Working Translations

“Protest of the Mutuellistes” (1834)

The Society of the Mutuellistes of Lyon, placed by the mere fact of their will outside the political circle, thought they should fear not aggression on the part of the men in power, when the law against the associations came to reveal their error to them; that monstrous law, a work of the most savage vandalism, violating the most sacred rights, orders the members of that society to break the links that unite them and separate! The Mutuellistes have had to investigate and deliberate. […]

From the Archives

J. Wm. Lloyd, et al., “The Whisper Song of the Catbird” (1911)

September 14, 1908.—Yesterday, while a visitor was mending his automobile down near the woodpile, I noticed the low singing of a bird, apparently very close and behind me, in some tall weeds between the grape-vines and the woodpile. Today I heard it again, and thought it a Catbird’s voice. After repeated trials, I at last located the singer. He was a Catbird, not over four or five feet from me, sitting trustfully on a stick among the weeds, quite unconcerned, and singing in such a low, fine voice that I could only just hear him. […]


Anarchism as a Fundamentally Unfinished Project

My argument about the anarchist tradition, in its most modest form, is that there is nothing about the history of variously “anarchist” ideas—particularly when the tale begins in 1840 or before—that precludes a real, future convergence toward an anarchism that both focuses on anarchy (in its strongest senses) and provides a vehicle for the sort of social reforms that have most often been promoted in the name of “anarchism.” […]

Emperor Norton Project

Emperor Norton Project

Proclamations for 1859 Proclamations for 1860 Proclamations for 1861 Proclamations for 1862 Proclamations for 1863 Proclamations for 1864 Proclamations for 1865 Proclamations for 1866 Proclamations for 1867 Proclamations for 1868 Proclamations for 1869 Proclamations for […]