Corvus Editions, the First 150 (+)

The Corvus Editions catalog passed the 150-title mark sometime over the weekend. Here’s the current list:

  1. LeftLiberty 1: The Unfinished Business of Liberty
  2. LeftLiberty 2: The Gift Economy of Property
  3. Mutualist 1: Two-Gun Mutualism and the Golden Rule
  4. The High Tide of Mutualism
  5. Songbird 1: Whisper Song of the Catbird
  6. Shawn P. Wilbur, Futurist Synthesis
  7. Shawn P. Wilbur, Dromologies/Pornologies
  8. Shawn P. Wilbur, What Means this Art Strike?
  9. Henry Addis, Essays on the Social Problem
  10. Stephen Pearl Andrews, Revisal of Kant’s Categories
  11. E. Armand, Mini-Manual of the Individualist Anarchist
  12. Louisa Sarah Bevington, An Anarchist Manifesto
  13. Ernest Howard Crosby, Golden Rules Jones, Mayor of Toledo
  14. De Cleyre, A Study of the General Strike in Philadelphia
  15. Voltairine de Cleyre, Essential Writings
  16. Jay Fox, What’s to be Done?
  17. Clement Milton Hammond, The Prolongation of Human Life
  18. Moses Harman, A Free Lover’s Creed
  19. Elbert Hubbard, I Am an Anarkist
  20. 2012S—Elbert Hubbard, I Am an Anarkist
  21. J. K. Ingalls, Books: Their Sphere and Influence—
  22. J. K. Ingalls, Woman’s Industrial Subjection
  23. J. K. Ingalls, On Rights
  24. J. K. Ingalls, The Exodus of Labor
  25. Samuel Jones, A Plea for Simpler Living
  26. Eliphalet Kimball, Anarchy is a Good Word
  27. Dyer D. Lum, The Basis of Morals
  28. Dyer D. Lum, Labor’s Attitude to Non-Unionists
  29. Dyer D. Lum, A Journalist’s Confession
  30. Errico Malatesta, A Little Theory
  31. The Rebel (complete run)
  32. P.-J. Proudhon, The Malthusians
  33. P.-J. Proudhon, The State
  34. P.-J. Proudhon, Toast to the Revolution
  35. Tucker, et al, Some Socialist and Anarchist Views of Education
  36. William M. van der Weyde, Thomas Paine’s Anarchism
  37. Edwin C. Walker, Liberty vs. Assassination
  38. Ross Winn, The Archic
  39. Wallace E. Nevill, God and Government
  40. W. H. van Ornum, Mating or Marrying, Which?
  41. J. A. Langlois, P. J. Proudhon: His Life and Work
  42. Han Ryner, Mini-Manual of Individualism
  43. Morrison I. Swift, A League of Justice
  44. Herman Kuehn, The Problem of Worry
  45. John Badcock, Jr., Slaves to Duty
  46. James L. Walker, Philosophy of Egoism
  47. Charles Malato, Some Anarchist Portraits
  48. Ezra Heywood and E. Wright, Family Bank
  49. Peter Kropotkin, Anarchism
  50. Dyer D. Lum, The Economics of Anarchy
  51. Elbert Hubbard, Max Stirner
  52. Bevington, Common-Sense Country
  53. J. B. Robinson, What is the Use of a Building Law?
  54. Henry Olerich, What the American Civil War Has Not Done
  55. Victor Yarros, Count Leo Tolstoi, Christian Anarchist
  56. Alfred Westrup, Sex Slavery
  57. Alfred Westrup, Money, Cooperative Banking and Exchange
  58. J. D. Miller, Bolton Hall: The Man and His Books
  59. Hugh O. Pentecost, The Tap-Root of Industrial Discontent
  60. S. P. Andrews, Constitutions and Organic Bases of the Pantarchy and New Catholic Church
  61. Dyer D. Lum on Anarchy
  62. Warren Edwin Brokaw, The Only Unpardonable Sin
  63. William Goodell, Come-Outerism
  64. Adin Ballou, Non-Resistance in Relation to Human Gov’t
  65. Sidney Hook, The Philosophy of Non-Resistance
  66. Charles Whipple, Non-Resistance Principle
  67. Mr. Anything, the “Anarchist”
  68. The Medical Treatment of Anarchism
  69. Joseph Conrad, An Anarchist
  70. The Break-up of the Soho Anarchist League
  71. Susan Glaspell, The Anarchist: His Dog
  72. P.-J. Proudhon, The Philosophy of Progress
  73. P.-J. Proudhon, Justice in the Revolution and in the Church, I—Program
  74. William B. Greene, Equality
  75. William B. Greene, Mutual Banking (1850)
  76. TWilliam B. Greene, he Doctrine of Life (Theological Writings, Vol. 1)
  77. Clement M. Hammond, Then and Now
  78. Ernest Lesigne, Six Socialistic Letters
  79. Victor Yarros, Tchernychewsky’s Life and Trial
  80. P.-J. Proudhon, Galileo
  81. J. K. Ingalls, Henry George Examined
  82. Dyer D. Lum, Eighteen Christian Centuries
  83. Michael Bakunin, The Political Theology of Mazzini
  84. Sophie Kropotkin, The Wife of Number 4,237
  85. Stephen Pearl Andrews, The Labor Dollar
  86. William J. Potter, The Two Traditions
