Archive upgrades, VI

Some days the archive work seems to go very slowly, despite the fact that I’m spending 40+ hours each week now doing very little but research, data entry, COinS generation and other tasks directly related to getting the Labyrinth archive straightened out and hammered into a more usable shape. And, ultimately, that’s coming along well enough that I can probably turn most of my attention towards the now-looming Benjamin R. Tucker archive project, and start puttering away at translations again. So here’s your archive update:

Max Baginski, “Without Government,” Mother Earth 1, no. 1 (March 1906): 20-26.
B. W. Ball, “To Benedict Spinosa,” The Radical Review 1, no. 1 (May 1877): 24.
I. G. Blanchard, “The Warfare,” The Radical Review 1, no. 3 (November 1877): 522.
Steven T. Byington, “Martin and Bee-Martin Very Different,” Gleanings in Bee Culture 44, no. 21 (November 1, 1916): 1038.
Steven T. Byington, “Non-Resistance; and Did Jesus Mean to Say that We Should Not Protect Ourselves as a People and as a Nation?,” Gleanings in Bee Culture 44, no. 5 (March 1, 1916): 213.
Steven T. Byington, “The Super-Spring Fixes It,” Gleanings in Bee Culture 44, no. 12 (June 15, 1916): 499.
William Henry Channing, “The State Agricultural Fair,” The Present 1, no. 2 (October 15, 1843): 68-70.
François Coignet, “The Ways and Means of Free Exchange and Credit.,” The Spirit of the Age 1, no. 6 (August 11, 1849): 81-82.
Voltairine de Cleyre, “To Strive and Fail,” Mother Earth 3, no. 9 (November 1908): 360-363.
Jean Deroin, “Woman—Her Position and Duties,” The Spirit of the Age 1, no. 2 (July 14, 1849): 27-28.
Jean Deroin, “Woman—Her Position and Duties,” The Spirit of the Age 1, no. 4 (July 28, 1849): 59.
Editor, “To Correspondents,” The Boston Investigator 19, no. 11 (July 18, 1849): 3.
Emily E. Ford, “To a Man about Town,” The Radical Review 1, no. 4 (February 1878): 688-689.
Jay Fox, “Trade Unionism and Anarchism,” Mother Earth 2, no. 9 (November 1907): 395-405.
Emma Goldman, “The Woman Suffrage Chameleon,” Mother Earth 12, no. 3 (May 1917): 78-80.
Covington Hall, “Why I am a Socialist,” The International Socialist Review 5, no. 6 (December 1904): 347.
Joshua King Ingalls, “Tolstoi on Henry George and Single Tax,” The Twentieth Century 20, no. 11 (March 12, 1898): 9-12.
Joshua King Ingalls, “Woman’s Industrial Subjection.—No. 1.—Its Origin,” The Woman’s Tribune ??, no. ?? (February 23, 1889): 82-??.
Joshua King Ingalls, “Woman’s Industrial Subjection.—No. 2.—Its Gradual Development Under Governments of Force,” The Woman’s Tribune ??, no. ?? (March 23, 1889): 114-115.
Joshua King Ingalls, “Woman’s Industrial Subjection.—No. 3.—In Relation to Land Ownership,” The Woman’s Tribune ??, no. ?? (April 20, 1889): 147.
Joshua King Ingalls, “Woman’s Industrial Subjection.—No. 4.—In Exchanges of Labor and its Product,” The Woman’s Tribune ??, no. ?? (May 18, 1889): 174.
Joshua King Ingalls, “Work and Wealth,” The Radical Review 1, no. 4 (February 1878): 650-660.
C. L. James, “The Subliminal Self,” Popular Science News 32, no. 12 (December 1898): 280.
Samuel Johnson, “Transcendentalism,” The Radical Review 1, no. 3 (November 1877): 447-478.
Peter Kropotkin, “The Sterilization of the Unfit,” Mother Earth 7, no. 10 (December 1912): 354-357.
[Announcement of ‘The Wife of Number 4,237’], Liberty 3, no. 24 (February 20, 1886): 4.
Sophie Kropotkin, “The Wife of Number 4,237,” Liberty 3, no. 25 (March 6, 1886): 2-3.
Sophie Kropotkin, “The Wife of Number 4,237,” Liberty 3, no. 26 (March 27, 1886): 7.
