Contr’un Revisited

Contr’un Revisited
“Contr’un Revisited” is a collection of material from the “Contr’un” blog (and several other sources), annotated and intended as an introduction to the anarchist theory that has developed here over the last decade. […]

Occupancy-and-Use: Neo-Proudhonian Remarks
This post originally appeared at the Center for a Stateless Society, as part of an exchange on occupancy-and-use property. Those familiar with the rest of my work will recognize the proposal for “mutual extrication” as […]

Anarchy and its Uses
Contr’un Revisited: What is anarchy good for? I will admit that I have been prone at times to think of anarchy as good for all purposes, at least as an antidote to the pervasive influence […]

The Stirner Question
[two_third padding=”0 0px 0 0px”] Each of the earliest pioneers of the anarchist tradition asked, I think, a question or three that still very much pertain to the problems of 21st-century life. They’re not always […]

Anarchy and Anarchism, Insides and Outsides
“Dad blame anything a man can’t quit.”—Roger Miller Make a more or less angry break with the anarchist milieu. Settle down to write a book about anarchism. It might all seem a bit bizarre […]

Moving forward with “The Theory of Property”
[ezcol_1third] Contr’un Revisited: [commentary coming soon] [/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end] I’ve been spending some quality time with the manuscript of Proudhon’s The Theory of Property, now that it is available through the Ville de Besançon site, and […]

Practicing the Encounter: Appropriation (and Ecology)
Let’s get a little practice with all the tools we’ve been assembling. And, to do so, let’s stick, for the moment, with the question of property. It’s been one of my more or less […]

Encounters and Transactions
I expect that for many of the readers of this blog, the most significant of the dangling questions is the one opened in the post on “Anarchy, understood in all its senses.” I’m surprised […]

The Anarchic Encounter: Economic and/or Erotic?
Related links: “Summary Notions” (August 28, 2013) “The Anatomy of the Encounter” (September 7, 2013) Contr’un #3 [pdf] It seemed appropriate to break off the previous post mid-encounter, if you will, in order to highlight […]