Travels in the Libertarian Labyrinth, 2005

From time to time I go back through the archives of this blog, revisiting old ideas and looking for dropped threads, and on more than one occasion I have been tempted to pull together a sort of “best of” collection, beyond what I’ve done in the couple of mutualist-related zines. My own experience is that the mass of material here is fairly daunting, and I know that others frequently find it moreso. So I’m trying a little experiment, in part for my own use and in part for those who are encountering the blog now without benefit of growing up with it, so to speak, and taking in the material gradually. I’ve collected all of the significant material from the first year of the blog, 2005, added a bit of running commentary and a few footnotes, and bundled it up in pamphlet form, as “Travels in the Libertarian Labyrinth in the Year 2005.” As time allows, I will work my way through at least the next couple of years’ worth of material. 
For those who weren’t reading the blog back in those days, it’s a chance to see some of the first steps in my work on the history of mutualism, and the historical bits are interspersed with a series of posts on the process of doing research and how it was changing at a time when resources like Google Books were just making their appearance.
About Shawn P. Wilbur 2720 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.

1 Comment

  1. You’re right – this is a very daunting collection of blogs you have here.
    Looking at ‘best of’ collections may also help me with my struggle through more recent work, giving me more grounding (I’m finding ‘The Gift Economy of Property’ very hard going – I think I lack a lot of background).

    Is there any chance of an epub version of this? PDF’s aren’t really suited to ebook reading.

    I’m happy to do conversions if you have a non PDF version (and the same for other pamphlets).

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