Sophie Kropotkin, “The Wife of Number 4,237,” Liberty 4, no. 1 (April 17, 1886): 2-3.
Sophie Kropotkin, “The Wife of Number 4,237,” Liberty 4, no. 2 (May 1, 1886): 7.
Sophie Kropotkin, “The Wife of Number 4,237,” Liberty 4, no. 3 (May 22, 1886): 3.
Marx Edgeworth Lazarus, “To the Radical Review,” Liberty 2, no. 44 (June 14, 1884): 8.
Marx Edgeworth Lazarus, “Too Much Devotion,” Liberty 4, no. 5 (July 3, 1886): 7.
sJ. William Lloyd, “The World’s Future—A Prophecy,” The Phrenological Journal and Science of Health 75, no. 4 (October 1882): 180-183.
Edwin Markham, “To Louise Michel,” The Man with the Hoe (New York: Doubleday and McClure, 1899): 65.
Lewis Masquerier, “To Robert Owen,” The Crisis, and National Co-Operative Trades’ Union Gazette 4, no. 13 (July 5, 1834): 99-100.
“[Response]” The Crisis, and National Co-Operative Trades’ Union Gazette 4, no. 15 (July 19, 1834): 118.
Hugh O. Pentecost, “The Crime of Capital Punishment,” The Arena 1, no. 2 (January 1890): 175-183.
Hugh O. Pentecost, “The Tap-Root of Industrial Discontent,” Engineering Magazine 1, no. 4 (July 1891): 498-504.
John Beverley Robinson, “What is the Use of a Building Law?,” Engineering Magazine 1, no. 5 (August 1891): 656-662.
Benjamin R. Tucker, “The State Its Own Outlaw,” Liberty 1, no. 16 (March 4, 1882): 2.
John Turner, “The Struggle in England,” The Rebel 1, no. 1 (September 20, 1895): 6.
William Henry Van Ornum, “The Study and Needs of Sociology,” The Arena 24, no. 3 (September 1900): 328-336.
“An Investigator” [Josiah Warren?], “The ‘Rappings’,” The Boston Investigator 20, no. 51 (April 23, 1851): 1.
Josiah Warren, “To the Friends of the Equal Exchange of Labor in the West,” The Free Enquirer 23, no. 38 (July 17, 1830): 301-302.
Josiah Warren, “Written on Hearing of the Death of Camilla Wright,” The Free Enquirer 5, no. 18 (February 23, 1833): 144.
David A. Wasson, “Theodore Parker as Religious Reformer,” The Radical Review 1, no. 1 (May 1877): 46-73.
J. W, “The Word is the Ark,” The Spirit of the Age 1, no. 17 (October 27, 1849): 267-268.
“The Stores of Protective Unions and Workingmen,” Merchants’ Magazine and Commercial Review 35, no. 1 (July 1856): 133-134.
“To Correspondents,” The Boston Investigator 20, no. 48 (April 2, 1851): 3.
William Henry Channing, “Victor Considerant,” The Spirit of the Age 1, no. 6 (August 11, 1949): 89-90.
Bjorkman Maulk Frances, “Vive le Roi,” Mother Earth 1, no. 1 (March 1906): 27.
Emma Goldman, “Victims of Morality,” Mother Earth 8, no. 1 (March 1913): 19-24.
Joshua King Ingalls, “Uprightness the Only Path to Safety,” Univercoelum and Spiritual Philosopher 3, no. 13 (February 24, 1849): 193-195.
Marx Edgeworth Lazarus, “True Principles of Emancipation,” The Dial 1, no. 4 (April 1860): 219-228.
Pierre Leroux and W. C. R. (translator), “Universal Regeneration,” The Present 1, no. 7-8 (January 15, 1844): 237-242.
Dyer D. Lum, “Wendell Phillips’s Grave,” Liberty 3, no. 11 (June 20, 1885): 1.
Joseph B. Marvin, “Walt Whitman,” The Radical Review 1, no. 2 (August 1877): 224-259.
Grace Potter, “Try Love,” Mother Earth 1, no. 1 (March 1906): 18-19.
James L. Walker, “Truth and Belief,” Liberty 4, no. 17 (March 12, 1887): 7.
Charles Erskine Scott Wood, “Transmutation of Virtues into Vices,” The Pacific Monthly 20, no. 4 (October 1908): 454-455.
Charles Erskine Scott Wood, “Transmutation of Virtues into Vices,” Journal of the Switchmen’s Union 11, no. 2 (December 1908): 911-913.
“Was Proudhon a Hypocrite?,” Liberty 5, no. 22 (June 9, 1888): 7.


About Shawn P. Wilbur 2715 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.