“Ireland!” A serialized novel from Tucker’s “Liberty”


I’ve finally posted the complete text of Georges Sauton’s novel, Ireland! Translated from the French by Sarah E. Holmes, it originally appeared serially in Liberty, but has not, as far as I can tell, been collected. It was one of the longest-running features in the paper, which often had several serials in progress, beginning November 14, 1885 and not ending until March 10, 1888. It is a rather typical political novel in the feuilleton style, with lots of characters and complications, and a substantial body count. Set during the Irish Rebellion of 1798, its English oppressors couldn’t be more corrupt and brutal, and its United Irishman couldn’t be more proud and doomed. It’s a nice example of the type, and Holmes’ translation is quite readable.

I’ve also recently posted the full text of Sidney H. Morse’s “The Senator and the Editor,” another, considerably shorter story serialized in Liberty. Like Morse’s “Liberty and Wealth” (which ran in Liberty and seems to feature an alternate reality in which Josiah Warren’s ideas dominated at New Harmony) and “Ethics of the Homestead Strike” (a serial from The Conservator), it plays some interesting games with current events.

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2722 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.