- Mutualism Revisited
- Note on Contr’archy and Guarantism
- The Third Gift
- Practicing the Encounter: Appropriation (and Ecology)
- Proudhon on “libertarians” in 1858
- Proudhon manuscripts online
- By Deed
- More Proudhon manucripts online
- Joseph Déjacque’s style
- Six years (so far) in the making
- Joseph Déjacque, “The Humanisphere: Anarchic Utopia” (1858)
- Translation priorities poll
- On Proudhon’s income tax proposal
- An obscure Proudhon volume
- Flora Tristan, “The Modern Utopians” (1846)
- A Million Words
- History and Possibility
- Scraping some rust off the “two guns” of mutualism
- The Challenge in Proudhon’s Thought
- Proudhon’s thought as a potentially transformative force within contemporary anarchism
- A Million Words (Day 73)
- There and Back Again
- A Million Words (Day 93)
- Mapping Mutualism
- A Million Words: Day 115
- Return of the Proudhon Seminar
- Proudhon on the Criterion of Certainty (1841-1858)
- More anarchist archives online
- Pruning the Rhizome (review of “Disruptive Elements”)
- Exploring perspectives, inventing accomplices
- The Rise and Progress of the Great Atercratic Revolution
- Characters
- Flora Tristan, Messiah and Pariah
- The Fundamental Laws of the Universe(!) and the Anarchism of Approximation
- Note on the disposition of products and the role of principles
- Advice for Travelers on the Trail of the Anarchic Encounter
- Moving forward with “The Theory of Property”
- Meta-ethics of reciprocity
- Who is the Contr’un?
- The Character and Scope of the Mutualist Market
- May 31, 1874
- What if?
- Avengers who never assemble
- The Capitalist, the Prince, the Père de famille, and the alternative
- Un Etat, c’est moi
- Note on the intitiation into justice
- In Search of the Justicier
- Another look at Proudhon (and an invitation to experiment)
- Reading “The Third Social Form” — I
- Anarchy, Understood in All its Senses—II