Proudhon Seminar for 2010?

I’ve been thinking, off and on, about running the What is Property? seminar again this summer — and continuing it on past the First Memoir to some of the material that has been translated since the first seminar. The notion has become increasingly appealing in recent days, as I have found a number of places where it seems to me Tucker’s translations could be significantly improved upon.

So I’m curious — is there interest in wading into — or back into — Proudhon’s property writings, in a semi-formal setting? with a “textbook” edition of the writings, highlighting some of the significant issues? Having done the thing once, I would undoubtedly structure it differently, with a little more formal “syllabus” and such. I’m thinking that, even so, a free/donation basis, with print copies of the texts available through Corvus, would probably be workable. Let me know if you’re interested…

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2718 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.

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