Post-anarchism: Instead of an Essay


I see that the Postanarchist list has landed back at the old digs at Yahoogroups, since the demise of the Spoon Collective, and that founder/moderator Jason Adams is blogging at Immanent Multiplicity.

For those of you unfamiliar with postanarchism, it’s an attempt to bring together elements of poststructuralist philosophy with anarchism. Todd May’s Political Philosophy of Poststructuralist Anarchism marks one of the origins of postanarchism, although the term was coined by Saul Newman, author of From Bakunin to Lacan. The Institute for Anarchist Studies made space for a debate on the subject in 2003. Saul Newman contributed The Politics of Postanarchism, and Jesse Cohn and i rebutted with What’s Wrong With Postanarchism? My position has been – for a long time now – that there is a good deal in poststructuralist theory that might be used by anarchists. Unfortunately, the postanarchist movement has attached itself to an understanding of “classical anarchism” as presupposing some sort of naturally cooperative human essence – a position probably not all that well supported by the writings of those same “classical” anarchists.

The differences between “postanarchists” and other anarchists dabblers in poststructuralism (like myself) aside, the postanarchist list has been host to a lot of interesting discussion. You can check out the archives from the Spoon Collective period here, and the rest are linked to the group home page. And here’s a scattered collection of my posts from the early days of that list that still might be worth a look (or not):

Browse at your own risk. . .

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About Shawn P. Wilbur 2715 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.