Women #6
Featuring works by Sophie Kropotkin