Utopian and Scientific

Charles Fourier, “Cosmogony”

[one_third padding=”0 10px 0 0px”][/one_third][two_third_last padding=”0 0px 0 10px”] COSMOGONY. FROM A MANUSCRIPT OF FOURIER. Translated for the Harbinger. —— PREAMBLE. Having reached this twenty-first section, I feel the same temptation which Montesquieu did at […]

Anarchist Beginnings

Not just for pear-growers anymore

The anarcho-Fourierist renaissance continues. In “The Lesson of the Pear Growers’ Series,” I had suggested that there might still be some lessons to be learned from Charles Fourier’s approach to questions of individual passion, competition, […]


The Lesson of the Pear Growers’ Series

The Lesson of the Pear Growers’ Series (Commentary) Given the reputation of “classical” anarchists these days, it might be too much to ask anarchists to consider the lessons of those “utopian” socialists who came before. […]