Sébastien Faure
anarchist synthesis

On the Subject of the Anarchist Synthesis (1929)

You have sent me The Anarchist Synthesis, by Sébastien Faure, dated February 20, 1928, and I am sure that you will republish this remarkable document or at least that you will make its contents known to your readers. On that conditions, allow me to put forward some remarks on this subject, which is certainly of a capital interest for the anarchist movement in all nations. […]

Featured articles

E. Armand, “Plan for an Epitaph” (1923)

f someone asked me what inscription I should like to see appear on my grave marker—if ever the luxury of resting in a tomb was given to me—I would first respond that I desire to sleep my last sleep in the nearest hole in the ground. If my friends insisted, this is the epitaph that I would be pleased to have them place on the slab recalling my memory: He lived. He gave of himself. He died unsatisfied. […]

Anselme Bellegarrigue

Anselme Bellegarrigue

Joseph Noulens, “A Gascon, Minister plenipotentiary of the Republic of San-Salvador at Paris” (1862) Bellegarrigue’s “To the Point! To Action!!” and “Le Commanditaire” Notes on “Le Commanditaire” (1856) Notes on the Mutualité immobilière et territoriale […]

Ernest Cœurderoy
Ernest Cœurderoy

Hurrah!!! for Ernest Cœurderoy

[one_third padding=”0 10px 0 0px”] COMMENTARY AND LINKS: Max Nettlau, “Biographical Notice of Ernest Coeurderoy” (in progress) “La Barrière du Combat“ “Pruning the Rhizone” [Review of “Disruptive Elements”] Tag feed [/one_third][two_third_last padding=”0 0px 0 10px”] […]

Ernest Cœurderoy
Working Translations

Ernest Cœurderoy, Letter on the amnesty of August 1859

I declare that I have never accepted the amnesty that affects me. The motives for my resolution of the sort that every man with a heart will understand, and that it would be too long to outline in a journal. I reserve, moreover, the option of making them known when the time seems more opportune to me, and in the form that I judge best. […]