
The Third Gift

One of the consequences of adopting this model of the encounter as a key tool is that we are confronted more directly with the ways in which Proudhon’s sociology complicates oppositions like that between individualism […]


Mutualism Revisited

[one_third padding=”0 10px 0 0px”] Contr’un Revisited: [Commentary coming soon] [/one_third][two_third_last padding=”0 0px 0 10px”] Six months ago, I announced, after a lot of soul-searching, that I was going to abandon “mutualism” as a description […]


Summary notions

  With the first two issues of the Contr’un zine now available, I feel like perhaps I’ve reached the end of a necessary, but awkward transitional phase. Before moving forward, let me underline and elaborate […]