
A Contr’un Glossary

[one_third padding=”0 10px 0 10px”] Glossary entries: [/one_third][two_third_last padding=”0 10px 0 10px”] In the course of developing the ideas that I’m now in the process of summarizing on the Contr’un blog, I have at times […]

Working Translations

Fernand Planche, “To Be Anarchist” (1934)

To be anarchist is above all to be good; it is to think, to dream, to discuss without sectarianism.

It is to hate everything that causes suffering, tears, death.

It is to understand and explain things clearly, simply, without fear of the consequences, and also without hope of a profit.

It is to reject everything that is ugly, petty, inhuman, servile and submissive. […]