“My dear Grand Papa” (1824)
My dear Grand Papa. I congratulate you on your big day. I wish you great joy, and to pass this day very happily. I promised you to always do better and better, and I make […]
My dear Grand Papa. I congratulate you on your big day. I wish you great joy, and to pass this day very happily. I promised you to always do better and better, and I make […]
[Letter to Zamfir Arbore (Zamfir Ralli), September 1873, Locarno, Switzerland.] My friend Ralli, So you are already informed about the Congress of Geneva, the decision has been taken to remove the General Council. Three propositions […]
Letter to Pierre-Joseph Proudhon ___ Köthen, December 12, 1848 Citizen, I do not know if you will remember me; as for me, in my long peregrinations across Germany and in the Slavic countries, I have […]
[Max Nettlau pointed to this letter as the first evidence of anarchist leanings in Bakunin’s writings.] [Early August, 1848] To Citizen George Herwegh. Paris. [Rue St. Augustins] 40 9 [r. sur Cirque]# To George My […]
[Parts of this letter have appeared in a variety of places, including James Guillaume’s history of the International, and a comrade was curious to see the rest of the text. Bakunin’s use of the term […]
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