  87. Morse, So the Railway Kings Itch for an Empire…?
  88. Elie Reclus, Female Kinship and Maternal Filiation
  89. Lysander Spooner, The Law of Prices
  90. J. K. Ingalls, Work and Wealth
  91. Henry Edger, Prostitution and the International Woman’s League
  92. E. Dietzgen, Joseph Dietzgen and Proletarian Method
  93. Desage and Desmoulins, The Doctrine of Humanity—Aphorisms
  94. Louis Pierre Leroux, Pierre Leroux’s Doctrine of Humanity
  95. Orestes Brownson, Pierre Leroux and the Doctrine of Humanity
  96. Pierre Leroux, Individualism and Socialism
  97. A Proletarian, Nationalities Considered…
  98. Bellegarrigue, To the Point! To Action!!
  99. Joseph Dejacque, Down with the Bosses!
  100. Sidney H. Morse, Liberty and Wealth
  101. Josiah Warren, Brief Outline of Equitable Commerce
  102. William Pare, Equitable Villages in America
  103. Calvin Blanchard, Hell on Earth!
  104. Calvin Blanchard, A Crisis Chapter on Government
  105. Calvin Blanchard, My Undertaking and Its Auspices
  106. Henry Edger, Modern Times, the Labor Question and the Family
  107. Victor Considerant, The Ideal of a Perfect Society
  108. Milo Hastings, Roadtown: a Mecca for Physical Culturists
  109. Leavitt and Lloyd, “Anti-Malthus” and “A Vision of the Future:”
  110. The “Symmesonian” Letters, Cincinnati, 1824
  111. P. Q. Tangent, The New Columbia, or, the Re-United States
  112. Mathieu Briancourt, The Organization of Labor and Association
  113. Orestes Brownson, On Briancourt
  114. Paul Brown, Twelve Months in New Harmony
  115. John Symmes’s Theory of Concentric Spheres
  116. Paul Emile de Puydt, Panarchy
  117. Samuel Hartlib, An Essay on Master W. Potter’s Designe
  118. Severals related to the Fund
  119. Model for Erecting a Bank of Credit
  120. Some Worcester Matters (excerpt)
  121. Richard Fry, A Scheme for a Paper Currency
  122. Lizzie Holmes, Scabs
  123. Arnold Roller, The Social General Strike
  124. Walker C. Smith, Was it Murder?
  125. Ralph Chaplin, The Centralia Conspiracy
  126. The “Knights of Liberty” Mob and the Tulsa IWW Prisoners
  127. Arturo Giovanitti, Syndicalism: the Creed of Force
  128. Thorstein Veblen, On the Nature and Uses of Sabotage
  129. Emma Goldman, Syndicalism
  130. Emile Pouget, Syndicalism in France
  131. Edward Carpenter, Exfoliation
  132. Edward Carpenter, Non-Governmental Society
  133. Edward Carpenter, Sex-Love and its Place in a Free Society
  134. Edward Carpenter, An Unknown People
  135. Ernest Crosby, Edward Carpenter: Poet and Prophet
  136. Leonard Abbott, Edward Carpenter and His Message
  137. Orestes Brownson, The Mediatorial Life of Jesus
  138. William Henry Channing, Call of the Present
  139. Bolton Hall and Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emerson the Anarchist
  140. Caroline Dall, Margaret and Her Friends
  141. William Benbow, Grand National Holiday
  142. William Benbow and Origins of General Strike
  143. Thomas Spence, The Real Rights of Man
  144. Etienne de la Boetie, Slaves by Choice
  145. Gustave de Molinari, On the Production of Security
  146. Thomas Hodgskin, Labor Defended against the Claims of Capital
  147. Esther Lowenthal, The Ricardian Socialists
  148. William Manning, The Key of Libberty
  149. Andrew MacFarland Davis, Shays Rebellion a Political Aftermath
  150. J. F. Bray—God and Man a Unity
  151. F de Lamennais, The People’s Own Book
  152. Catalog 2
  153. Paul Adam, Eulogy for Ravachol
  154. Bolton Hall, What Tolstoi Taught
  155. Bolton Hall, Cutting the Roots of Congestion
  156. Bolton Hall, The Land and the Mind
About Shawn P. Wilbur 2715 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.


  1. Have you considered selling that as a special package, box and all? Can you make more?

  2. It’s actually something I’ve seriously considered, though my thought has been to start with some smaller assortments. The box itself probably has 20 bucks worth of materials in it — and the one in the picture isn’t quite big enough (although it fits in my luggage perfectly.) Wholesale price on one-of-everything probably runs somewhere in the $250+. I’ll work up the numbers when I get home, I guess…

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