Benjamin R. Tucker and Gertrude B. Kelly on Education

It’s a rare pleasure these days to stumble on something by Benjamin R. Tucker that I didn’t know was out there to find. When these items surface, it usually means some obscure radical journal or paper has surfaced. In this case, however, the source was the decidedly mainstream Educational Review, which dedicated half an issue in 1898 to “Some Socialist and Anarchist Views on Education.” Two of the contributors were political candidates of the Socialistic Labor Party, but the other two were figures familiar to readers of Tucker’s Liberty: Tucker himself and Dr. Gertrude B. Kelly. For the details, download the pdf or pick one up from the Corvus Shop.

Of course, more obscure periodicals are surfacing regularly, and in the pages of the Free Thought Magazine I ran across Moses Harman’s “Free Lover’s Creed.” Also, for the real anarcho-completists, Clement Milton Hammond’s “Prolongation of Human Life” is also now available in pamphlet form. (Hammond was the author of Then and Now, which ran serially in Liberty.)

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2720 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.