
Rambles in the Fields — 2022 Calendar

I’ve published the first of what will probably be three calendars for 2022, available through the print-on-demand site Lulu. The images in “Rambles in the Fields” may be familiar, since several of them served as feature images during the first run of “Rambles in the Fields of Anarchist Individualism.” All are products of my daily walks, which are themselves an integral part of my work routine, particularly as the pandemic drags on. […]


l’en dehors (1926)

Selected bibliography: L’en dehors, “A ceux qui nous aiment,” L’En dehors 5 no. 73bis (Janvier-Février 1926): 1. L’en dehors, “Pour justifier notre retard,” L’En dehors 5 no. 74-75 (15 Mars 1926): 1. Guepp, “Lamentations—Désire (à […]


Le Semeur (1923-1936)

Selected bibliography: Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers, “Critique des mœurs : L’énergie dispersée,” Le Semeur de Normandie, préparatoire no. (Juin 1923): 3. Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers, “Pensées Libres,” Le Semeur de Normandie, no. 1 (15 Octobre 1923): 2. […]

Featured articles

Emile Henry — Trial Declaration

Art is an important, but not always emphasized part of the Libertarian Labyrinth project—and has been since the beginning. In the Galleries you can find images from versions of the archive doing back to some of its earliest forms. In the current version of the collection, the digital collages serve as a place to share bits of the fruits of research, beyond the realm of texts and translations, but also as glimpses of the “lost continent” of the anarchist past as it appears to me. […]

Featured articles

Constructing Anarchisms: Definitions, Pluralism, Anarchy

One of the ideas driving Constructing Anarchisms has been the notion that “anarchy” and “anarchism” mark problems that it is necessary to return to again and again, that “becoming an anarchist” is an ongoing and arguably interminable project. And, while that idea may not be exactly popular in anarchist circles, it is undoubtedly connected to the widely-shared intuition that we must allow anarchist theory and practice to retain some significant degree of pluralism. We certainly expect anarchy to manifest itself in a variety of ways, to be amenable to discussion in a variety of vocabularies, to be approachable from a variety of contexts, etc.—and we seem to share a sense that denying some similarly protean qualities to anarchist theory and practice would be some kind of fundamental betrayal of our anarchic ideals. Critiques of “absolutism”—specifically connecting anarchism and anti-absolutism—are surprisingly common lately in online debate.  […]


l’en dehors (1932)

Selected bibliography: “Les après-midi de l’en dehors,” L’en dehors 11 no. 222-223 (15 Janvier 1932): i. E. A., “Parmi ce qui se publie : Louis Estève : Le Nudisme, vertige érotico-mystique,” L’en dehors 11 no. […]


l’en dehors (1933)

Selected bibliography “Les après-midis de « l’en dehors »,” L’en dehors 12 no. 246-247 (mi-Janvier 1933): i. E. A., “Parmi ce qui se publie : Georges Duhamel : Tel qu’en lui-même,” L’en dehors 12 no. […]